King's Business - 1935-01

January, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Professor Raymond Moley, the high priest o f the same “ Brain Trust,” who said: “ 7 feel no call to remedy evils. Social workers make me tired. They have no sense of humor.” Verily, the distance between Moscow and Wash­ ington diminisheth daily! Let America remember this: Whenever a nation loses its capacity for righteous indignation, and commences to wallow in smug com­ placency and toleration of ideas inimical to its best tra­ ditions, it is headed for the same oblivion that has en­ gulfed every other nation of the past that has gone simi­ larly soft. ( Sinister Shadows .) K e e p “ A - L is t e n in g ” ¡Socialism, Communism, Fascism! “ Unclean spirits” allT Other “ unclean spirits” plague the world today— true! But what other spirits are marshaling the legions for Arm­ ageddon as are these ? And, as we shall later see, these are the spirits that are setting every nook and corner o f the vast stage whereon the awful tragedies of man shall be played for the last time. Meanwhile, “ little children,” hold fast! Look u p ! He that sitteth in the heavens holds the reins and directs the chariots. He is your Father! The chariots He shall soon send for you will not be driven by the frog-spirits o f the underworld, but by the angels o f the upper world— the servants o f your God. Keep aflistening, oh, keep a-listening, for the call to get on boar3q(jyy/W after the early date o f the Exodus, iron was so rare that it was used as a setting in one o f his rings. A t that time iron was only known from meteoric sources. But by 1200 B. C., iron is driving copper out o f the market. It was the Philis­ tines who introduced the use of iron among the Israelites. Again one sees the reason for taking the late date of the conquest. T h e F in d in g s o f t h e I n v e s t ig a t io n s Thus in general one sees the position which archaeology now takes as to the date and nature o f Joshua’s conquest and the completely new democratic culture and monotheis­ tic religion which Israel introduced into Palestine. More excavations will, o f course, bring out more details and will fill in that picture which we can now only sketch. The old heathenism, the old feudalism, the old licentious­ ness and its idolatry go down before Joshua’s invaders. A new democracy takes the place o f feudalism, and mono­ theism makes a valiant attempt to annihilate heathenism. The book o f the Judges shows us the second phase o f the conquest. There were revolts by the various conquered peoples in Canaan, there were relapses o f certain sections of Israel into Baalism, there were abortive attempts, such as Abimelech’s, to reintroduce feudalism; but, in David, Israel found a second Joshua, and under him the Israelite conquest o f Palestine was brought to a military and spirit’ ual victory. It was not long, however, until Solomon, who did so much for the spiritual life o f Israel, also did much toward turning Israel back toward feudalism. His corvee system and his centralization of wealth in the hands of a few were carried to their logical conclusion by many o f his successors in the divided monarchy. Jezebel’s Canaanite Baalism made terrific inroads in the northern kingdom and shortly afterwards even in the southern kingdom. The closing books o f the Old Testament are the prophetic voice crying out against this culture and religion of the Canaanite and urging the people to stand by the pure monotheism of Je­ hovah and the democratic culture o f a true Israelite. “ Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings” (Jer. 3 :22). JOSHUA’S CONQUEST OF PALESTINE [Continued from page 7]

who worship at this shrine dwell within a veritable hell of immorality]! >Listen to a description by one who' is person- MtyMamffiar with the everyday everywhere scenes within the pit o f the Russian bear. Millions o f unfortunates, mere boys and girls, are condemned to live the life o f vagrants along the country­ side. They do not know their parents. They are filthy and in rags, infested with vermin, prostituted and infected with venereal diseases. The drug habit has assumed alarming proportions among them. They are unfit for decent hu­ man society and must rob and beg in order to live. The only places where they are allowed to sleep are the sewers o f the city, other underground places o f refuge, and in railroad stations. According to Comrade Krupskaya, the widow of Lenin, who has done much toward pointing out the awful condition o f the besprisornye (vagabond chil­ dren), 80 per cent o f these unfortunates are from the families of peasants and laborers. Unable to cope with the life they have to face, thousands of them are dying in their misery. (Lewis Richard Patmont, in Mystery of Iniquity, Pages 111, 112.) Here on our desk lie other reliable books and magazines, written by men who have lately walked the streets of this “ heaven” o f Communism, and who boldly describe its moral life from top to bottom. W e do not care to go further in print with a true description o f that vast sink o f im­ morality— that foul pit o f hell in which men and women (or are they beasts ?) live, who are the rotted fruits o f this “ new morality.” W e might continue to write o f the polluted speech, of the foul blasphemies and other uncleannesses o f these “ three unclean spirits,” but it is unnecessary. The whole world is only too familiar with their awful abominations. The sad. part o f it is that these putrescent cesspools — Socialism, Communism, and Fascism*—are overflowing into the few decent places which, until recently, we supposed were safe from their influence. America, the land o f the Pilgrim Fathers, sits supinely by her fireside, and is not stirred to utter even a protest while Rexford Guy Tugwell, one of the foremost members of her chief executive’s famous “ Brain Trust,” arises to defend the object o f the “ New Deal,” which he joins with her President to say is “a more abundant life,” and then declares boldly: “ One of the old­ est and quietest roads to contentment lies through the con­ ventional trinity of wine, women, and song.” (March issue o f the Democratic Digest .) Frequently we hear express­ ions o f fear that at least two (Communism and Socialism) o f these frog-spirits have crawled high up on the seats o f power in Washington. We would like to believe that such fears are groundless. But if such a statement as this goes unrebuked and its author remains in favor with those en­ throned, then we can, at least, be forgiven for our misgiv- ings. This Tugwellian pathway to contentment is the pathway traveled by the denizens o f Communistic night. It is the Moscow pathway to the “ contentment” o f damnation. There was a time not so long ago, when an utterance like this of Tugwell’s would have brought forth a thunderous protest, and the reverberations would have leaped from the peaks o f New England’s hills over the Coast Range of the Golden West, swelling louder and louder, until the man who ut­ tered it went into the political oblivion where he belongs. But the moral forces o f the world seem to have lost their .power to protest. Rather, they have united in spirit with * It is strange, and yet not strange, that moral uncleanness can­ not be affirmed o f Italian Fascism: The Case is exactly the op­ posite—Mussolini demands that those who follow him shall walk morally in a straight and narrow path. His Fascists have made Rome the cleanest city in Europe so far as public vice is concerned. Italian Fascism is also unlike Fascism elsewhere in that it is not anti-Semitic. It is just the opposite. But these very facts are tremendously significant and interesting, even as we shall see later, and do not preclude Fascism as one o f the “ three unclean spirits like frogs."

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