
YOUR HOROSCOPE for the week of February 19 to 25, 2017


ARIES Your boss will hand you a promotion on a silver platter. You’ll have all the inspira- tion you need to tackle new professional and personal projects. TAURUS A trip could be added to your calendar soon. You’ll feel like partying and might plan a friendly get-together to celebrate An unexpected event will shake your peace of mind. You’ll need to trust your friends and family to lift your spirits. Spend some quality time with them. CANCER You should weigh the pros and cons before coming to a decision. It’s possible that you’ll be asked many questions, for which you won’t always have the answer. LEO You’ll have a number of small tasks to take care of at home and at work. You’ll be left with a feeling of accomplishment if you finish everything you start. VIRGO You have significant projects in store for your home. Your love life could take a new turn after a serious talk. There’s a new baby on its way in your extended This week will be hectic. Before you can think about having fun you’ll need to either put in extra hours at work or take care of some pressing family obligations. SCORPIO You’ll manage to score great deals on some work you need to do at home (remodelling or redecorating), thereby increasing your property’s value signifi- cantly. Don’t hesitate to ask for a raise as well. SAGITTARIUS An unexpected expense could be coming your way. Fortunately, if it does, you’ll get something solid in return. Smart negotiating will yield good results. CAPRICORN Everything seems to be in place for a quiet week, but don’t count on that to be the case—there will be lots of action in your life. Luckily you can expect to have some fun. AQUARIUS A number of changes are becoming necessary in both your professional and your personal life. You must learn to relax as you confront this situation. PISCES Your social life is about to get busier. Some of your friends will persuade you to sign up for a class related to wellness; art or yoga, perhaps. an event. GEMINI family. LIBRA


ACROSS 1. Moniker 5. Puff of smoke 9. Somber 12.Matinee hero 13.Bullets, to a GI 14.Even 15.Breaking story 16.Luxury hotels 17.Decorative vase 18.Road curves 20.Yearned 22.Pawn 24.Active word 27.Drain, as energy 30.Have dinner 31.Male voice 32.Presser 34.Pond resident 35.Surfaced 36.Embargo 37.Do embroidery 38.Comfort 39.Vatican official 40.Ran a motor 42.Measurement downward 47.Rowdy crowd 49.Like the Sahara

51.Ripped 52.Carpenter’s tool 53.Small rodents 54.Lobster’s appendage 55.Foxy 56.Whistled 57.Beer ingredients DOWN 1. Baseball team 2. Citrus drinks 3. Cuts the lawn 4. Different 5. Used to be 6. Collide 7. Slap 8. Stylishly elegant 9. Apprentices 10.Telecast 11.Lair 19.Gloss 21.At all 23.Rowing blade 25.Part played 26.Prepare by steep- ing 27.Beget 28.Operatic melody

29.Maybe 31.Adjusted, as a radio 33.Insufficiency 34.Light blow 36.Dress part 39.Risk 41.Meek one 43.Clearly outline 44.Shirt type 45.Ambush 46.Cuts down 47.Pas’ mates 48.This bird gives a hoot 50.Mountain mois- ture



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HOW TO PLAY : Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

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