King's Business - 1935-01

January, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


III. That Which Should Accompany Forgiveness: 1. Forbearance (Col. 3:13). 2. Kindness (Rom. 12:20). 3. Blessing and prayer (Matt. 5 :44). — S elected . IV. T he M eaning of “F orgiveness ” < The Greek word translated “remission” in Matthew 26:28, Acts 10:43, and He­ brews 9:22, is elsewhere rendered “ for­ giveness.” It means to send off, or away. And this, throughout Scripture, is the one fundamental meaning of forgiveness—to separate the sin from the sinner. Distinc­ tion must be made between divine and hu­ man forgiveness: 1. Human forgiveness means the re­ mission of penalty. . . . “ The priest shall make an atonement for his sin that he hath committed, and it shall be forgiven him” (Lev. 4:35). “ This _ is _my blood o f the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission [sending away,, forgiveness] o f sins” (Matt. 26:28). “With out shedding o f blood there is no remis­ sion.” . . . The sin of the justified believer interrupts his fellowship, and is forgiven upon confession, but always on the ground o f Christ’s propitiating sacrifice (1 John 1:6-9; 2:2). 2. Human forgiveness rests upon and results from the divine forgiveness. In many passages this is assumed rather than stated, hut the principle is declared in Ephesians 4 :32 and Matthew 18:32, 33. —Scofield Reference Bible. V. W hen F orgiveness I s N ecessary 1. When we pray (Mk. 11:25). 2. Whenever an erring brother con­ fesses sin (Lk. 17:4). 3. When we consider Christ’s forgive­ ness o f us (Eph. 4:32; Col. 3:13). —S elected . Evangelizing the Prisoner The Jail Evangelist, a new monthly pub­ lication o f unusual interest, is a trimipet, or mouthpiece, in two senses. It is the voice o f the United Jail Workers’ Associ­ ation o f Los Angeles, and it is also the voice of the prisoner in jail. This excel­ lent little paper, which represents a group of consecrated Jail Workers numbering nearly 300, pictures the tremendously vital spiritual and temporal needs of a con­ stantly growing jail population. It does more: It shows how the gospel o f the Lord Jesus Christ has been accepted by prisoners behind the bars, has brought real joy to heart-broken wives and mothers, has reunited broken homes, has salvaged young lives and turned liabilities into as­ sets o f society and the church. The church of Christ has long neglected the prison field. With its attention in other directions, the church has been ex­ tending, as it were, only the little finger of its left hand to the poor sufferers in jail, who need the gospel. But now, through the United Jail Workers’ Associ­ ation, believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are enabled to extend a strong right arm and an open hand to the prisoners and their families. The aim o f this marvelous­ ly efficient organization is to give the mes­ sage of the W ord o f God to all_the prison­ ers in all the jails all the time. It is believed that this goal has actually been reached in the jails of Los Angeles City and County. The record o f this extra­ ordinary ministry is found in The Jail Evangelist, a monthly paper, obtainable through Chaplain I. E. King, Room 224, Hall o f Justice, Los Angeles, Calif., at the rate of fifty cents per year.

eloquent Pleader, but is Himself the pro­ pitiation for our sins. Therefore He can plead with authority. This great fact that we have a powerful interceding Saviour who “ever liveth to make intercession” for us is our antidote to sin while we are walking in the light. Then we shall know Him, if we keep His commandments and love the brethren. “ Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God.” Then the writer closes with these words: “I write unto you, little chil­ dren, because your sins are forgiven you for his name’s sake.” “ Forgiven”—“ for Christ’s sake” ! No greater message can be carried to the ends of the earth. Christ Jesus Himself “bare our sins in his own body on the tree” that we might be forgiven.

S O L U T I O N T H E CRIME PROBLEM Crime is on the increase! What to do Read of marvelous victories in the greatest home and foreign missionary enterprise within four walls. Scores of souls saved every Sunday in the Los Angeles City and County Jails. Last year, 5,780 persons professed conver­ sion. If you want to be inspired, en­ couraged, uplifted, read about this ex­ traordinary ministry. THE JAIL EVANGEL IST Published monthly 50 cents a year Address: Chaplain I. E. King, Room 224 Hall of Justice, Los Angeles, Calif. T O about it> Give the gospel! CHRIST REGENERATES CHRIST REHABILITATES N O W ' Y O U R B I B L E ï Master the Great Prophecies. Understand present World Conditions and Their Outcome. Send postal for catalogue of books, helps, Bibles. Approved, remarkably enlightening. Thousands sold. TRUTH PUB. CO., Box 524, GUTHRIE, OKLA. M A T E (Say Mat-tay) is best in the long run. At the last Olympic games in Los Angeles the long distance marathon race (26 miles) was won by an athlete from Argentina. He drank MATE. In the race of life it will pay yoif to drink MATE, as your daily beverage. You will find it “ best in the long run." It is healthful, sus­ taining and economical. Send 25c for 4 oz., or $1 for 20 oz. postpaid. Agents wanted PAN AMERICAN TEA COMPANY 1553 W. Jefferson St. - - Los Angeles, Calif. AUTHOR’S ILLUSTRATION SERVICE Publishers demand better picture copy. Suitable photographs and other art submit­ ted ready for use in Christian literature and travel, fact or scientific articles and books promote sales and bring you profit. I make high-grade illustration photographs on order, offer expert criticism and aid in preparing your own films and pictures for printer; supply d r a w in g s , engravings, slides. Photographs o f American, Holy Land and other subjects for sale. Write me your problems today. A D E L B E R T B A R T L E T T 612 Southwest Bldg., - - Los Angeles, Calif. (Reference , King's Business) EASY TO RAISE MONEY foryour FavoriteOrganization 40,000 organizations have raised much needed funds through the sale of Gott- schalk’s Metal Sponge. Our liberal co-opera­ tive plan will make it easy to obtain the money necessary to carry on your work. Gottschalk’s Metal Sponge is known to the housewife from coast to coast. It cleans and scours pots and pans twice as fast with half the effort. Keeps the hands dainty and white. This year, two new items will add

“I gave my life for thee, My precious blood I shed, That thou might’st ransomed be, And quickened from the dead.”

Leader’s Helps 1. F orgiveness 1.

What is forgiveness? A little blind boy was asked what forgiveness was. He re­ plied, “It is the odor that flowers breathe when trampled upon.” A beautiful thought to associate with the Saviour’s dying cry, “Father, forgive them” ! (Lk. 23:34).—P ickering . 2 . Upon a tombstone in the Evergreen Cemetery, New York, there is carved the word, “ Forgiven.” There is only one word, yet it speaks volumes. It breathes o f grace, salvation, and the cleansing blood o f the Lamb. “Your sins are forgiven” (1 John 2:12) “by the blood” (Eph. 2 :13) — S elected . 3. Oglethorpe, Governor o f Georgia, said in a passion to Mr. Wesley: “ That vile servant of mine misbehaves, though he knows I never forgive.” “Then,” said Mr. Wesley, “I hope you never sin.” The great thing is to be forgiven myself first (1 John 2:12), and then in the same spirit to forgive others.—S elected . II. E nough Lady Powerscourt lay dying in her cas­ tle. A friend who was on intimate terms with her came into her bedroom, and said: “ How are you today, Lady Powerscourt?” “Very well,” she said, “very well; I will tell you what I have been thinking of. I have been thinking that one needs a great many scriptures to live by, but you only need one to die by.” “And what is that; your ladyship?” “ The only scripture that a person needs to die by is this: ‘The blood o f Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin,’ and that verse was never sweeter to my soul than at this moment.”—P ickering . III. F rom H is W ord I. Bible Examples o f Forgiveness:

materially to your profits — Kitchen Jewel and Hand-L-Mop. They sell on sight and repeat. Write for ^ our liberal money-making plan. METAL SPONGE SALES CORP. i JohnW . Gottschalk, Pres. 2726 N. Mascher St., Philadelphia, Pa. 'OTTSCHALKS ( THE ORIGINAL'SANITARY METAL SPONGE

1. Paul (2 Tim. 4:16). 2. Stephen (Acts 7:60). 3. David (1 Sam. 24:1-7). 4. Joseph (Gen. 50:20, 21). 5. Jesus Christ (Lk. 23:34).

II. Reasons for Forgiving: 1. Forgive because Christ is the Ex­ ample (Lk. 23:34). 2. Forgive because God commands it (Rom. 12:19). 3. Forgive because God has forgiven us (Eph. 4:32).

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