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ABC Delaware Chapter Awards Banquet
ABC Charter Cup — This award is presented annually to the ABC contractor member who exemplifies the true meaning of the Merit Shop philosophy and has contributed most to the success of the association. This year’s winner is Lew Morrison of County Group Companies.
Lew is a behind the scenes individual but a strong supporter of ABC and our values. County Group Companies was a founding member of ABC Delaware in 1981. Lew always supportsABC’s efforts to protect free enterprise and open competition in Delaware, and promotes our association on a daily basis with County Group employees. For the past two years, Lew has been the chair of the ABC Safety/Health & Wellness Committee which is responsible for providing members training, information and notification of changing federal and state laws. He was instrumental in helping ABC institute a Health & Wellness campaign to increase awareness of the cost savings benefits of a program for members and their employees. Lew is also a member of the ABC Delaware Legislative & Legal Rights Committee. He has always been there to help ABC on legislative matters, growing membership or promoting the importance of engaging future leaders into our association to create the next generation of ABC supporters. Lew is a strong supporter and contributor of both our local Political Action Committee and national Political Action Committee, which helps elect pro-merit shop legislators. Lew is an individual that truly embodies the spirit of ABC and is well deserving of this award. ABCAssociate/Supplier of the Year — ABC’s Associate/Supplier member of the year is given to the individual that has made a significant contribution to the association through committee involvement and sponsorship of ABC events. This year’s winner is Debbie Shears of George Weiner Benefits Group. Debbie has committed countless hours of her time to ABC. For the past four years, she has chaired the ABC Membership Growth and Development Committee which assists ABC in recruiting quality oriented firms and developing programs for new member involvement and satisfaction. Besides Debbie chairing the ABC Membership Growth and Development committee, she is also a member of the ABC Safety/Health & Wellness committee. This year she was instrumental in the development of the ABC Delaware Health Fair which helped employees of members companies go through bio-metric screening. This screening encourages ABC member employees to stay healthy as a way of lowering health care costs. George Weiner Benefits Group has been a long time supporter of ABC through sponsorships, committee involvement and meeting participation. We are honored to present the 2012 Associate/Supplier of the Year award to Debbie Shears. Adams Cup — Joe Swarter of Custom Iron Shop was named the winner for the Adams Cup for 2012. This award is given to the ABC member who recruits the most new members to the association during a calendar year. It is named after past ABC Delaware and ABC National Chairman, Ken Adams of Pace Electric. This year, Joe recruited 7 new members to our association and during his time with ABC has recruited 27 members to the organization. Joe has been a member of the ABC Delaware Board of Directors for the past 6 years and served as ABC Delaware Chairman in 2011.
Ken Adams (left) and ABC Delaware Chairman John Gooden (right) congratulate Joe Swarter, this year’s winner of the Adams Cup.
ABC Delaware Chairman John Gooden presents Debbie Shears with the Associate/Supplier of the Year Award.
ABC Delaware Chairman John Gooden presents Lew Morrison with the 2012 Charter Cup.
Denni Ferrara of the Leukemia Research Foundation of Delaware (left) and ABCares Chair SallieAnn Con- ner (right) present the Mud Cup to members
Diversity awards presented to Pettinaro Construction and Seiberlich Energy Services
of The Crabtaculars (left to right) Dave Curran, Bethany Williams and Scott Earle. The ABCares Committee is committed to finding ways our members can make a difference by giving of our time, talents and efforts. We are very proud to be a part of the Delaware Mud Run benefitting the Leukemia Research Foundation of Delaware. This year our committees raised over $6,400 and the winning team was The Crabtaculars.
Diversity Committee Chair Tricia Clendening (left) and ABC Delaware Chairman John Gooden (right) congratulate John Seiberlich on his award.
Diversity Committee Chair Tricia Clendening (left) and ABC Delaware Chairman John Gooden (right) congratulate Andi Finerosky and Brian Aster of Pettinaro on their award.
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