2 Is this a private practice or corporate owned facility? We have discussed the differences to some degree earlier in this report, but to reiterate, there is a TREMENDOUS difference in the focus and goals of a company that is owned by a large, publicly-traded corporation and a privately owned healthcare facility. Consider this… are the corporate executives more concerned about you as a patient, or their bottom line profit and keeping their stock-holders happy? In order to do this, the company has to be more profitable each and every year. Now, do the math… Insurance companies pay less for the same therapy services nearly every year. How does a corporate run company continue to demand increased profits each and every year for their executives and share holders? – You got it: Increased productivity requirements from all the physical therapists which means less time with each patient and a disconnect of caring from health”care” with therapist who feel pressured to simply scramble to attain the lofty and often unattainable productivity requirements. This is exactly why Synergy came into existence. I saw this corporate mentality and decline of patient care in two different private clinics where I was Director and a hospital where I was Director and could not sleep well at night providing that kind of care to patients I truly cared about. I initially had no desire to open a PT clinic, but did so out of a need to find a place where I felt patients could truly be cared for, and therapists could develop relationships that could change lives. That is the Synergy mission and we are blessed to be able to do this every day.
www.synergyrehabandwellness.com 540-416-0530
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