Parent handbook 2020.2021

KASHRUT AND FOOD RESTRICITIONS ON-CAMPUS Kashrut , or the Jewish dietary laws, is one of pillars of Jewish practice and life. Kashrut is one of the most significant ways of making our behaviors kodesh – holy. Judaism teaches us that nature and our basic drives are neither holy nor unholy, but they are waiting to be holy, and by our thought, intention, and ability to distinguish morality we can make all of our acts holy – even the way we eat. While we completely respect each of our family’s personal observance and spirituality at home, we maintain a standard of Kashrut that is inclusive of all families and is guided by the principles of the Conservative Movement. Personal Lunches and Snacks: 1) No Meat. In order to preserve our high standard of Kashrut with ease, we simply ask that any food brought from home contain no meat. 2) Restaurants. We cannot supervise restaurants. If you bring your child food from a restaurant, we ask that it be vegetarian and cold. Hot foods transfer kosher and non-kosher status according to Jewish law and are thus problematic. 3) No Lunch Sharing. For reasons of personal levels of kashrut observance, as well as allergies, no child is permitted to share his/her lunch with another. 4) Beware of By-Products - Potential Sources of Meat. Some products contain meat byproducts that are also unacceptable at school. Some of these are mono and di-glycerides, such as propylene glycol, stearates, and several artificial and “natural” flavorings, which are used in common foods. Potato chips are often flavored with such by-products, as well as chicken, beef, and pork fats. 5) Parents providing lunch or snacks for their child from home must follow Kashrut laws and understand that the school is not responsible for its nutritional value or for meeting the child’s daily food needs.

Kosher Symbols We recommend that you look for foods marked by symbols ( hechshers ) that certify the kashrut of the

product. Examples of kosher symbols are: Shared or Distributed Foods With regard to: a) Birthday Parties b) Pre-School Snacks c) Gifts of Food and Candy d) Any other time food is shared

Such food brought to school for distribution to students other than your own child must absolutely be certified as kosher. Furthermore, any food for birthday parties in the Lower and Middle School must be exclusively PAREVE, or certified kosher with no meat or dairy. In-School Celebrations Early Childhood Each child’s birthday is celebrated in the classroom with classmates. Children participate in the measuring, stirring and baking of a special cake for your child. In keeping with our policies of inclusion, all snacks brought in for birthday parties must adhere to the Early Childhood’s Kashrut and NUT-FREE policy. Please also check with your teachers about any allergies of other children in the class. All food served to a class/grade of students must have a hechsher (kosher certification). Food may be prepared on campus with prior approval but may not be prepared at home. All food must be nut/peanut-free.


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