January, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S Çirls} QUERY CORNER C o n d u c t e d b y M y r t l e E. S c o t t
Questions for answer in this corner should b e se n t to M iss Scott, 896 1 D ick s Street,W. Hollywood, California. No name will be p u b lish e d .
Dear Miss Scott: I want to ask if you think the Christian life is easier than living for the world. I have been told that it is, but it seems hard to me. Another thing: It seems im possible for me to take part in meetings— to pray and testify or give a verse o f Scripture. I know we can’t all do the same things, and the Lord may not want this of me, or it would be easier for me. I try to live my testi mony. A t the same time, I feel uncomfortable and guilty and defeated in sitting still when others are telling what the Lord means to them, for I am a Christian, too. But before I can get courage to get up to give a testimony, the meeting is changed, and I have lost my opportunity. W ill you pray for me, that if the Lord wants me to take a public part in meetings, He will help me to do so?— A . M. My Dear: Yes, following Jesus is the easiest way to live. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. On the other hand, the Christian life is a warfare. The Christian armor, pro vided for you (Eph. 6:10-18), will equip you well for the battle. The Lord your God will fight for you, and in every temptation “ will . . . make also the way o f escape” (1 Cor. 10:13, R. V .), so that you can go through life unafraid and victorious. You are not seeking the path o f ease, are you? Your Lord lived not to please Himself, or to be ministered unto, but to minister. When your life is filled with love for Him, you will be eager for activity, and you will de light in doing hard things for Christ; in fact, you will forget whether a thing is hard or easy, so desirous will you be to please Him. This attitude o f heart will also influence the matter o f public prayer or testimony. “ Perfect love casteth out fear.” Pray that the Lord will, by His Spirit, so fill you with love that you cannot keep still when there is an op
portunity to witness for your Lord. Part o f our “ living” is to tell what He has done for us. The Lord says, “ Ye are my witnesses.” That uncomfortable feeling that you have when you fail to witness for Christ is the result of your having grieved the Holy Spirit when He wanted to use your lips. As a Christian, you have at your disposal all the re sources o f heaven to make you an overcomer. Master the difficulty that confronts you— not in your own strength (you have found that insufficient), but in the strength o f the Lord. Pray, claim Christ as your Victory, then act in faith, stepping out fearlessly on His promises (cf. Isa. 41:10, 13). I would suggest that you first win this victory on your knees, alone with your Lord, and then that you go to your meeting determined by His grace to let no opportunity escape you for witnessing for your Lord. Learn to obey the Spirit quickly. Delay leads to defeat. Be the first on your feet to speak for Christ, and you will find the joy that comes from doing hard things for Him. The Question Box Not only young women who have enjoyed Miss Scott’s sympathetic and scriptural answers in the “ Query Cor ner,’’ but also readers of all ages are invited to send to the “ Question Box,” a new department that is being planned for the K in g ’ s B u s in e s s , any problems for which they are seeking Bible answers. Members o f the faculty o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles will give attention to the questions that are sent in, and the answers to as many questions as possible will be printed in the magazine. Ful ler announcement o f this new feature o f the magazine was given in the December issue. The purpose o f the change is merely to extend to all readers the privileges previously limited to the girls'of the “ Query Corner.”
HELPS fo r “Treachers a n d Teachers B y P a u l P r i c h a r d
The Triumphs of Faith H ebrews 11:1
3. It rouses men to do it on the naked word o f God alone. The Crux of the Matter J ohn 19:17-42 There is no escape from the cross. Its white light blazes down your highway o f life. You must pass by Calvary. How will you do so? How you do so is deter minative. I. The Man on the Cross. 1. Between the thieves, yet innocent (v. 18). 2. Above the gamblers, yet forgiving (vs. 23, 24). 3. Before His friends, yet concerned (vs. 26, 27). 4. In great agony, yet considerate (v. 28; cf. vs. 26, 27). 5. In the face of death, yet unafraid (v. 30).
II. The Title on the Cross.
1. As written—universal appeal (v. 19). 2. As desired changed—bigoted per version (vs. 20, 21). 3. As affixed—true record (v. 22). 1. Its meaning—a finished redemp tion. 2. Its uniqueness. a. No cross ever heard that cry before. b. No man ever finished such an act before or since. —J ames K. M oorhead . Teaching the Word 1. The promise (Dan. 12:3, R.V. margin). 2. The exhortation (Rev. 3:11). 3. The crown (1 Thess. 2:19). III. The Cry on the Cross (v. 30).
Here we have a definition of faith. It is not a full theological definition. But it is a definition, in view o f what the writer has already laid before his readers in the Epistle to the Hebrews, and in the terms of what faith does. Faith gives assurance and demonstration o f intangible realities. In fact, it is that assurance and demons stration. I. Faith Apprehends God. 1. It apprehends God Himself. 2. It apprehends His plan. 3. It apprehends His witness to us. II. Faith Arouses Men to Action. It is important to note that faith, in this chapter, is chiefly represented as arousing men, not God. 1. It rouses men to do something. 2. It rouses men to do precisely what God has appointed.
—R alph H. D idier .
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