King's Business - 1935-01


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

January, 1935

ity,” indeed! It is the “ morality” o f every Luciferian rebel who has existed in heaven, or in hell, since that moment when, somewhere back in the fathomless eternity past, the great archrebel lifted himself up to say: I am the master, or shall become s o ! There is no law save the law o f my own being, no check upon my will save that which I, my­ self, impose! “ I will exalt my throne above the stars o f God . . . I will be like the Most High” (Isa. 14:13, 14) ! The result is that in those lands where this spirit of “ Invic- tus” maintains, the curse pronounced by the prophet o f God is already appearing: “ Thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides o f the pit” (Isa. 14:15) ! The California Socialist, proclaimer o f “ the new mo­ rality,” does not hesitate to make clear what he means by his words. He says:

“ T h e N e w M o r a l it y ” “ Unclean” in the sight o f the holy God are all these froglike spirits, however clean they may appear in the bloodshot eyes of men. “ Unclean” in sex, they have pol­ luted the fountain of life. M we write, before us lies a book written by a world-famed Socialist, who erstwhile would be governor o f California. From this book ( The Profits o f Religion) we quote: The new morality is thus a morality o f freedom. It teaches that man is the master, or shall become so; that there is no law, save the law of his own being, no check upon his will save that which he himself imposes. (Page 309.) However much they may otherwise differ, this “ new morality” doctrine impregnates the bodies o f all three—

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Courtesy, The Friend, Minneapolis

Photo by Norton and Peel

%l Personally, I am prepared to go as far as the extreme sex radical in the defense of love and the right to love . . And when I say love, I do not mean mere affection. I do not mean merely the habit o f living in the same house. (The Book o f Life, Part 3, Page 56.) If those words mean anything, they mean thatQhhe new morality” is, indeed, the “ morality” o f frogs— frogs that crawl up out o f the slimy depths of the underworld ¡ France, impregnated for nearly two centuries with the spirit o f So­ cialism, is famous for the practice o f “ the right to love.” She has longjmaintained also an unenviable reputation for on n u in muuiicu cu u uui —

Socialism, Communism, and Fascism, frog-spirits creeping/jj) . . ’ .. ... _____s u m _______n n,,*. '■ t - . forth over the earth like the pestilences that they ar|Q_ But, be not deceived! When they talk o f “ the new morality, they remind us o f the old widower who went back to the home o f his boyhood and married the sweetheart o f his youth. Returning with her to his home, he introduced her to his children as their “ new mamma,” whereupon his small son drew his father’s head down and whispered into his ear : “ Pop, you’re sold ! She’s not new, she’s old, !” “ New morality,” indeed ! It is more ancient than the race o f men. It is the selfsame “ morality” which caused

Satan to be catapulted from “ the midst 'of the stones of © fem o ra l d ir^ Itomm un istic Russia’s god, Lenin, lying fire” (Ezek. 28 :14), and which hurled a third o f the angelsHI asleep in his glass-encased catafalque, his brainless head o f heaven down to their chains in Tartarus. It is the exact resting on a red pillow, is a dead god— dead from syphilis. philosophy which the Serpent poured into the ears o f Eve Glowing reports from pro-Russian _ pink parlors not­ in Eden, and sent her from paradise to hell! “ New moral- withstanding, the fact is that the millions of free-lovers

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