King's Business - 1935-01


January, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

May we today hear and heed those words I Some one has said very wisely, “You can’t ‘peg out’ the love o f God. We may as well try to break up the sea into allot­ ments.” The love o f God is as broad as mankind, yea, broader, and wherever, in whatever country, there are those who fear Him and work rightousness, they are accepted with God. W e need to be guarded from the error o f believing that the search o f Cor­ nelius was in itself a guarantee of salva­ tion. Asignificant detail in Peter’s report is sometimes overlooked. W e read in Acts 11:13,14: “An angel . . . said unto him, Send men to Joppa, and call for Simon, whose surname is Peter; Who shall tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved.” Conscientious though Cornelius was, he needed to hear the Word o f God in order to be saved. If God accepts those o f other races, shouldn’t we? And the secret of improv­ ing our attitude toward people o f other races is to deepen our love for Christ—to obey the command: “ Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” He said: “Other sheep I have, which are not o f this fold: them also I must bring.” If we are like our Master, His sheep, of whatever color, will be dear to us also. “These things I command you, that ye love one another.” Leader’s Helps I. I nterracial P artnership People in practically every nation in the world today call for recognition by us, not only as fellow men and potential mem­ bers of the conscious household of a com­ mon Father—but as actual members of the same universal Christian church to which we belong. As members of the true church in any one o f its many forms, these indi­ viduals, o f whatever race, are friends of Jesus—if they keep His commandments. They realize that He said: “All ye are brethren” ; “ If ye love me, keep my com­ mandments.” “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you” ; “ By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” If all true born- again believers could realize the partner­ ship with all others in God’s great family, they would break, down distinctions of caste.—H. S. L eiper . II. A C hanged C limate A speaker at the Panama Congress of Missions illustrated the situation between Mexico and the United States in this w ay: “ This country was once denizened by mon­ sters, vast and awful. God might have exterminated them by creating a race of giants with enormous weapons and thus have killed off the mammoths and dino­ saurs. But He did not do it that way. He simply changed the climate, and they all died. When the climate along the border and where these races meet us within our borders has been changed and tempered with real Christian love, the evils which are now o f major proportions will disap­ pear.”—M c C ombs . III. A ttitudes and A dmiration One way to improve our attitude toward other races is to_ recall some outstanding members or achievements o f individuals o f other lands . . . . Roland Hayes, the great concert tenor of the Negro race; H. O. Tanner, the great Negro artist and po­ et; Dr. Michael Pupin, the Serbian shep­

herd boy who won distinction as a scien­ tist; Dr. Hideyo Noguchi, the great Jap­ anese doctor who gave his life in Africa seeking to cure yellow fever. By the pro­ cess o f looking for the best in groups as well as in individuals, one can pass from hatred to brotherliness.—H. S. L eiper . IV. I n C hrist T here I s No E ast N or W est In Christ there is no East nor West, In Him no South nor North; But one great fellowship o f love Throughout the whole wide earth. Join hands then, brothers o f the faith, Whate’er your race may be; Who serves my Father as a son Is surely kin to me. —J ohn O xenham . FEBRUARY 17, 1935 What the Bible Says about Temptation and Sin J ames 1 :2-4, 12-18; M ark 7 :14-23 Suggestions for the Meeting Hymn—“ Beneath the Cross of Jesus.” Hymn—“ True-Hearted, Whole-Heart­ ed.” Prayer. Hymn—“He Will Hold Me Fast.” Scripture—James 1 :2-4, 12-18; Mark 7:14-23. Duet—“Yield Not to Temptation.”. Leader’s Message. Meditation on the Lesson Temptation is common to all and, at first thought, seems very unpleasant and disagreeable and something to be avoided. To us today, the word “temptation” car­ ries the idea of enticement to evil thoughts or actions. But in Scripture, the word fre­ quently implies testing or proving. With this thought in mind, let us examine the passage for our lesson. W e find the com­ mand to “count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations.” A similar teach­ ing is in Romans 5 :3, 4: “ And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also; knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And pa­ tience, experience; and experience, hope.” W e are constrained to ask, “Why and how can this be?” What is the purpose? God does not leave us in doubt. The mes­ sage is : “ Knowing this”—not thinking,^ or guessing, or in doubt—but knowing. Knowing what? “ Knowing this, that the trying o f your faith worketh patience.” Would you have patience? Then live with some trying person who causes you to ex­ ercise every ounce o f self-control. If patience is your goal, there is reason for thankfulness in every circumstance that would help you attain your objective. Temptations also prove us—not to God, for He knows our hearts—but to our­ selves. Just as steel cables are tested to prove their holding power, so we, as Christians, are tested to prove our stead­ fastness. W e never know how much faith, endurance, patience, courage, or brotherly love we have until the testing comes. God has a plan for every Christian, and only through testings can this plan be ac­ complished. “ Blessed is the man that en- dureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown o f life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.” Oswald Chambers has this pertin­ ent w ord: “ God takes the saint like a bow which He stretches; and we get to a cer­ tain point and say, ‘I can’t stand any more,’ but God goes on stretching. He is not aim- Testimonies. Quiet Hour. Benediction—Jude 24, 25.

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