
18A — November 23 - December 6, 2012 — Green Buildings — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


G reen B uildings

Designed to meet LEED & Energy Star certification Walters Group welcomes 1st residents to green apartments

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tunities for local families in need and will further help to stimulate economic growth in the area,” said EdWalters Jr. , president of the Walters Group. The entire project is slated for completion in January 2013. The new residences will consist of seven low-rise buildings, featuring spacious one-, two-, and three-bed- room units. Each apartment will be equipped with En- ergy Star-rated appliances, Whispering Hills Apartments


designed to help residents save as much as 30 percent on energy usage. Green building methods and materials are being used to construct Whispering Hills Apartments. The eco-friendly community is designed to meet both LEED (Leader- ship in Energy and Environ- mental Design) and Energy Star certification. LEED is a green rating system created by the U.S. Green Building Council . n

ARNEGAT, NJ — Walters Group , a residential and com-

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mercial real estate devel- oper, will be welcoming the new residents of Whispering Hills Apartments, an afford- able rental community. On November 1st an eight-unit building became the home to Whispering Hills’ first residents. “This component of the Whispering Hills com- munity will offer high-qual- ity, affordable living oppor-

EDITORIAL DEADLINES ARE 14 DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLICATION DATE Dec. 21 Deadline: December 14 Green Buildings featuring ENERGY EFFICIENCY Jan. 11 Deadline: December 28 Spotlight 2013 FORECAST Jan. 25 Deadline: January 11 Green Buildings featuring 2013 Incentives/Programs

Contact Elaine Fanning for details efanning@marejournal.com • 1.800.584.1062 ex t. 212 www.marejournal.com Deadline: December 14 • Issue Date: December 21

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