• • • PUT THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S IN 5 0 , 0 0 0 HOM E S TH I S YEAR * Our Club Offer is reproduced on this page with a com plete Club Order Form arranged for any Club up to ten. With this form, and with this magazine as a sample, you are equipped to go to work right away and send us a club order, with a liberal reward assured for your efforts. Drop us a postal card for additional sample copies and other supplies. S E N D U S C H U R C H L I S T S * In order to further assist our Club Organizers, the K ing ’ s B usiness will mail special circulars to persons on Church Lists supplied by the organizer. Credit will be given to the organizer; a special commission on all returns will be al lowed. Ask for our MAIL SALES CIRCULAR which gives full details. Write today.
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