January, 1935
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
around you mighty hard to breathe in, but it can’t get inside a man’s life without his consent. There is only one knob to the door of a man’s life; and that is on the inside. That door never opens except as the man inside opens it. With greatest reverence be it said that God won’t come in without a man’s glad consent. And—mark keenly—Satan can’t get in without the man’s willing consent. It takes two to make a successful tempta tion, and you are one of the two. —S. D. G ordon . Pray for all Christian workers who wit ness to the inmates o f penal institutions. FEBRUARY 18 The Lord May Speak " Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him” (Psa. 37:7). Literally, “Be silent to the Lord.” Have inward silence at any rate—the stillness of an attentive heart and obedient will. . . Check the restlessness and noise of pas sion; quiet the turbulence of desire—that there be no interruption to holy commun- ings. And when the language of prayer and praise is ended, be in no haste to leave the presence of your God, but stay on for a little space; have a pause. What if the Lord should speak! Who can tell? He may have something to say to you there and then. He is perhaps only waiting for you to finish . . . Give to God oppor tunity for speaking to you. Be silent enough to catch the still small voice. —W illiam G riffiths . Pray for every one who, in a quiet moment, may read one o f the Bibles dis tributed by the Gideons. FEBRUARY 19 Has Love Declined? “Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love” (Rev. 2:4 ). The most rigid orthodoxy cannot com pensate for lack of love. The Ephesians were orthodox enough, but the Lord chided them because one: thing was lack ing. . . . What is the supreme thing that Jesus seeks in His people? It is personal love o f Himself. Given this, and all else will shape itself. Love is the summing up o f the law; we keep all commandments when we love. . . . Do you know what a loveless home is? Is there anything on earth more like hell than such a place? My brother, you are married to Jesus; you are the child of God. Tell me, is it not the most dreadful thing if your love has declined?—F. C S purr . Pray for the broken homes in every community, including those in which the American Sunday School Union is min istering.
^ A Word Fitly Spoken “She . . . spake o f him to all them that looked fo r redemption in Jerusalem” (Lk. 2:38). “ She spake of him.” That is our mis sion. W e have found the answer to all our need in that blessed Person. Thank God there are, through His grace, empty, longing, needy hearts in this world, hearts that are sick o f the pleasures and weary of the bondage of sin, hearts that cannot be satisfied with the empty shell of the temple ritual. Thousands, too, o f His own who long to know Him better are waiting for the “word in season.” Oh, that we may have our hearts filled first, and then go forth, whether to saint or sinner, to speak of Him 1 — C. A . C o ats . Go, salvation’s anthem swelling, Speak of love divinely great 1 Years are flying, souls are dying, Work in earnest, watch and wait. —D ouglas R ussell . Pray for blessing upon the literature distributed by the Bible House o f Los Angeles. "Because the Lord loved you . . . hath the Lord brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you” (Deut. 7:8). Believers hot only have a right to the good things o f God, but they have this right by their adoption, and not by merit. Here we see the difference between the law and the gospel. The law treats men as mercenaries, and says, “Do, and live” ; the gospel treats them as children, and says, “ Live, and do.” —R obert H aldane . Remember, whatever change may have taken place in you, Jesus Christ is the same—He has not changed. His love is as great, His mercy is as tender, His grace is as free, His Word is as faithful. He still says, “ Come unto me.” Come as you are; come, and He will heal, restore, and bless you!—J ames S mith . Ask the Lord to greatly use the students o f the Hunan Bible Institute, the China Department o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, as well as the faculty and mem bers o f the Biola Evangelistic Bands. FEBRUARY 17 Truth about Temptation “ Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation” (Mk. 14:38, R. V .). Temptation has no power o f itself. It must have help from the man being tempted. It can do absolutely nothing without the consent of the man being tempted. It can make an atmosphere FEBRUARY 16 Grace, Not Merit
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