Complete Autumn 2023 curriculum leaflets

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 4. 2023-24 - Autumn term For specific class information see pages



This term we will continue to develop our topics through a mastery approach, this will include place value to 10,000, addition and subtraction, perimeter and multiplying and dividing. The children will continue to use ‘ Times Table Rockstars ’ to develop their fluency. There is daily opportunity for fluency and catch up for children. The children will be developing their explanations and reasoning.

Children will be developing their use of adjectives, conjunctions, fronted adverbials and subordinate clauses, through the following text types: biography, explanation, narrative and letter writing. A continued application of spelling and grammar features will run throughout and development of a variety of punctuation marks and vocabulary.

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Our topic is Planet Protectors.

Through this topic we will be linking our Geography and Science. This topic is designed to build on children’s understanding of the wider world and their impact on it. Children will recognise that they can make a positive impact to their future world, through choices and changes they make. This will allow children to develop their understanding, in Science, of how the environment impacts animals in their locality and the wider world. Children will see the impact of these choices in other areas of the world. We want the children to be the change and make a difference now! Our educational visit will be to Warley Woods to complete the tree trail where the children will identify and classify plan, visiting Dudley Zoo to enhance our knowledge of animals, habitats and current issues surrounding them.


Science Children’s knowledge and skills will be develop ed through units of work on Animals and their habitats and changing states. These units will provide children with an understanding of the animal kingdom, plant kingdom and their local environment. Children will gain an understanding of different materials and whether they are solids, liquids or gases. Scientific working through practical experiments, use and analysis of data and consistent fair testing/comparative testing will feature throughout.

This term the children will be looking at two units of French work, these will be: La date (the date) and Quel temps fait-il? (What is the weather like?). Throughout these units, the children will be given opportunities for speaking and listening and beginning to write short phrases and sentences.

Life skills developed this term will be tying shoe laces, sewing and caring for the community.

Bucket list opportunities: visiting a zoo, Christmas party, fundraising.

Soft skills: debating, creative problem solving, listening skills and showing empathy.

PE Throughout the year, the children will be developing their confidence in swimming and then will be practising a range of strokes during our weekly visits to Thimblemill baths. During the course of the year, the children will be doing football and gymnastics. Through these units, the children will learn how to dribble, pass and shoot the ball. They will then be able to strike the ball confidently and play a game of football competitively. In gymnastics, the children will develop their balancing and rolling techniques and stability. Art & Design Druing the first term we will be looking at the topic of sculpture. We will explore how the we can be inspired by nature, examining natural form and textures. Our artists studies will focus on the work of Andy Goldsworthy, Rechang Tsang and Noriko Kuresumi. In the second half of the term we will be learning how to use watercolours and taught to develop their control of this medium.




Focus on human and physical geography within Russia and the UK, making comparisons. The children will be locating and looking at the major cities within them. There will be a focus on the five main lines of latitude and understand the Northern and Southern hemispheres. We will also be looking at the way that the environment is changing due to global warming and how we can contribute to conservation.

Children will develop their composition skills. The children will choose, order, combine and control sound to create an effect. The children will begin to show recognition of a minim, crochet and semibreve and say how many beats they each represent. They will continue to develop their understanding of different genres of music.

Children will develop their use of basic computer navigation, internet safety and essential skills such as editing and saving a word document and using the internet to complete effective research. The children will develop an understanding of the internet, what it is, how it works, who owns it and can they believe everything they read on it?

Design Technology

We are looking at a variety of stitches; cross stitch, running stitch, backstitch and blanket stitch, to practise in order to create a product in the Summer term. Children will develop confidence in basic sewing skills. They will develop the competency to be able to thread a needle, cast off their stitching and select and use a wide range of stitches for various purposes.

Religious Education

Our units of work will be: What is it like to be a Hindu in Britain today? And ‘ Keeping the five pillars of Islam ’ . Throughout these units, the children will be looking at worship, the community and celebrations.

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