Policy - Gender pay gap white paper


The CIPP would like to thank all those who responded as this enables greater understanding of the effect gender has on statutory leave.

The survey was distributed to the UK payroll community through the CIPP’s News Online enewsletter , standalone marketing emails and through social media. The survey received 75 responses, and of those, just under half provided all the information needed to explore if there is a gender gap in who takes statutory leave. The 34 respondents who did provide the detail required for this research were responsible for paying a total of 20,827 workers. Approach With the low take-up of shared parental leave and the government’s current focus on raising awareness of SPL, particularly amongst fathers, this report seeks to understand if there is a gender bias amongst UK workers as to who takes statutory leave of any kind, not just SPL.

The survey asked respondents how many workers they had, and of those how many were male and how many female. The survey then asked how many employees, of each gender, took statutory leave.


Gender of employees covered by this report The workforce was relatively evenly split by gender with 10,826 males and 10,001 females.



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