January, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
OUR LITERATURE TABLE [Continued from page 28] is eminently fitted to maintain the stan dard set by the previous editors. The vol ume reveals his conservative theology, his personal love for the Lord and the Word, and his wide acquaintance with expository writings and general literature. The Scripture text is that of the Ameri can Standard Revision, and the expository comments and quotations, as well as thought-provoking questions, are closely associated with the text in a clause-by clause exposition. Teachers will find the bibliographical material especially rich, and will appreciate the inclusion of many recent books. Colored maps, four full- page pictures in color, and a multitude of smaller illustrations are further features. The book will be valued for a multitude o f purposes in Christian work. 409 pages. W . A. Wilde Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. Publishers of Christian Literature T he K ing ’ s B usiness believes that the books reviewed in its columns are worth while books. In the distribution of sound Christian literature, this magazine wishes to cooperate in the fullest possible way with every publisher of such works. This month, while the works of other publish ers are gladly mentioned, Our Literature Table (p. 28) features largely the produc tions of the Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company of Grand Rapids, Mich. In this connection, T he K ing ’ s B usiness is
pleased to print, voluntarily, a portion o f the company’s statement o f policy as an encouragement to readers, and as a pub lic appreciation o f the principles o f this firm and other companies that may take the same position. Over the signature o f its President, the following statements appear in the policy of the Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Com pany : 1. In our convictions and belief we pro fess to be Christians. 2. It is our aim to harmonize our per sonal convictions and our business poli cies. 3. Our criterion is Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 4. By barring from our list such books as are tinged with the principles o f mod ernism, and trying to bring together into one fold the household o f faith, we would consider it a great privilege, if the Master will use us, in being instrumental to pre sent to America and to the world a solid and positive force of Christianity. Whether or not it is able to recommend every publication that such a company may put out, T he K ing ’ s B usiness be-, lieves that any firm that will take the courageous stand that the Wm. B. Eerd mans Publishing Company has taken in its published statement o f policy is deserving of the greatest support both by the maga zine and its readers.
G em * of Gold B y R. E. N eighbour
The field of Dr. Neighbour’s life work has been wide and varied. As a pastor, teacher, evangelist, author, and musician, he has been used o f the Lord to touch thousands o f lives. The present volume, extending his ministry still further, will literally sing its way into troubled hearts. Each of the three hundred and sixty-five selections in the book provides a Scripture text for meditation, a devotional comment for contemplation, and at least one—usu ally two—original poetical expressions de signed to aid .the reader in the daily ex ultation of the Lord Jesus Christ. The au thor’s utter fidelity to the whole Word of God is everywhere discernible. It is dif ficult to imagine that any one could use this book daily for a year and not find in his own heart a growing love for the Lord and an increased purpose to obey and rest in the eternal Word. Such a book is a remarkably valuable addition to any home. 378 pages. McMillen-Neighbour Pub. Co., Elyria, Ohio. Cloth. Price $1.50. Peloubet’s Select Notes for 1935 B y W ilbur M. S mith With a notable record of usefulness, this famous Sunday-school lesson com mentary now appears in its sixty-first an nual volume. As successor to the late Dr. Amos R. Wells in the editorship of Pelou bet’s Select Notes, Dr. Wilbur M. Smith
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