T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
January, 1935
disciples from each other. Beware of Satan’s attempts to make you undervalue what Christ has given you. Identify Christ’s contributions to your life. Prize what Jesus has given. The gift o f pardon, sensitiveness o f conscience, sorrow for sin, fear of sin, a new considerateness of others, an insight into Scripture, a belief in prayer, a love for the Sabbath, faith fulness in duty—all evidences o f the Spirit’s work and indwelling—prize such things.—H. L. M. Pray for sustaining grace and victory for missionaries o f Latin America, who are feeling the strength o f the enemy’s power. FEBRUARY 25 Will a Man Rob God? " Wherein have we robbed thee?” (Mai. 3:8 ). . People are habitually telling us that God demanded the tithe. That is utterly at variance with the true position. God demanded the tithe only as a minimum, and they had carelessly given Him what He claimed—the minimum—in tithes and offerings. They had robbed God in that they had not responded to the divine claim in the spirit in which it was made, but had offered that which was allowed by measurement and rule rather than in the spirit o f love. . . . God’s claim is all— everything to be His. Every coin used selfishly is robbery in the Christian dis pensation. W e should never be compelled to beg from the devil to carry on Qod’s work, if He were not being plundered. —G. C ampbell M organ . Pray that wisdom may be granted to Christian stewards everywhere in the ad ministration o f funds. “ The beloved o f Jehovah shall dwell in safety by him; he covereth him all the day long” (D eut 33:12, R .V .). Salvation is a gift from God, and it is not a hard thing to get, for you have but to receive it. Again, it is not hard to keep; for all who have received God’s salvation, which is Christ, are kept by the power o f God. He is “able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the pres ence o f hig’ glory with exceeding joy.” Get Christ, and He will hold you fast for ever in His gracious Omnipotent hand. —T. D. W . M uir . Fear Him, ye saints, and you will then Have nothing else to fear; Make you His service your delight, Your wants shall be His care. —Keswick Calendar. Pray for natives o f India, to whom missionaries o f the Ceylon and India General Mission have given the gospel, that they may rejoice in the saving and keeping power of Christ. “ And now,” said Paul to the ship wrecked mariners, “I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.” These words give, as near as I know, a defini tion of faith—persuasion that “it shall be even as it was told me.” And in Elisa beth's great chant she says o f Mary, “Blessed is she Which believed that there [margin] shall be a performance o f those FEBRUARY 27 What Is Faith? "I believe God” (Acts 27:25). FEBRUARY 26 Saved and Kept
G U L A R L Y •will jjJiotect
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