The Home Builder - January 2025

THE HOME BUILDER January 2025 Dallas Builders Association Year in Review As we look back on 2024, it’s Page Four

of membership. Special recognition goes to three members who celebrated 50-year milestones: Wilson Plywood & Door, Vent Craft, Inc. and Quivira Luxury Homes. We also hon- ored Acme Brick Company for their incredible achievement of reaching a 60-year membership milestone. n The Association’s websites collectively are on track to surpass 137,000 visitors in 2024. Additionally, our social media followers increased to almost 20,500 by year’s end, showcas- ing our growing online presence and engagement. n The Association’s official publication, The Home Builder , has been distributed to members with- out interruption since 1947. Now in digital format, it garnered more than 6,500 views last year. Furthermore, the Dallas Morning News Home of the Week feature celebrated its 65th anniversary of promoting Dallas BA’s builders (single- and multifamily) and land developers by featuring their properties in both its print and online publications. n For Dallas BA advocacy, 2024 brought a wide array of policy issues to address, which resulted in a year of victories for our members. n The Association fought to achieve a change to Dallas’ fire hydrant requirement that protected builders from an unproportional mandate that could have cost some builders more than $25,000. n Dallas BA staff worked to keep Denton’s roadway impact fee rate at 20% of the maximum—more than 30% less than what was originally proposed, protecting builders from thousands of dollars in additional increases per single- and multifamily home. n We successfully advocated for Celina to continue to provide inspec- tions five days a week and fought for efficiency in the permitting process in multiple cities. n The Association advocated for regional recommendations for energy code amendments to protect builders

n Our special events attracted over 1,800 overall attendees, showcas- ing the strong engagement and inter- est within our industry. The McSAM Awards, one of our largest annual fun- draisers, had over 450 attendees and received approximately 500 entries, with winners named in more than 80 categories. This event continues to be a prestigious highlight of our annual calendar. n Over 200 attendees gathered to install President Kelly Hoodwin of Altura Homes at the Frontiers of Flight Museum. Burgess Construc- tion Consultants was honored as the Clyde Anderson Associate of the Year, and Chris Clay of 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty received the Shorty Howard Award for membership recruitment. n Our Education Committee had another successful year. We offered a variety of series, including Building a Better House, NAHB courses, hands- on classes with the Ask the Builder series, and the yearlong leadership program. We held 37 diverse sessions throughout the year, offering 131 hours of relevant education to over 550 industry professionals. We also worked to recruit new instructors and pertinent topics by offering members the exclusive Train the Trainer course. n The Young Professionals Council has seen continual growth throughout the year, increasing at- tendance at their monthly meetings and annual Bowling Tournament. This growth reflects the rising interest and engagement of young professionals in our industry. n The Multifamily Council had another successful year with their Golf Tournament and Christmas Party. The Golf Tournament sold out once again, and the Christmas Party brought in nearly $4,000 in gift card donations for the Samaritan Inn. n Professional Women in Build- ing added a new Halloween-themed event, Boos and Booze, which served as a fundraiser for Collin College. The PWB made another $10,000 donation to Collin College to aid and encourage more women in construction. n The Dallas Division’s Top Shot event was a complete sellout, prompting considerations to expand the event in 2025 to accommodate more participants. n This year, we celebrated 129 members who reached significant membership milestones. Among them, 44 members celebrated 20+ years

clear that the Dallas Builders Associa- tion has had a year filled with remark - able achievements and milestones. From hosting impactful events to hon- oring the exceptional accomplishments of our members, this year has been one of growth, unity and celebration n The big highlight of the year was undoubtedly our 80th anniversary. This milestone is a testament to the enduring strength and relevance of the Dallas BA. As part of this celebration, we held a reunion for our past presi- dents, celebrating their contributions and leadership. Past President Jeff Dworkin was presented with the presti- gious Hugh Prather Trophy during the gathering. This event was a wonderful opportunity to honor those who have shaped our Association over the years. n Another notable highlight was the induction of Harold Peek into the Texas Housing Hall of Honor, recog- nizing his significant contributions to the home building industry. n This year, our Association made substantial charitable contribu- tions, supporting various organizations totaling over $100,000. The most notable of these was the annual Lone Star CASA contribution by our Metro East Division from their Annual Cars for CASA event in Rockwall. n We mourned the passing of Past President George Lewis, a re- spected member for over 50 years, and Steve Puckett, who had in October been installed for his third term as treasurer of the Association, and re- membered them both for their legacy and contributions to the Dallas BA. n We completed our 9th Opera- tion Finally Home project, providing a mortgage free home for U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Samasoni Lelea and his family. This project highlights our dedication to making a positive impact beyond the home building industry. n Throughout the year, we hosted eight After Hours events, which aver- aged an impressive attendance of 120 members. These gatherings provided invaluable opportunities for network- ing and building relationships for our members. n We also welcomed new mem- bers with six New Member Welcome Breakfasts. These breakfasts are es- sential for integrating new members into our organization and providing them with the tools and connections they need to succeed.

Gena Godinez Executive Officer

from unwarranted and costly require- ments that would have offered very little benefit. n Dallas BA members and staff met with our members of Congress in June to discuss the need to fund Job Corps, address supply chain issues and warn of energy code mandates that harm housing affordability. n Director of Government Af- fairs David Lehde spoke at U.S. Con- gressman Michael Burgess’ Energy Efficiency Summit on the importance of rolling back a reckless energy code mandate from HUD and USDA. n As a voting member of the Regional Codes Coordinating Com- mittee, Dallas BA helped provide recommendations for energy code amendments, protecting builders from unwarranted requirements. As we look forward to the coming year, we remain committed to support- ing our members, advocating for the home building industry and fostering a strong sense of community within the Dallas BA. We are excited about the opportunities ahead and look forward to another year of success. Thank you to all our members, partners, and supporters for making this year truly remarkable. Last year 146 companies partnered events, meet- ings and classes, and StrucSure Home Warranty stepped up as the Yearlong Partner of both the Membership and Education programs. A huge thank you is owed to them as well as 2024 Industry Investors Hotchkiss Insurance Agency, StrucSure Home Warranty, BGE, FoxEnergy Specialists, DuPont, FACETS Appliances, Kitchens & Baths and Atmos Energy. Here’s to an even brighter future for the Dallas Builders Association!

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