King's Business - 1910-05

71 f u r t h er service; seventh, follow where He leads. PO I NTS PRACTICAL. Set the trend of the tide toward Him, by lifting Him up. The misery of the multitude is met with His mercy. A fast is good preparation for a feast. The millions of starving souls should move our deepest sympathies.

We must not be occupied with our sources but with His resources. Our little becomes larger when laid in His hands. The disciples would have sent them away empty, starving; the Lord filled them full. Fragments, if f a i t h f u l ly gathered, will go f a r toward filling the f a i nt and famishing.

Timely Topics. By T. C. HORTON

TEMPTATION. Following the subject of the tempter it is appropriate that we study the sub- ject of temptation, or testing. Our Lord was tempted and we are to share with Him in our earthly experience, like temptation. " T h e disciple is not above his M a s t e r" (Matt. 10:24), The Threefold Temptation. Temptation comes to us through the world, the flesh and the devil. We are born again (Jno. 1:13), and have a new nature, but we also have an old nature (Gal. 5:17). Through this old nature the temptations come. Satan deceived Eve through a threefold temptation. The lust of the flesh, " Go od for f o o d " ; the lust of the eye, " p l e a s a nt to the e y e " ; the pride of life, " t o be desired to make one w i s e " (Gen. 3:6). This forms the basis of all temptations. So Satan tempted Jesus. Turn stones into bread, lust of flesh; cast Himself from the pinnacle of the temple, lust of eye; accept the kingdoms of the world, pride of life (Matt. 4:3-8; Heb. 4:15). So John says all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eye and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world (1 Jno. 2:16). Purpose of Temptation. The Lord permits us to be tested in order to perfect our f a i th (Jas. 1:2-4). To insure us a rich reward (Jas. 1: 12). To prove us (Jno. 6:5-6); Temptations also permit us to prove the Lord—that He is f a i t h f ul (1 Cor. 10:13; 2 Thess. 3:3). P r a y er of the Tempted. Watch and pray (Matt. 26:41). Hold up my goings (Psa. 17.5). Deliver my feet from folly (Psa. 56- 13). Set a watch before my mouth (Psa 14:13).

The Lord Jesus prays for us. " I pray t h at thou shouldest keep them f r om the evil o n e " (Jno. 17:15). Power for the Tempted. " N e i t h er give place to the d e v i l" (Eph. 4:27). " R e s i st the devil and he will free from y o u " (Jas. 4:7). " B e sober, be v i g i l a n t" (1 Pet. 5:8). " I f sinners entice thee, consent thee n o t " (Prov. 1:10). " W a l k in the S p i r i t" (Gal. 5:16). " P u t on the whole armor of G o d " (Eph. 6:11-17). " T h e Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly • out of t emp t a t i o n '' (2 Pet 2:9). " G r e a t er is he that is in you than he t h at is in the w o r l d " (1 Jno. 4:4). " H e was tempted and knows how to succor u s " (Heb. 2:18). " H i d e the Word of God in your h e a r t " (Psa. 119:11). " T r u s t in the power of the b l o o d" (Rev. 12:11). " H e will keep in the hour of tempta- t i o n " (Rev. 3:10). " H e will keep in perfect p e a e e" (Isa. 26:3). BACKSLIDING. Backsliding means to turn away, or turn baek. It does not mean to re- nounce Christ as Saviour, but to for- sake Him for sinful pleasures and ways. The believer has two natures; one is the old nature or wicked, sinful nature; the other is the new nature given when Christ was accepted as Saviour. When temptation comes, the old nature re- sponds, and unless we avail ourselves of God's keeping power we fall into sin and forsake Christ and become back- sliders in he&rt. Many professing Christians have never been born again and so are not backsliders, but hypo- crites.

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