King's Business - 1935-01


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“ Go through the Bible with a com- pe t en t guide! Sell’s Bible Study books are invalu­ able to teachers, of groups, speak­ ers in church and prayer - meetings for quick prepar­ ation by Minis­ ters and for per­ sonal study.”— Earnest Worker.

Th o u s a n d s o f readers will recall Dr. Sell’s leading a r t i c l e s in T he S unday S chool T imes . His con­ servative scholar- liness, clearness o f •thought, and p r a c t i c a l Com­ ment have made his books unsur­ passed in modern times.

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The Most Usable Bible Study Books in the World 350,000 VOLUMES SOLD The Sunday School Times says: "O f supreme value. Will fill the earnest student with a desire to explore the fasci­ nating vistas of biblical research. Bible classes will find them helpful, for the whole series is attractively printed and bound although sold at so low a price.” Price... Each ... Cloth. 1. Introductory Bible Studies 9. Bible Studies in Vital Questions 160 Pages. Essential Christian Beliefs. Six­ teen Great Questions—What is the Bible? Who is God? Who is Jesus Christ? What is Man? Is Man Immortal? What is The

.75c; The Set...$10.50 Years of Jesus; 2, The Immediate Prepar­ ation; 3, Public Ministry— First Year; 4, Public Ministry— Second Year; 5, Public Ministry—Third Year; 6, Public Ministry— Last Four Months; 7, Passion Week; 8, The Resurrection. 6. Bible Studies in the Life of Paul 130 Pages. Ten Chapters: Three Parts: 1, Paul’s Preparation, Early Life, Conversion; 2, Paul’s Journeys— First, Second and Third Missionary Journeys and That of Jerusalem to Rome; Paul’s Writings, Plan and Pur­ pose of Each Epistle. 7. Bible Studies in the Life of the Christian 169 Pages. Fourteen Chapters. Christian Faith and Service. Religious, Moral, Social and Political significance of The Teachings of Jesus: New Introductory Chapter of Being a Christian: What Is a Christian ?—Good Lenten Studies. 8. Bible Studies in Early Church History 162 Pages. From the Time of Christ to the Reign of Constantine. “ The Heroic Age of The Church.” Ten Chapters— Tracing the Progress of The Churches from Jerusalem to Rome. 13.

160 Pages. Bible Structure, History, Geog­ raphy, Institutions, Times. Twenty-four Les­ sons, Five Maps, Blackboard Outlines for All Lessons. 2. Bible Study by Books 273 Pages. Fifty-two Chapters. Plan, Pur­ pose, History, Analysis of Every Bible Book. Introductory Chapter on “ The Bible Writ­ ings” — Name, Aim, Character, Trustworthi- ness, Evidence. 3. Bible Study by Periods 285 Pages. Six Periods— Genesis to Revela­ tion: 1, In the Beginning; 2, The Theocracy; 3, The Israelitish Kingdom; 4, The Jewish Captivity and Return; 5, Christ on Earth; 6, The First Churches. Twenty-four Chap­ ters. Introductory Chapter on The Periods and Their Relation to The Books. 4. Bible Study by Doctrines 152 Pages. _ Twenty-four Brief Studies of Great Christian Doctrines, Biblical Theology, Questions Upon Each Lesson. 5. Bible Studies in the Life of Christ 160 Pages. Eight Chapters: 1, The Early

Church? The Others of Equal Interest. 10. Bible Studies in the Four Gospels 160 Pages. How Made, When and Where Written, Authorship, Results of Recent Re­ search, History, Background, Viewpoints, Agreements, Differences and Why? Value, Plan and Analysis of Each Gospel. 11. Studies of Great Bible Characters 160 Pages. Men of marked ability and power. Men who met great difficulties and conquered them: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Saul, David. Nehemiah, Job, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Paul. Their lives will re­ pay careful study. 12. Studies of Famous Bible Women 160 Pages. The latest issue in this series. Eve, Rebekah, Jochebed and Miriam, Deb­ orah, Delilah, Ruth, Hannah, Queen of Sheba, Widow of Zarephath, Jezebel, Esther, Woman of Solomon’s Song, Mother of Jesus, W ife of Peter, Woman of Samaria, Martha and Mary, Mary Magdalene, Mother of James and John, Dorcas, Mary—Mother of Mark, Lydia. 14. Studies of the Parables

Studies of Great Bible Cities 136 Pages. City Life In Olden Times; Babylon, The Mother of Cities; Nine­ veh, The Magnificent; New Testament and Modern Cities; Jerusalem, The Most Famous City in the World; Antioch, The Pleasure-Loving Paris of Syria; Eph­ esus, The Hustling Chicago of Asia; Athens, The Cultured Boston of Greece; Corinth, The Commercial New York of Former Times; Rome, The Mighty Lon­ don of the Old Empire; The Cities' Tribute of John; Word Pictures of Jesus Christ in Capernaum.

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HIGHLY COMMENDED BY BIBLE SCHOLARS THESE BIBLE STUDY TEXT BOOKS are full of fact* about the Bible which everyone ought to know. They are without bias. A wide range of topics is set forth. Each book, going over ground different from the others, presents a complete course of worth-while Bible study. Questions for review follow every lesson.




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