
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Professional Services — November 23 - December 6, 2012 — 3C


P RoPeRTy M anageMenT

n today’s challenging economy, many busi- nesses are fighting to By David Hirschman, David Hirschman Realty Company, Inc. Commercial building foreclosures present lucrative business opportunities for realty cos. I

increased our management business and provided a valuable source of new client referrals. Columbia Bank senior ex- ecutive vice president and chief operating office, Alex Grinewicz, has worked with David Hirschman Realty for nearly a decade, and agrees the collaboration of their bank and the Hirschman property management team is very effective. “We ask the court to appoint David Hirschman Realty as our rent receiver because the company has the expertise

in the local Bergen County market and is an expert with specific types of real estate. They do a good job for us.” Hiring a reliable property manager and rent receiver is key to a successful fore- closure process and sale or lease of the property in ques- tion. Tom Burke, partner of Saddle River Avenue Associ- ates, confirms the important role Hirschman plays in managing his properties, “On the management side, Hirschman Realty Manage- ment regularly responds to

our needs. They were in- strumental in us surviving a major hurricane, outsourcing all repairs in an orderly and timely manner. The tenants have a management team they can trust in to have their problems addressed quickly and efficiently; we have a team player who we trust and feel confident in handling our valued asset.” As the foreclosures contin- ue to increase in the northern NJ market, banks will con- tinue to look for professional property management as- sistance. We are proud to of-

fer an experienced property management company and brokerage company under one roof, as effective rent receivers. We are ready for the challenge. David Hirschman is at the helm of David Hirschman Realty Com- pany, a full-service bro- kerage company, based in Paramus, NJ. Hirschman is also presi- dent of Hirschman Realty Management, the proper- ty management company he founded. n

keep their doors open; when some lose the bat- tle, banks are often left with their f orec l osed office space. A l t hough ,

David Hirschman

this is a negative situation for the failed companies, there is a silver lining. Real estate companies who pro- vide property management services are presented with lucrative new business op- portunities. The commercial real estate market in northern New Jersey has not changed in the past five years, nor will it probably change much in the near future. The bro- kerage side of the business remains fairly constant, with some decreases in rent, a few increases in available space and stable sale prices. What has changed significantly in the past year, and prob- ably for the near future, is the property management business, due to increases in foreclosures. Banks, in particular, are looking for solutions to the glut of office space they are left with dur- ing the foreclosure process, which can take nine months to a year and a half to com- plete the transaction. We chose to fill this niche as a designated rent receiver and property manager for these banks. At Dav i d Hi r s chman Realty Company, Inc. we have a full-service prop- erty management company, Hirschman Realty Manage- ment, and we work closely with bank managers as their appointed rent receiver and property manager for their foreclosed office buildings. I feel we are an ideal choice for banks because we un- derstand the importance of professionally maintaining the properties and income flow during the foreclosure process, while satisfying ten- ants. We manage everything from snow removal and land- scaping, to plumbing and the hiring of vendors. We are able to restructure leases, stabilize the properties, and bring the building up to code. This business strategy has

Hirschman Realty Management – An Ideal Rent Receiver

For nearly 40 years, David Hirschman Realty Company has provided clients with the resources of a large national corporation—and the personalized attention of a boutique entrepreneurial company. We specialize in VMÄJLPUK\Z[YPHSYL[HPS and commercial real estate services. David Hirschman can assist you with commercial properties throughout northern New Jersey (including Bergen, Passaic and Hudson counties), Orange and Rockland Counties, New York.

Hirschman Realty Management is a leading property, asset, and construction THUHNLTLU[ÄYTHUKHUPKLHS Rent Receiver for banks during the foreclosure process. Let us manage everything from snow removal and landscaping, to plumbing and the hiring of vendors. We are also able to restructure leases, stabilize the properties, and bring buildings up to code. “At Columbia Bank, we have used Hirschman Realty Management as our rent receiver because the company has the expertise in the local Bergen County THYRL[HUKPZHUL_WLY[^P[OZWLJPÄJ[`WLZVMYLHSLZ[H[L;OL`KVHNVVKQVIMVY \Z¹ -Alex Grinewicz, Senior Executive Vice President HUK*OPLM6WLYH[PUN6MÄJLY*VS\TIPH)HUR D 8,000 square feet available for lease D Best parking available in Paramus D Centrally located in the heart of Paramus D :\P[LKMVYVMÄJLVYTLKPJHS D Elevator in building D Onsite management provided by Hirschman Realty Management Space currently available at 40 Eisenhower Drive, Paramus, NJ.

Phone: 201.261.4300 40 Eisenhower Dr., Suite 206 | Paramus, NJ 07652 www.hirschmanrealty.com

David Hirschman Realty Company, Inc. Robert Morris, Vice President rmorris@hirschmanrealty.com

Contact Us today so we can provide solutions to your brokerage and property management needs. David Hirschman Realty is at your service.

Hirschman Realty Management David Hirschman, President dhirschman@hirschmanrealty.com

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