King's Business - 1935-01

January, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


she gives is green. People, when looking at her, cannot be reminded of Christ for they see only Fanny’s envy. Envy makes the person who has it unhappy, and it keeps others from seeing Christ in His true light. Frank Flashlight is just like many boys —he has a dirty face. (Smear dirt or wa­ ter color over the lens.) Frank has more wrong with him than a dirty face. His life is not clean. Whenever people see him, they do not think o f Christ the Light o f the world. They are reminded of the un­ clean things Frank Flashlight says and does. This is Frances. How sweet and clean she looks I Best o f all, she is letting her light shine for Christ. Money, pride, envy, and dirt are kept out of her life in order that she may let her light shine and glorify her Father which is in heaven. How glad she will be that she has let her light shine, for some day she will stand in the pres­ ence o f Christ and hear Him say, “Well done” 1 man, because here he felt the Lord’s power and found, by faith, the- Lord H imself; and it was beautiful to the apostles, be­ cause here they had fresh evidence o f the continued presence and enabling o f their Lord. But the occasion for the manifesta­ tion o f the divine power and grace was found in the simple fact that two men were going up to the temple to pray. As the lame man saw Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked an alms. He did not expect to receive any­ thing more than a little help which would aid him for the time being. His thoughts were not on the subject o f his healing; having been born lame, he never expected to walk. II. T he A nswer to the . L ame M an ( 3 :4-10) _ It may be that we have here an illustra­ tion o f the truth that if two shall agree on earth as touching anything they shall ask, it shall be done for them of the Father in heaven (v. 4; cf. Matt. 18:19). These two apostles were in fellowship with the Lord; therefore they could be used as His instru­ ments o f blessing. The Lord is always waiting for those who will so yield them­ selves to His hands that He can use them to bring blessing to others. Peter said: “ Look on us.” And the lame man gave heed, expecting to receive some material help from these two men. But Peter continued: “ Silver and gold have I none.” But he added, in effect: I have something far better than wealth; I have the power o f the name o f Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and in that name I say, Rise up and walk. Immediately the lame man’s feet and ankle bones received strength, and he rose and walked (vs. 5-8). The lame man “gave heed” to what was said to him. He did what was demanded, even though he had never walked before. And he had that obedient expectancy which is always a means o f appropriating the Lord’s grace. Then came the word to rise and walk, and with the word came the power. Walking is an art that must be learned. But in the case o f this lame man, we find a miracle within a miracle, for “he leaping up stood, and walked.” The Lord not only healed him o f his lameness, but at the same moment He taught him to walk as well. A LAME MAN to 4:31

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Mrs. Flashlight has a pretty bonnet (Use cellophane paper or thin silk.) But I am afraid that pride keeps her from let­ ting her light shine for Christ. Notice how purple the light isl Isn’t it sad to think that some people never see Christ in His true light because some Christians al­ low their lives to be colored with pride? This is Fanny Flashlight Her hat is green and speaks to us of envy. The light



Lesson T ext: Acts 3:1-10; 4:8-12. Golden T ext: “ Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee” (Acts 3 :6). Outline and Exposition I. T he A ppeal of the L ame M an (3:1-3). T here are really three “ beggars” men­ tioned in these verses. One o f them was looking to man for help; hence, he did not have enough for even himself. Two of them were looking to God) there­ fore, they had something to give to others. Peter and John did not forget their de­ pendence upon God and the continual need of prayer (v. 1). The blessings which al­ ready had been poured out upon them did not relieve them of the necessity for con­ stant prayer. W e sometimes forget that prayer is the main channel through which God is pleased to bestow His favor. As Peter and John went to the temple at the hour o f prayer, they found the lame man at the Beautiful gate. He had been lame from birth, never had walked, and was dependent for his living upon the alms o f the people who went in and out o f the sacred edifice. The Beautiful gate was the east gate, toward the sunrising, and that side by which Ezekiel saw the glory o f the Lord depart and return (Ezek. 11:23; 43: 4). It was splendid in its adornment and exquisite in its workmanship. But it was beautiful for more than its outward ap­ pearance. It was here that the first miracle of healing recorded in the Acts (our les­ son for today) took place. It was beauti­ ful to the Lord, because of the opportunity that was afforded to display His might and His grace; it was beautiful to the lame BLACKBOARD LESSON

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HAPPY NEW YEAR ★ Hotel (Frances E.) Willard, North Wing of Bible Institute, is uniquely situated in down town Los Angeles, adjoining the Public Li­ brary with its beautiful park and trees, a(nd close to all churches. Just around the corner from shopping and business districts. * Fire­ proof construction. Rates as low as 75c per day, $4.00 per week. Rooms with private bath no higher than $30.00 per month. We cordially invite you to be our guest while sojourning in Los Angeles. F. B. HARRISON, TRinity 9941 Manager

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