King's Business - 1910-05

of mercy for the animal, but for selfish reasons. " T a k e tender care of the goods of an Israelite'' was a favorite saying. It is so different. Mercy for a sheep because of the dollars and cents repre- sented. No mercy for a withered hand. How much better is a man than a sheep. Men will feed their stock and starve their souls. They will be careful of the chickens and careless about the children. There are hundreds of papers printed in this country concerning the care of animals, but very few concern- ing the welfare of souls. The Lord Jesus vindicates the law from its spiritual side. It is lawful to do good. He assaulted the traditions of these hypocrites and placed the Seven miracles were performed on the Sabbath. The men with withered hearts looked on while the King spoke with authority and commanded the im- possible thing and made it possible. " S t r e t ch forth thy h a n d ." Often he had tried and failed. Now he obeyed the word of Him who is life giving, whose word is power, and his hand is restored. There was no act on the part of the Lord. I t was a word. The Pharisees were beaten at their own game; there was proof of His power; testimony that He was the Messiah; evidence of His compassion and love; but it moved not the hearts to tender- ness but to hatred. They were furious and went out to council how they might put Him to death. Such is the human heart, professionally religious, loud in its demands for the letter of the law, knowing nothing of the Spirit, without mercy, without compassion, it is indifferent to the soul suffering of lost men. Yerily they shall have their reward. POINTS PRACTICAL. 1—The Pharisees were loud in their moralizing, but lax in their morals. 2—They were rigidly ritualistic, but men without mercy. 3—The Lord interprets His own law in the light of love. 4—Mercy is better than sacrifice and a man is better than a sheep. 5—A withered heart has no compassion for a withered hand. 6—The law for the Lord's day is, " D o what is well." 7—The Sabbath was not designed to be a burden to men, but a boon and blessing. proper value on man. Performing a Miracle.

letter of the law by entering the House of the Lord and eating the shew bread which only priests were permitted to eat (1 Sam. 21:1-6). The Lord then proclaimed Himself as the Lord of the Sabbath. Greater than the Temple, for He Himself is the real Temple (Jno. 1:14; Jno. 2:19). He made the law and He now puts a new construction upon it. There has always been unnecessary legalism in connection with the ob- servance of the Sabbath and the Lord hits it a hard blow here. The Lord is preparing the way for the abrogation of the Sabbath itself ^ which' followed His death and resurrection. His first five appearances were on the first day of the week. On that day the Holy Spirit was poured out (Acts 2:1). The church assembled on that day (Acts 20:7), and observed the Lord's supper (1 Cor. 11:23-26), and laid aside their gifts for God (1 Cor. 16:2), and from apostolic times the church has recog- nized that day as the time for worship of God and fellowship of the saints. No man now has any right to judge us in respect to the Sabbath day (Col. 2:16, 17). All Christians should seek to live in the full enjoyment of their privileges on that day and to avoid giving offense to others. II—LAWFUL WORK FOR THE SAB- BATH. "Wherefore it is lawful to do good." The Messiah was faithful in His at- tendance upon the synagogue. There He found many opportunities for tes- timony and service. ' ' He went into the synagogue." How differently that sounds than " M y Father's h o u s e" (Jno. 2:16). Luke says He went to teach (Luke 6:6). The Pharisees were there not to hear for edification but to catch Him whom they hated. Principles for the Sabbath. The Lord did not give rules, but principles. How few rules and regula- tions would be needed were the great principles of our Lord believed and lived. The merciful Master was al- ways seeking opportunities to show His mercy. He knew what was in the hearts of His enemies, but He could not be moved from His great purpose in life. The question of the Pharisees was answered. Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath day? He answers by asking a question concerning the sheep. Here He. reached the vital point. The rabbis allowed the exception of sheep, not out

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