King's Business - 1935-01

January, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Romance of Fire B y P aul H utchens

Into a swift-moving, vigorous story of the modern day, in which the evils o f crime, divorce, and a lust for gold figure prom­ inently, the author has skillfully woven the plan o f salvation. Whoever knows Chi­ cago will be delighted to find familiar scenes and groups described with faithful accuracy. A few days after the death o f her mother, Betty Dreanard escaped from the gangster-stepfather she feared and loathed, to find herself without money or friends in Chicago. In a. strange, provi­ dential way she found friends. Through them she found faith in Christ. Himself an evangelist and a lover o f young peo­ ple, Mr. Hutchens speaks straight to the heart, and the spiritual message o f his book is not lost or passed over; for so filled with suspense are the incidents o f the story, and so beautiful and natural are the pictures of true love and consecration to Christ, that one’s interest is held to the end. This is the type o f book that young people will like—and it will do them good. 254 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. Study Your Bible B y E dward J. Y oung Strongly recommended by Cornelius Van Til, Professor of Apologetics at Westmin­ ster Theological Seminary, Mr. Young’s book provides, in excellent form, a Bible study which presents the Reformed con­ ception of the Lord Jesus Christ and of the W ord ef God. Though the lessons are planned primarily_ for daily study by individuals, the material is easily adapted to group instruction. Based chiefly upon the book of Genesis, these solid and stimulating studies include also a remark­ able scope o f related Old and New Testa­ ment doctrine. For example, the lessons on the fall o f man are followed by a study o f Romans 5. A purely inductive ap­ proach is not attempted, nor is there al­ ways a recognition of differing views held by other evangelicals. There is frequent consideration o f opposing unorthodox views. The book closes with a bibliogra­ phy. 109 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Paper. Price 50 cents. The New Paganism and Other Sermons By W illiam E dward B iederwolf Boldly grappling with modern issues which are vexing men and women today, Dr. Biederwolf clearly shows an under­ standing o f the fierceness o f the conflict. Problems of the current intellectual tur­ moil, the home, the business world, and the personal battle with temptation find •their place in Dr. Biederwolf’s recent col­ lection o f sermons. But his messages re­ veal also the solution as found in Christ as Saviour, the supreme need in every re­ lationship o f human life. The sermons abound in references to history and in apt quotations from literature, used with dis­ cretion and power. 159 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. Evolution Cross-Examined B y D avid S impson In a series of questions and replies, a Christian and an evolutionist present their respective views. The Christian protests against dogmas o f science which depart from the realm of true science or which omit consideration of important facts. The Christian supports his view by specific ex­ amples. 44 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Paper. Price 35 cents. [ Continued on page 30 ]


hearers in the Moody Memorial Church of Chicago. Blessing comes because the mes­ senger is occupied with the unchanging Christ and the Word o f God. Old Testa­ ment typology and the inner significance of incidents in the Bible narrative are shown in their application to the deep needs o f believers and the unsaved. The volume offers food for the spirit o f every reader. 168 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. Twelve stirring messages from the direc­ tor of the Winona Lake Bible Conference present the compassion and the appeal of God to lost sinners and to His own needy children. The sermons are direct and forceful, vivid in characterization, and rich in illustrations and in quotations from the classics. Especially helpful to the pastor as well as to the reader are the outlines which clarify the subjects through the use of parallel structure and pointed propo­ sitions. In his choice _ o f themes, Dr. Biederwolf has dealt with vital problems o f the human heart. His topics include: “ The Logic of the Cross,” “ The Prodi­ gal Son’s Father,” “The Prodigal Son’s Brother,” and “ The Jew, the Jew, the Hated Jew.” 143 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. In bringing together these represen­ tative gospel sermons from ten of the leading Bible teachers o f the country, Dr. Bieber has made easily available a wealth o f material. The messages are rich in teaching from the Word, dealing with the Person o f the Lord Jesus Christ, His atonement, His resurrection, the Bible, and Christian living. The contributors are James M. Gray, William Evans, Lewis Sperry Chafer, Arno Clemens Gaebelein, Harry A. Ironside, W . E. Biederwolf, R. E. Neighbour, I. M. Haldeman, P, W . Philpott, and Herbert Walter Bieber. 150 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. Adapting to his theme the methods of the cross-examination o f witnesses, Mr. Simpson has presented theological issues in the form o f a dialogue between an evangelical and a modernist. Especially valuable to the present-day Christian^ is the work the writer has done in clarifying the issues involved in the doctrines and ambiguous phraseology o f modernism. In addition, the discussion includes many strong evidences in favor o f the evan­ gelical position. 48 pages, Wm. B. Eerd­ mans Pub. Co. Paper. Price 35 cents. Frozen Assets and Other Sermons B y W illiam E dward B iederwolf Good News from a Far Country B y H erbert W . B ieber Chosen from the ministry o f leading men of God, these sermons will prove a fruitful source o f instruction and inspira­ tion; Modernism Cross-Examined B y D avid S impson

Scripture Memorizing for Successful Soul-Winning B y O scar L owry

With the actual memorizing of the Word of God as its central emphasis, this textbook on personal evangelism is prac­ tical in approach and spiritually fruitful in results. The author offers a simple_and workable system for thorough memorizing o f great numbers of Scripture passages. He brings many heartening instances of the Lord’s using quotations from the W ord in convicting and winning souls. Particularly valuable is the portion oft the use o f the memorizèd W ord in dealing with various classes of inquirers or new converts. Thus to many o f God’s children there will come a new incentive in the thought that any Christian who will fulfill the conditions may become a personal worker. The writer’s knowledge of the W ord and his years of wide experience in Christian work enable him to bring many practical hints which will guard from mis­ takes and will greatly facilitate the efforts o f those who desire to become effective laborers in the Lord’s harvest. 192 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.50. The general need o f revival in the church o f Christ is obvious to all. Not so obvious, and mot so easily agreed upon are the fac­ tors which enter into revival. Dr. Riley, in this third edition of his book, has given a plain and practical series of sermons on various phases of the perennial revival. He has restated many old truths in fresh ways. His book will be a mine of illustrations for preachers, as well as a stimulant to their evangelistic zeal. 259 pages. Judson Press. Cloth. Price $1.25. With the conviction that young people desire to know on what ground they can call themselves Christians and know for themselves that they are the children of God, the author has given a series of inspirational messages which show the basis o f salvation and the responsibility o f the Christian. The following chapter head­ ings will indicate the author’s approach: “What Is a Christian?” “What Must I Do to Become a Christian?” “The Challenge o f the Christian Life,” “ The Christian and Worship,” and “ The Gift o f Power.” The author leaves no doubt as to his stand on the fundamental doctrines o f the Christian faith, and he presents the truth with a simplicity that is forceful. 127 pages. Marshall, Morgan & Scott, Ltd. Board. Price 50 cents. The Perennial Revival By W illiam B. R iley Life Quest and Conquest B y L ionel B. F letcher

The Unchanging Christ and Other Sermons B y H. A. I ronside

Frequently expository, always with spiritual appeal, Dr. Ironside’s messages have enriched the lives o f thousands of

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