January, 1935
c _Around the King’s cTabltj By Louis T. T albot
doubtless he would have replied: “ Yes, but great was the divine favor that was given me in that day.” It is a won derful thing to remember that if, during 1935, there should come a day o f sorrow the like o f which you have never seen—a day when you are called upon to part with some loved one, a day o f deprivation in which you are required to meet reverses in health or in business—you may expe rience at that very time the fullness o f grace that you have never known before— for the promise is : “ As thy days, so shall thy strength be.” Then there is the day when Satan’s attacks are more fierce than possibly in whole weeks besides. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself knew such a day of testing, and we read that at its close, Satan left Him for a season. I know a man, a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, whose weak ness has been a craving for strong drink. Although there are times when this old Amalek would seek once more to overpower its victim, I have heard this man testify to the faithfulness o f God at such seasons, and to the truth of that text which I urge you to use as a staff o f support for 1935: ‘‘A s thy days, so shall thy strength be.” Then there is the day o f special duty—the day when God calls you to do the thing that is hard-fts-to bear that tes timony, to give that witness that requires special grace. Luther faced such a day when he stood before the Diet at Worms and witnessed for his Lord before that great ecclesiastical and political body. God was by his side, giv ing strength and courage. It may be that for you the day will come when you will be called to a duty as difficult for you as Luther’s was for him to perform. Do not say, “ I cannot do this.” Remem ber that you could not do what you are doing now, were it not for the grace o f God. And if you are called to tasks more difficult— even to the going to China, or to India, or to the islands o f the sea— if ypu are required to be sep arated from loved ones, or to face opposition, discourage ment, or even death itself—-be sure o f this truth: “ As thy days, so shall thy strength be.” Then there is the last o f all days which will surely come to each o f us. If the Lord delays His coming, the day will come when we shall follow in the way o f those who have died in Christ. It may be for many o f our readers that that day will come in 1935. I find that many o f God’s people dread that day. Fear possesses their hearts when anything suggests it to them. But, my brother, remember this: “ As thy days, so shall thy strength be,” and that promise i n - . . \ eludes the last o f all days spent here on earth. 4 tt
Word from Hunan U nder date o f November 3, 1934, Dr. Frank A . Keller, superiritendent o f the Hunan Bible Institute, the China department o f the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, wrote from Changsha, Hunan, China: Things in Changsha are in a somewhat tense condi tion. A large Communist army, said to be nearly one hundred thousand strong, after several days o f severe fighting in southern Kiangsi, is said to have broken through the line of defense o f the Kwangtung army and is pressing on to cross southern Hunan into Kweichow. Three o f our best evangelistic bands are working in fields which will probably be in the army’s line o f march. As a large part o f the military force o f Hunan has been transferred to Kiangsi and Kweichow to fight the Communists there, from the standpoint o f soldiers, Qiangsha is practically undefended. This fact is of course known to the Communists, who have spies everywhere. It is feared that if they make successful raids on the southern cities, they may make a sudden attack upon Changsha. W e are expecting the arrival, within a few days, of an army made up largely of Christian soldjers under the command o f a most earnest and loyal Christian general, a warm personal friend of ours. It is generally felt that this commander with his army will be able to man the fortifications and defend the city against any possible at tacks o f the Communists, but the Communists are ex ceedingly determined and desperate. W e surely need your prayers. Earnest prayer is requested, not only for Institute rep resentatives in China, but also for the physical safety and the effective testimony Of every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ in that land. 1935 I f the Lord tarries, and if, in the providence of God, we are spared to see the end o f the year upon which we are about to enter, there are before us three hundred and sixty- five days o f possible conflict and victory. I f the year is to be anything like the one that is past, in the way o f bring ing trouble and struggle and heartache—and the prob ability is that we shall see these things intensified—what variety o f problems the days will bring! The promise with which the child o f God is to fortify hitnself at the beginning o f a new year is the one found in Deuteronomy 33:25: “ As thy days, so shall thy strength be.” What a blessed thing it is that over against life’s battle, God has given this promise o f strength! Every day we live, we realize more and more our own weakness. With one it is one thing; with another it is another. But no mat ter how fiercely we may be assailed during the year that is before us, here is a promise o f strength: “ As thy days, so shall thy strength be.” There are four days that enter into the believer’s expe rience. There is, first o f all, the day o f great trial and sor row. Every believer knows o f a day that has brought more grief and heartache and anxiety than many other days com bined. Job knew such a day—a day when his health and all his material possessions and even members o f his family were a loss to him. I f you had gone to him and said, “ Job, that was a day o f great testing through which you passed,”
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