St. Vincent de Paul Georgia Giving Catalog

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F I L L A P R E S C R I P T I ON Help low-income Georgians who cannot afford their medications by filling a life-sustaining prescription through our community pharmacy. $30 v i ew d e ta i l s / ord e r

When you give a Gift of Hope featured in this catalog, you provide help and hope to neighbors in need across Georgia. For those facing challenges such as poverty, job loss or sickness, there is nothing more meaningful and impactful. D i s c o v e r t h e wond e r f u l f e e l i ng t hat c ome s w i t h g i v i ng a g i f t t hat chang e s s ome on e ’ s l i f e !

Celebrate and honor the people and occasions in your life with Gifts of Hope!

g i v e a g i f t t oday



food pantries

community pharmacy


financial assistance

food pantries

community pharmacy


financial assistance

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