January, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
eleven mistakes in grammar in your ser mon tonight.” “ Very likely,” replied Mr. Moody. “I don’t doubt it for a minute. My early edu cation was faulty. I often wish that I had received more schooling. But I am using all the grammar I know in the service of Christ—how is it with you?” “ Such_ as I have, I give”—is the atti tude which counts I —Pearls for Preachers, by Hart. How Peter Helped a Lame Man A cts 3 :1 to 4 :31 Memory Verse: “ But Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but what I have, that give I thee” (Acts 3:6, R. V .). Approach: Last week when we talked about the letter which Peter sent to the new followers o f Jesus, we told how he
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said that they must be willing to suffer as Jesus had suf fered. Today, o u r story tells us how P e t e r himself had suffered because he was a follower o f Jesus. Lesson Story; One day, Peter and John went up to the tem ple to pray. Busy as
they were, they took time to pray to God. They were not too busy, either, to notice a lame man, begging on the temple steps. Here was a chance for them to show to the people God’s power. Peter said to the lame man: “ Silver and gold have I none; but what I have, that give I thee. In the name of Jesus Christ o f Nazareth, walk” (R .V .). Then a miracle took place, and the man was cured. The people looked in wonder, and then Peter preached them another ser mon. Once more he told them o f the life and death and resurrection o f Jesus. Once more he told them to repent and be baptized. And once more many of them believed. But many did not believe. The rulers of the temple were very angry. They seized Peter and John and put them in prison. This Was the first o f many times that these disciples were to suffer for Jesus’ sake. But they were not dismayed. When they were set free and told by the rulers “not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus,” they answered boldly: “Whether it be right in the sight o f God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” Object Lesson M ore T han M oney Objects: A boy, a chair, and a blind fold. Lesson: I am going to tell you the story this morning about a man who re ceived something more than money. A poor man, lame from his birth, was carried regularly to the gate of the tem ple. As Peter and John were going to the
SPECIAL PACKET OFFER Send 25c. in coin or stamps and we will mail a special department packet (worth 65c.) containing Standard quarterly and big assortment of supporting teaching material for any one department in school. Be sure to mention department in which you are interested. Address The Standard Publishing Company. Eighth and Cutter Sts., Cincinnati, 0 Dept. K .B .-1
temple to pray, the lame man asked them for money. Peter1said: “ Look on us” ; and the man looked, expecting to receive some money. Then Peter said: “ Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name o f Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” Immedi ately the cripple’s feet and ankles became strong, and he leaped and praised God. He received something better than money. He had come to the temple to re ceive alms, and instead he received the use of his legs, which made it unnecessary for him to beg any more. He could now work for a living. How much better off he was than he would have been if Peter and John had given him money! Now, let us ask ourselves the question, How did he receive the use of his legs? “ By acting upon the command o f the ser vant o f God,” you say. Yes, Peter said: “Rise up and walk.” I f the man had re fused, he would never have been made well. This boy is standing here with a blind fold over his eyes. He cannot see a fhing. George, I have placed a chair back of you for you to sit in. Do you believe me? “Yes.” , “Well, if you beljeve me, sit down in the chair and show these people that you do believe that I am telling the truth.”
The B e a u tifu l in Gospel Song By Rev. George Bennard (author of "The Old Rugged Cross). Eleven soul-gripping New Numbers just off the press. Not found in any other book. Among them— "Cast on Him Your Burden," "My Burdens Went Rolling Away" and "For M e." 15c for the song leaflet. Send for a copy of Bonnard's Melodies, 60c— 92-page book of choice solos and duets. With the above brand new num bers you will have a Gospel Song Treasury in your pos session. Dept. K.B. THE BENNARD MUSIC COMPANY 108 West Porter St. Albion, Mleh. now EASTER COMMUNION SUPPLIES I ndividual C ommunion S ervice for Folder and SPECIAL OFFERatlow prices. Tray and 86 glasses $6.50 np. Extra Glasses KRff?!*—— $1.00 dozen. ■Collectionand Bread JIH M B SSisssSM flH Plates. Pastor’s Sick Outfits, etc. THOMASCOMMUNION SERVICE C O , Box 542 lim a, Ohio George had faith in what I told him, and found that there was a chair, just as I had told him, but he had to sit down by faith. All he knew about the chair was what I told him. The poor beggar at the temple had to act on what Peter told him. He had faith in Peter’s words. There are many today who have a spiritual lameness because of sin, and the only way in which they can be made whole is by faith. They must act upon God’s commands, and accept Christ as Saviour.
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