Complete Autumn 2023 curriculum leaflets


The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 6 2022-23 - Autumn term For specific class information see For dates see For information Year group related – email: Our topic is World War II World War II was a momentous time for the world and a period of massive change in the UK. The children will discover what life was like in Britain during the war. This topic is designed to build on children’s sense of chronology and of events in living memory. This will allow them to develop historical understanding and enquiry skills, cause and effect, creating historically valid questions and analysing primary and secondary sources of information, including the use of artefacts. Children will discover what measures were taken during the war to help people survive The Blitz. They will also learn about rationing, make-do and mend and the Dig for Victory campaign. The changing roles of women during the war will also play a large part in our topic. Bucket List o pportunities this term will include our residential trip to Plas Gwynant or forest school adventures, as well as various activities for the week including sports and art activities. The children will be visited by a World War II historian and will take par t in our very own ‘World War II’ day. Towards Christmas, we would like to explore how it was celebrated in World War II. The ‘ Life Skills ’ of basic first aid, cycling proficiency and internet safety will be covered this term and we will provide opportunities for developing Soft Skills such as communication and listening, team work, decision making and taking responsibility through various lessons and planned activities to promote these important skills.

Religious Education Our work this term will enables pupils to engage thoughtfully with questions of good and evil, right and wrong through thinking about ‘ temptation ’ . The focus is on Islamic and Christian understandings of good and evil. Children will become familiar with stories of temptation and ritual practice from Islam and Christianity and will also be encouraged to think about morals, personal choices and the impact of this on others. Computing In the unit ‘Communication and collaboration’ the children will be exploring how data is transferred over the internet. They will learn: how the internet facilitates online communication and collaboration; complete shared projects online; and evaluate different methods of communication. Throughout this unit there will be an emphasis on how to communicate responsibly by considering what should and should not be shared on the internet alongside the all-important SMART Message to promote internet safety. The second unit of work explores the concept of variables in programming through games (Scratch). They will learn what variables are and how they are set and changed. Science Children’s knowledg e and skills will be developed through units of work on ‘Animals including Humans’ and ‘Living Things’ . These units will provide opportunities to learn how a healthy diet and exercise affect our bodies; how the circulatory system works and the role of blood in our bodies. The children will also have the opportunity to dissect a real heart to develop their understanding of the key role it plays within the circulatory system. We will also study drug classification and the effect drugs, exercise, smoking and drinking has on the body. The children will be working scientifically through practical experiments, collecting/ analysing data and conducting fair tests throughout the term. English Children will be developing the use of formal language, direct and indirect speech, characterisation and a variety of complex sentence structures through the following text types:  Character Description  Newspaper report  WW2 Poetry  Diary Some of our outcomes are linked to our World War II topic, along with our class read ‘Holes’ written by Louis Sachar. A continued application of spelling and grammar features will run throughout the term whilst developing their own ideas using their magpie book.

Children will begin by re-enforcing their knowledge and understanding of place value and the number system up to ten million. The formal written methods and informal strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division will be developed. This will extend to working with decimals and fractions. The CPA approach will be developed throughout every lesson, with children building upon their explanations. Every week, we will continue to build on the children’s arithmetic skills, pace and fluency. Music Children will develop their singing or playing from memory through the song ‘Happy’ and a selection of Jazz music. Games, the dimensions of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch etc.), singing and playing instruments will all be taught throughout our lessons. Geography There will be a focus on human and physical geography, looking at how economic activity and distribution of resources were affected by WW2. There will be an opportunity to develop 6 figure grid referencing of OS maps through the themes of The Blitz and the children will develop their knowledge and understanding of compass points to show direction. We explore topical geographical issues, such as evacuation, linked to the major cities and the impact of WW2 on the landscape and resources. The children will also build on their atlas, maps and digital map skills to identify countries and continents of allies and axis powers. MFL - French This term the children will be exploring the Francophone world and the common values of identity, self, others and the greater world outside the classroom. The children will focus on repeating language chorally and individually as well as having the opportunity for individual spoken and written work. As well as this, the children will be listening to a variety of French music.

History Posing questions of significance about the WWII topic will lead to children analysing historical sources of evidence. This is a significant period in British history and the implications are still felt today. Children will examine how local and national life was affected including a detailed look at propaganda, evacuation, rationing, the role of women in the war and The Blitz. This period in history will allow children to look at contrasting sources of evidence and the influence on British society at the time.

PE Children will play basketball and complete a unit on gymnastics. The gym focus is on holding shapes that are strong, fluent and expressive in floor performances. The basketball focus is on teamwork, choosing and combining techniques in game situations (running, throwing, catching, passing, jumping, shooting etc.) and applying these skills to select the most appropriate strategy to win as a team. Please ensure that children have a full kit in school and earrings are removed on the day.

Design Technology Year 6 will be designing, making and evaluating their very own Christmas decoration. They will begin by evaluating existing designs before experimenting with a variety of stitches. The children will then be given a design brief to follow and design their own seasonal product (Christmas decoration). We will be inviting parents in to help take part in the making process towards the end of term.

Art & Design The children will be learning about Henry Moore and his impact on society during World War II. They will be discussing and comparing his art using artistic vocabulary and build on their knowledge of media by experimenting to create different effects, whilst working in the style of Moore. To finish, they will explore using wax resist, a method Moore was well known for.

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