King's Business - 1935-01

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

January, 1935


6. Put away (Heb. 9:26). 7. Blotted out (Isa. 43:25; Acts 3:19). 8. Cast into the sea (Micah 7:19). 9. Purged (Heb. 1:3). —S ayles . V. T he C onsequences of S in Sages of old contented that no sin was ever committed whose consequences rested on the head o f the sinner alone—that no man could do ill and his fellow not suffer. They illustrated it thus: A vessel sailing from Joppa carried a passenger who be­ neath his berth cut a hole through the ship’s side. When the men of the watch expostulated with him, saying, “What doest thou, O miserable man?” the offend­ er calmly replied, “What matters it to you? The hole I have cut lies under my own berth 1” No man perishes alone in his iniquity; no man can guess the full consequences o f his transgressions. One Achan defiled the camp (Josh. 7:1 ). — C harles H addon S purgeon . FEBRUARY 24, 1935 What the Bible Says about Forgiveness 1 J ohn 1:7-9; 2:1-12 Suggestions for the Meeting Hymn—“Praise Him I Praise H im l” Hymn—“ Only Trust Him.” Prayer. Hymn—“O Happy Day.” Scripture—1 John 1:7-9; 2:1-12. Solo— “ Softly and Tenderly.” Leader’s Message. Forgiveness is one o f the sweetest words in the English language. No one of us can say, “ I feel no need of forgive­ ness,” for a sense of failure and a deep conviction o f need is universal among Christians. Every day we could say, “Oh, how far short I have come from reaching my ideal!” Then it is that we crave for­ giveness for sins of commission and sins o f omission. How tender, exquisitely tender, is our loving heavenly Father, who has made abundant provision for all our sins I In our passage for today we have His grace portrayed in these precious words: “ But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with an­ other, and the blood o f Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin . . . I f we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousnes.” What a mar­ velous provision is made for fellowship, cleansing, and forgiveness I It would seem that we experience th'ese blessings in the reverse order. First, we have forgiveness, then cleansing, and finally, fellowship. Without the foundation of forgiveness, we could have neither cleansing nor fel­ lowship. God’s gifts are free, “without money and without price,” but there are condi­ tions to be met—conditions which are pos­ sible to men. We are not left in darkness as to how we can obtain these blessings. For fellowship, we are to “walk in the light.” For forgiveness and cleansing, we must “confess our sins.” In the second chapter, the apostle goes into detail concerning the walking in the light. He urges us not to sin. But, glory to the name o f our God, “if any man sin, we have an advocate” who not only is an Testimonies. Quiet Hour. Hymn—“At the Cross.” Benediction—Numbers 6:24-26. Meditation on the Lesson

ing at our mark, but at His own, and the patience o f the saints is that we hold on until He lets the arrow fly straight to His goal.” In its teaching, James 1 :14, IS is very closely related to our Lord’s message in Mark 7 :14-23. Humiliating as it is to admit the fact, the human heart is “des­ perately wicked” ; and only in our cruci­ fied, risen Saviour may we have victory over “the lusts of the flesh.” Let us beseech Him: “ So wash me, Thou, without, within, Or purge with fire, if that must be, No matter how, if only sin Die out in me, die out in me.” Leader’s Helps 1. T he P igs and the B eans When Rowland Hill was going down a street one day, he saw a number o f pigs following a man. “ This,” said Hill, “ex­ cited my curiosity so much that I deter­ mined to follow. I did so, and to my great surprise I saw them follow him to the slaughterhouse. I said to the man, ‘My friend, how did you induce the pigs to follow you here?’ “He replied, ‘I had a basket of beans under my arm, and I dropped a few as I came along, and so they followed me.’ “And so it is,” added Hill, “that Satan has the beans of pleasure, lust, passion, folly, and sins — innumerable and un- namable—in his basket; he drops them as he goes along, and what multitudes he induces to follow him to an everlasting slaughterhouse 1” : >; Be not, therefore, led captive by him who “walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Pet. 5:8).—P ickering . II. T he U niversal E xperience Temptation is not something you may escape; it is essential to the full-orbed life of a man. Beware lest you think you are tempted as no one else is tempted; what you go through is the common inheritance o f the race, not something no one ever went through before. God does not save you from temptations. He succors you in the middle o f them.—O swald C hambers . III. S in ’ s E ffects 1. A bee lighted on a Dublin urchin’s hand and stung him. He quickly remarked, “You are a pretty creature, but you have a very hot fo o t” Similar in character is sin—tempting for the moment, sometimes apparently beautiful, but always stinging. “ The sting o f death is sin .” —S elected . 2 . The old proverb hath it, “Here’s talk of the Turk hnd the Pope, but ’tis my next neighbor that does me the most harm.” It is neither popery nor infidelity that we have half so much cause to dread as our own besetting sins. W e want more Protestants against sin, more Dissenters from carnal maxims, and more Noncon­ formists to the world. Our own besetting sins require far more of our watchfulness than state blunders or ecclesiastical abuses. —C harles H addon S purgeon . IV. W hat G od D oes with the B eliever ' s S ins Believers’ sins are: 1. Not imputed to them (2 Cor. 5:19). 2. Laid on Christ (Isa. 53:6). 3. Borne by Christ (1 Pet. 2:24).

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4. Remitted (Acts 10:43). 5. Removed (Psa. 103:12).

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