King's Business - 1910-05

backward, strike his head with a sick- ening sound against the projecting curb. " D e a d , " we thought. But one lifted him; he stood a moment, then reeled on as though he " f e l t it n o t . " 3. Seek it yet again. The worst physi- cal effect is that continuous adjustment of the nerve and brain molecules—the physical aspect of habit—whereby a man is literally in physical bondage to vice, from which a miracle only can loose him. There is but one wine to save and secure us all, and that the Blood of Jesus. LESSON VII. May 15, 1910. Growing Hatred of Jesus (Matt. 12: 22-42.) Golden Text: Matt. 12:30. OUTLINE. 1. Satan's Kingdom (22-30). 2. Sin Against the Holy Spirit (31-32). 3. The Significance of Words (33- 37). 4. The Sign of Jonas (38-42). The events immediately preceding this lesson include the anointing of Jesus in the house of Simon (Luke 7: 36-50). The opposition of thé Jewish leaders was intensified by His severe arraignment of their money-making in connection with the Temple service. He also associated with publieans and sinners; he introduced revolutionary teaching concerning the Sabbath, and the people flocked to hear Him. All of these things tended to widen the breach and increase the hatred of the Jews. SATAN'S KINGDOM. " If Satan casteth out Satan." A blind and dumb man who was demon possessed was brought. to the Lord and He healed him. The demon was cast out. He saw and he spake. A three-fold miracle and typical of the work wrought Upon sinners. Blind eyes are opened to behold the Lamb of God. Mouths are opened to speak and sing liis praises and the demons of doubt and unbelief and opposition to God are cast out. The Accusation of the Pharisees. The people queried, " I s not this the Son of David?"—the long looked for Messiah? Could the Messiah de more than this man has done? A question which no doubt was the herald of faith in some of them. The Pharisees who had come all the

way from Jerusalem (Mark 3:22), to find cause for His arrest, said, " H e hath Beelzebub," the ruler of the demons, or Baalzebal, lord of the man- sion, lord of the under-world. That is, they charged Him with working mira- cles by satanic power. The charge was equivalent to saying that the Lord was a devil (Jno. 7:20; 8:48; 10:20). The Argument of Christ. The Pharisees were not willing to acknowledge His power as Divine. In their hearts they no doubt were per- suaded that the Messiah was before them, but outwardly they repudiated Him (Jno. 3:19-20; 11:47-47). " H e knew their thoughts." He knew their wicked plans (Matt. 12:25; Luke 11: 17). He quietly reasoned with them. First, He showed the absurdity of the statement that He operated through Satan's power. Satan could not be divided against himself. No kingdom or house can stand factional strife. Satan is too wise for such procedure (Gal. 5:15). Second, their own sons or disciples claimed to cast out demons. Were they also in league with Satan? If they had said " y e s , " these exorcists would have risen up against them. Third, how could He cast them out un- less He was stronger than Satan? There was no answer to these three conclu- sive points and so He adds His testi- mony concerning the power of the Holy Spirit through whom He wrought the miracles and whose presence was a tes- timony that the King was in their midst. There are but two kingdoms: God's and Satan's, and these two are as di- * verse as light and darkness, heaven and hell. His victory over the demons is the seal to His Messiahship. The strength of Satan is broken by the stronger One who binds the god of this world, destroys his goods and spoils his kingdom (Isa. 49:24-25). Men are compelled to take sides in relation to the Lord. Neutrality is im- possible. Some men would like to carry water on both shoulders, but it cannot be done. Men are saved or lost; they belong to the Lord or belong to the devil; they are heaven or hell bound; for or against. Life consists of acts in whieh we either glorify or repu- diate the Son of God. THE SIN AGAINST THE HOLY GHOST. "Speaketh against the Holy Ghost." There has been much of mi Sunder-

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