
10C — November 23 - December 6, 2012 — The Road to Recovery — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


T he R oad to R ecovery

By Ed Hutchinson, Hutchinson Mechanical Services Hutchinson responds to Sandy


utchinson, a third- generation family business specializ-

Soon after Hurricane Sandy ravaged theNortheast Region, the Hutchinson teamwas dis- patched to the shore areas to lend a helping hand to local residents and businesses by setting up emergency help centers in the shore area, fully equipped with generators, water, snacks, trash bags and disaster relief information. Eager to provide assistance, Hutchinson’s factory-trained NATE certified technicians are on the ground and ready to respond to disaster relief services 24/7 throughout New Jersey, Pennsylvania and

Delaware. These services include: repairing and replacing flood damaged HVAC and related equipment, including fur- naces and boilers, air con- ditioners, heat pumps and water heaters; and cleaning, sanitizing or replacing duct- work. The Hutchinson team is on-hand to assist with sump pumps, broken pipes, backed-up drains, repairing and replacing gas lines and HVAC accessories and more. “As this flood has taken a serious hit on HVAC sys- tems, it’s critical for building

owners and managers to seek professional help and get all HVAC system components that were contaminated with flood water or moisture thor- oughly inspected, cleaned of dirt and debris and disin- fected, and in most instances, replaced. Unfortunately most manufacturers have deemed this equipment unfit for use” said Ed Hutchinson, presi- dent, Hutchinson Mechanical Services. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Preven- tion (CDC), there’s the chance that dirt and debris may be

contaminated with microor- ganisms such as bacteria and fungi. Moisture can collect in HVAC system components that weren’t submerged and can promote the growth of microorganisms. Hutchinson’s team handles HVAC cleaning and reme- diation, from removing con- taminated components and cleaning and disinfecting components to replacing the HVAC system. The company trades as Hutchinson Mechanical Ser- vices, Hutchinson Plumb- ing Heating Cooling and Hutchinson Energy Services and services the entire Cen- tral and South Jersey area. For disaster relief services, contact Hutchinson’s hotline at 800-360-4328 or visit www. hutchbiz.com for disaster recovery resources, including state agencies, helpful videos, tips and more. Ed Hutchinsonis presi- dent of Hutchinson Me- chanical Services. n Hurricane Sandy Recovery . . . interact with fungi in the floor dust and lead to higher rates of lower respiratory symptoms in occupants who have increased fungal and endotoxin level ex- posure (Park et al., 2006). Even after cleanup, certain materials that have been cleaned or appear acceptable may continue to release build- ing contaminants, resulting in gas phase reactions post-flood- ing exposure and serving as future source of irritants. The remediation process can be safely conducted with the assistance of a professional. A third party remediation specialist (to prevent conflict is best hired by the building owner, not the mold remedia- tion contractor) can assist the building owner with the fol- lowing procedures: microbial remediation spec development and oversight of remediation contractors, as well as Post Remediation Verification (PRV), and pre-occupancy consulting. Katherine E. Wilde is president of Edifice Rx & Karl W. Stefan is a graduate intern at Edifice Rx. n Resources: www.osha.gov/sandy/ index.html www. cdc.gov/niosh/topics/emres/ flood.html w w w . n y c o s h . o r g / i n d e x . php?page=hurricane-sandy continued from page 8C

ing in com- mercial and residential mechanical and energy s e r v i c e s since 1948, e x p r e s s e s its heartfelt thoughts and suppor t t o

Ed Hutchinson

families and businesses that have been affected by the dev- astation caused by Hurricane Sandy.

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