January, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
corded that "it was now dark, and Jesus was not come to them.” That describes the experience of many o f God’s children today. They are in darkness, and the Lord, as they suppose, is not with them. They do not realize His presence. What they do realize are the circumstances o f trial and o f difficulty by which they are surrounded. Then suddenly their Lord appears walking upon the water. “ But when they saw him walking upon the sea, they supposed it had been a spirit, and cried out.” Our supposings often rob us of our peace. Faint not, nor fear, His arms are near; He f aileth not, and thou art dear; Only believe, and thou shalt see That God is all in all to thee. —S elected . Pray for courage and divine protection fo r the Lord’s servants who are facing danger in foreign lands. FEBRUARY 13 The Overflow “ The fruit o f the Spirit is . . . self-con trol" (Gal. 5:22, 23, R. V .). I remember a friend of Hudson Tay lor’s telling me how, when he first went out to China, Taylor took him to an eat ing house where he began to give him some wise counsel from his long experience. While he was talking, Taylor poured out a glass of water. He filled the glass right up to the brim. Then as he was speaking, he struck the table a sharp blow, and as the water spilled out, he said, “Now, out here in China you will get many a nasty knock, many a rough experience. You will come up against much criticism and trial and trouble. But remember this— when you do, it will only spill out o f you what is in you.” What was it spilled out o f you the last time somebody said an unkind thing about you, or did an uncharitable act to you? . . . Remember, if the Holy Spirit is in you in all His fullness, He will manifest . . . the beauty and the radiance and the glory o f the Lord Jesus. —J. R. S. W ilson . Pray fo r the work of. the China Inland Mission, o f which Hudson Taylor was the founder. FEBRUARY 14 Miseries, or Mercies "Hast not thou made a hedge about him . . . and about all that he hath?” (Job 1:10). There is a great deal of very practical teaching in the use o f the word “hedge” in the Word of God. Job mournfully complains of his state, and one o f his first laments is of being “a man. . . whom God hath hedged in.” It was a sorrow and woe to him. But the devil did not look on it in the same light . . . He reckoned it as one o f Job’s choicest blessings: “Hast not thou made a hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side?” The devil put first among the mercies what Job had put first among his miseries. And perhaps we are doing the same. Have we never complained of fetters in life, or health, or circumstances, which we have seen afterwards to have been the deepest sign o f a Father’s most tender control? Do not let it be that Satan knows our blessings better than we know them ourselves. —S ophia M. N ugent . Pray that you may rest in the will of God.
FEBRUARY 9 His Habitation
“ The Lord hath chosen Zion . . . for his habitation. . . . here will I dwell; for I have desired it" (Psa. 132:13, 14). Here you have the one great desire of God............ His heart longed for man, to dwell with him and in him. T o Moses He said: “ Let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.” And just as Israel had to prepare the dwelling for God, even so His children are now called to yield themselves for God to dwell in them, and to win others to become His habitation. As the desire o f God toward us fills the heart, it will waken within us the desire to gather others around us to become His dwelling too. What an honor 1 What a high calling, to count my worldly business as entirely secondary, and to find my life and my delight in winning souls in whom God may find His heart’s de light!— God’s Best Secrets. Pray for the Biblical Research Society and every other agency that is seeking to make Christ known to the Jewish people. FEBRUARY 10 The Testimony of a Quiet Heart "H e shall not be afraid o f evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord" (Psa. 112:7). A calm, restful course is one o f the most powerful testimonies a Christian can give to the reality o f divine grace; for the world is not peaceful, and cannot be at rest.—Mas. W . P ennefather . “What was it that brought me to Christ? I can tell you!” said a young Bible Institute student. “ It was the sight o f my mother’s quiet, tearless face at the time o f my father’s death. I knew her heart was breaking, but I saw, too, that she had the peace that passeth all under standing—and I wanted it.”—S elected . Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world o f sin? The blood o f Jesus whispers peace within. —E dward H. B ickersteth . Pray that God may bless the life-testi mony and the teaching o f the Bible Women o f the Bible Institute of. Los An geles. FEBRUARY 11 God Speaks in HU Son “ God . . . Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son" (Heb. 1:2). Speaking is the vehicle of fellowship. It is a proof that the speaker considers him he addresses capable of fellowship with himself; a token that he longs for that fellowship. Man was created for fel lowship with God. Sin interrupted it. Nature speaks of God and His work; but of Himself, His heart, and His thoughts o f love toward us as sinners nature can not tell. The Son Himself had to come as the Word o f God to us to bring us into living contact with the Divine Being, to dwell in our heart, as He dwells in God’s heart, to be in us God’s W ord as He is iti God, and so to give us the living experi ence o f what it means that God speaks to us.—A ndrew M urray . Pray fo r those who are deprived of. physical hearing, that their spiritual hear ing may be the more acute.
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FEBRUARY 12 No Need to Fear “ Be not afraid" (John 6:20).
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These words were spoken to men whose hearts were filled with fear. They had been toiling in the tempest. It is re
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