King's Business - 1935-01


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

January, 1935

SCRIPTURE MEMORIZING - Imperative a n d Im portant B y OSCAR LOWRY* Chicago, Illinois

A s e x p r e s s in g my own experience in this most impor- . tant forth o f Bible study, I call attention to Jere­ miah IS :16: “ Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing o f mine heart.” I believe that literally millions o f God’s people since the time o f Jeremiah have been able to give a like testimony. The eating, or memorizing, o f God’s Word, has indeed proved to be the “ joy and rejoicing” o f their hearts. I can truthfully say that no other form o f Bible study has brought greater joy and satisfaction to me than Scripture memorizing, and I am sure that no other method has pro­ duced such satisfactory results in my own life and min­ istry as pastor, teacher, and evangelist. Near the beginning o f my preparation for Christian service, I came to realize the imperative importance of be­ ing able to quote the Scriptures verbatim when doing per­ sonal work with inquirers. Since that time I have had thousands o f opportunities for observing the powerful effects o f being able to quote the Scriptures correctly in' sermon and public address. It matters not how many pro­ fessed unbelievers there may be in the audience, they are all supernaturally endowed with God-consciousness, and when God’s Word is quoted verbatim, they are instantly interested. They want to know what the Book of books has to say, for they have an innate consciousness that it is different from any other book on earth. Many ministers and Christian workers are looking for something sensational with which to draw and hold the unchurched masses. I would say that there is nothing in these days that would cause a greater sensation in the average church than to have the pastor stand in the pulpit and give book, chapter, and verse, and quote verbatim an array o f Scripture passages touching on the vital ques­ tions o f the hour. But alas! For the vast majority o f the people, religion has degenerated into a round o f meaning- less_ forms and ceremonies, and the sermon is lacking in that positive certainty that is so necessary in reaching “ the man o f the street.” G od ’ s O w n W o rd W i n s S o u l s The thing most needed in these days is a study of the Bible itself, and not a study about the Bible. One may spend a lifetime studying about the Bible and yet know but little o f the Bible itself. In preparation for Christian service, and as a means o f spiritual growth and power, there is nothing more essential and important than Scrip­ ture memorizing. Some may at first consider this state­ ment too strong, but the more they think about it and the *Bible teacher, evangelist, and author o f "Scripture Memorising for Successful Soul-Winning.’’

further they go into the matter, the more convinced will they be that it is absolutely correct. The prime importance of Scripture memorizing holds true, not only in respect to personal soul-winning, but it applies also with equal force to all other kinds o f Christian service. It is true that there are many other things that are important and valuable in the development o f spiritual life and power, and are essen­ tial in our preparation for Christian service, but a thorough knowledge o f God’s Word ranks above all else. To prove this thesis, it is only necessary to call attention to the fact that the outstanding soul-winners, those known to have possessed great spiritual power, have been men and women mighty in the Scriptures. ¡A man may know Hebrew and Greek, he may know science and philosophy and all the wisdom o f this world, but if he does not know the Scriptures, he cannot be a successful soul-winner. On the other hand, one may not have had the privileges o f a so-called higher education, and yet if he is willing to apply himself, to treasuring up God’s Word in his heart and mind, ha-may be used to the salva­ tion o f a multitude o f soulsTftA knowledge o f the Bible and an ability to quote much oFit verbatim not only equips men for personal soul-winning, but it makes them men o f power in the pulpit. I f they are not able to wield “ the sword of the Spirit, which is the word o f God,” they miss the mark and fail in the very thing which all true gospel preaching was intended to accomplish. To be a helpful arid an effective preacher, one must know the Book o f books. No other can help much or for long, for their ministry is devoid o f that power so necessary in satisfying the heart hunger o f a lost humanity. The world craves the Book, and God always seems to find a place for that man or woman who has a Bible message. M e m o r iz in g H is W ord Personally, I consider that next to my conversion and salvation, the greatest blessing that has come to me in this world was given when the Lord led me to see the impor­ tance o f memorizing His Word. However, like many others, I had been trapped by the delusion that such an ac­ complishment was an impossibility so far as I was con­ cerned. But, praise God, I was gloriously delivered from that snare! It was but a short time after being confronted with the importance o f this method o f Bible study that I was providentially led into the discovery o f what at the time was termed “ The New System of Scripture Memorizing.” From the very first brief publication of the “ New System” in a religious journal, the results have been most gratifying indeed, and from all parts o f this and other lands have come

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