- The parking lot is a NO CELL PHONE ZONE. Please do not use cell phones at any time in the parking lot. Cell phone usage is not allowed in the school parking lot or in the carpool line when dropping off or picking up your child. - Do not park in fire lanes or park your car in a “handicapped” designated parking space without the proper permit. - During carpool, please do not congregate in front of the crosswalk area or in the area where the children are exiting from the school – as the line moves forward, pull your car forward. - Do not leave your vehicle in the carpool line or park your car in the fire lane, when leaving your car for any reason. - Please have your child ready to exit the car as soon as you pull up to the drop-off point. - If there is a special circumstance that requires a parent to occasionally pick up a child early from school, the parent must sign the child out at the Main Greeter’s desk. - The office MUST BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING if someone other than those listed on the carpool form is picking up your child. This person must present valid identification upon request. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the teachers and carpool drivers of any changes (illness, early pick-up, going with a friend, etc…) prior to 3:00 PM. No student is allowed to go home with a different carpool without parent permission.
HEALTH Parenting for your Child’s Success - Start your child’s day on a positive note. Provide a nourishing breakfast and a stress-free morning. - Establish a set bedtime for school nights. Children are at their best when they have had a restful sleep. - Don’t over-schedule after-school activities. Allow your child ample time to relax, do homework,
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