Year in Review 2021

Staff attending the second Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Staff Network Day

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Staff Network Day The Northern Sydney Local Health District Aboriginal Health Service hosted its second Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Staff Network Day.

Staff at a cultural painting workshop

The network day was established as a priority for the district during the consultation of the NSLHD Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Services Plan 2017-2022 . Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workforce Manager Gillian Adidi said the day was a great success. “Several breakout sessions were facilitated during the day to engage the network and find out what NSLHD can do better to recruit, attract and retain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff,” she said. “We identified priorities and future

directions to focus on achieving each goal.” NSLHD Acting Chief Executive Dr Tamsin Waterhouse, NSLHD Board Member Brad Goodwin, and Wendy Bryan-Clothier from the NSWMinistry of Health Aboriginal Workforce Unit, attended the day and provided stories of their professional journeys and educational and career pathways. The day also involved a cultural painting workshop and smoking ceremony by Koomurri, an Aboriginal dance and cultural performance troupe.

Smoking ceremony by Koomurri



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