LSMS Capsules November 2021

LSMS TURNS THE PAGE 6767 Perkins Road, also known as Perkins Properties, has been the home of the LSMS and CSRS (an engineering firm) since they joined in partnership and began construction of the building in 1996. For almost 25 years, the LSMS has called 6767 its home. During that time, our footprint and faces changed many times, but we always occupied suite 100 (the first floor). Starting with Bruce Williams, MD, and ending with William Freeman, MD, the boardroom has seen many presidents preside over meetings of the Board of Governors. The halls and offices were occupied by many qualified and passionate staff members during those 25 years as well.


However, just as all goods things must come to an end, so must our ownership and occupancy in Perkins Properties. A move, to a smaller and more efficient location has been in the works since 2019 but was delayed dramatically due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Things are finally getting back to normal and just as life, the business of the society must go on. To that end, after CSRS moved to a larger location in September, a purchase agreement to sell the building and adjacent property was entered into in October. The next and final step is for the LSMS to move, and we anticipate that will conclude before the year’s end. Please be on the lookout for our new mailing address, which we will share very soon.

The Governor’s Office has requested physician nominations from the LSMS for consideration to serve on the following Boards and Commissions:

• Traumatic Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund AdvisoryBoard This board was created by the Louisiana Legislature in 1993 by Act 654, which imposes additional fees on motor vehicle violations in Louisiana for the offenses of driving under the influence, reckless operation, and speeding. Please click here for more information regarding meetings, rules, and past minutes. • EmergencyMedical ServicesCertificationCommission This board is charged with recommending to the Bureau of EMS requirements and standards of practice for individuals for EMS Practitioners, conducting disciplinary hearings for emergency medical personnel, and recommending education requirements. Please click here for more information regarding meetings, rules, and past minutes.

• Louisiana Commission on HIV, AIDS, and Hepatitis C Education, PreventionandTreatment This commission was created to serve as an advisory body to the governor and the Louisiana Department of Health on matters relating to hepatitis C, HIV, and AIDS. Please click here for more information regarding meetings, rules, and past minutes. We consider this a great honor as it confirms that our members are valuable contributors to the future of healthcare in Louisiana. To be considered for nomination, please forward your name, corresponding Board or Commission name, contact information, and CV to Terri Watson,


Donna Breen, MD, of Marksville, LSMS member since 1991, was sworn in as the 115th President of the Southern Medical Association on October 30, 2021. Also pictured is the outgoing president Christopher Morris, MD.



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