King's Business - 1955-04


APRIL 1955

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Grand Rapids, Mich.


APRIL, 1955


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THE KING'S BUSINESS Official publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

Vol. 46, No. 4

APRIL, 1955

Established 1910

ARTICLES POEMS FOR EASTER ................................................................................ . 9 THE SPIRIT AND THE CROSS — Andrew Murray ............................... 12 OKINAWA INVASION — Phyllis Hapke ................................... ............. 14 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISM — Cults, Part 7 — Louis T. Talbot .... 16 NAVAJO COUNTRY — Katherine Beard ................................... ............. 28 WINE OF MORNING — Film Review— Bill Bright ............................. 46 WINGS FOR MISSIONS— Photo Story 47 FEATURES HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr ............................................................... 6 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK ....................................................................... 7 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ..................... 8 READER REACTION ........................................................................................... 10 PEOPLE — A monthly column of names in the news ........................ 11 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ............................................ 20 OUT OF THE LAB — Donald S. Robertson ............................................ 21 WORDS FROM THE WORD — Charles L. Feinberg ............................. 22 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING — Gerald B. Stanton ............................ 23 BOOK REVIEWS— Donald G. Davis ........................................................ 30 BIOLA FAMILY CIRCLE ................................................................................... 33 IN CHRIST IS LIFE — What Is The Good Life? .................................. 41 ADVERTISERS' INDEX ..................................................................................... 50 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION LOOKING AHEAD IN CHRISTIAN ED— Margaret Jacobsen ......... 34 YOUNG PEOPLE'S TOPICS — Chester J. Padgett ...... ................... 35 SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS — Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood .. 38 OBJECT LESSONS — Elmer L. Wilder ............... ......................... 44 COVER It wasn't long after the first Easter that our risen Saviour told His followers to go #/. . . unto the uttermost part of the earth" with the Gos­ pel. A twentieth century organization that is helping fu lfill this command is Missionary Aviation Fellowship. This group of dedicated pilots is flying mission personnel into remote regions. For the story see pages 47-49. Photo : Daniel Derr, MAF pilot. Art : Milton R. Sue DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX 24 TALKING IT OVER — A psychologist answers — Clyde Narromore.. 25 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS — Martha S. Hooker ............................. 26

chancellor LOUIS T. TALBOT

editor S. H. SUTHERLAND managing editor LLOYD HAMILL copy editor ROSE HARDIE editorial assistant LUCY R. REDMOND advertising manager MILTON R. SUE circulation manager STELLA KINTER business manager J. RUSSELL ALLDER editorial board Paul M. Aijian • Charles L. Feinberg Martha S. Hooker i Glenn F. O'Neal • Donald S. Robertson Gerald B. Stanton


Donald 6. Davi, • James 0. Henry

• J

• Oran H. Smith

Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R., authorized October 1,1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California, ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

"The King's Business," Date of expira­ tion will show plainly on outside of wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING—For information address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS— "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed'to us for consideration.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Busi.ness" is published monthly: $2.50, one year; $1.25, six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to. become effective. Please send both- old and new addresses, REMITTANCES -— Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to

HYMNS YOU LOVE------------------ By Phil Kerr

Why Do Children Have To Suffer?

A t the Cross Words by Isaac Watts Music by R. E. Hudson

A fter receiving the shipment * * o f clothing from the Ameri­ can Mission to Greeks,” writes one of our missionaries in Greece, “ we sorted it out into bundles for 100 families. Then we traveled up into the snow- covered mountains, where peo­ ple live in holes in the rocks which they call homes. What a touching scene met our eyes—a crowd of barefoot people who had traveled through the snow long distances to meet us! How eag­ erly they went with us to the port where the clothes were to be unloaded. How patiently they waited, despite their cold and hunger. We had a wonder­ ful opportunity to tell them of the love of Christ and to assure them that God had not forsaken them but inspired His children to come to their relief. A poor widow held up the clothing she had received and said, ‘It is hard to believe that someone has thought of us, yet here I am holding a coat for my sick child.’ Now the people were ready to believe in the love of God and begged us for New Testaments for each family we had helped. (At 5 for $1.00 we could supply 50 families for only $10.) “ A schoolteacher had written us, ‘I have 120 pupils and 80 of them have been found to be tubercular. Please bring them some food so that just once they may experience the joy of hav­ ing a full stomach.’ So with the clothing we took along some butter, milk and eggs. You should have seen their eyes shine! Then we gave them the Gospel. Our only regret was that we could not furnish them with New Testaments to take home. “ A n o th e r s ch o o l director wrote us of 400 pupils in need of food and clothing and invited us to introduce them to Christ. Please pray that we may have the supplies and Testaments needed to help these children and their families and bring them the Gospel.” Perhaps you who read this report would like to convince these chil­ dren that God does care and provide for them. You may send your gifts to Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, Gen. Sec­ retary, A m e r ic a n M is s io n to Greeks, Inc., Dept. K, P.O. Box 423, New York 36, N .Y. (in Canada, 90 Duplex Ave., Toronto 7, Ontario.) “ Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these m y breth­ ren, ye have done it unto me.”

Isaac Watts published a collec- ftion of hymns and spiritual songs in July, 1707, grouped in three sections— “ Collected from the Scriptures,” “ Composed on Divine Subjects” and “ Prepared for the Lord’s Supper.” In the second section there appeared one of Watts’ poems entitled, “ Godly Sorrow Arising From the Suffer­ ings of Christ,” beginning: “ Alas! and did my Saviour bleed . . .” The present tune was com­ posed in 1885 by Ralph E. Hud­ son, who is supposed to have tak­ en the melody of the chorus from an old Southern plantation song. The words of the present chorus, “ At the cross, at the cross, where I first saw the light . . . ” were not included in Watts’ original song; they probably were writ­ ten by Hudson or some earlier songwriter. Ralph E. Hudson (1843-1901) was a well-known American gos­ pel singer and composer, and an ardent worker in the prohibition cause. Among other compositions, he wrote the music for Haver- gal’s “The Half Has Never Yet Been Told.” The Old Rugged Cross Words and music by George Bennard W ritten in 1913 in Michigan, this has become the most pop­ ular song in America, outrank­ ing all others, either secular or religious. The author first re­ ceived the theme by inspiration and later the melody. Not until after a “ testing of faith” in his own experience did he complete the words. He was in the home of some friends in Pokagon, Mich., when he first sang the song. The Rev. and Mrs. L. O. Bostwick were so enthused with it that they immediately offered to pay for having the first copies printed. The author has written many other Christian songs, including, “ Speak My Lord” and “ Jesus Is Dearer Than All,” has published several song collections, and is actively engaged in con stan t evangelistic work. He was born in 1873 in Youngstown, Ohio, first worked with the Salvation Army and was later ordained in the Methodist Episcopal Church. He makes his home in Reed City, Mich.


LAST SUMMER over 52,000 boys and girls — from rural homes — attended American Sunday-School Union Bible camps and Vacation Bible schools. 4,986 of these chil­ dren professed faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour. Without this personal experience of saving faith, many of these children might have been driven by their home and commu­ nity environments to lives of use­ lessness and even crime. THIS SUMMER MAY DETERMINE THEIR FUTURE ! This year your faithful support will enable even more children to at­ tend these camps and schools. A contribution in the future of Amer­ ica's children is the most important and worthwhile investment you can make. Write for a copy of our magazine, THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL MISSIONARY. Our missionaries are available for speaking engagements. Write to Dept. K Department of Missions American Sunday-School Union 1816 Chestnut St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. "THE PIONEERSUNDAYSCHOOL ORGANIZATION OF THE U.S.A."



fromthe editor’s desk

l oc a l n e w s p a p e r f o r W e s t C o a s t Prem ieres in April

Every Day Is Easter I t was said of the early Christians that they believed every day to be Easter. What better explanation could be given for their zeal and sac­ rifice? Surely their conviction that Jesus was alive is what above all things believers need today. It changed the world for them, and consequently they “ tinned the world upside down” for Him. First, the resurrection set their hearts to singing. The gloom which had enveloped them when their blessed Lord was led to the cross of Calvary was dispelled when they knew He had risen from the dead. His jo y became their strength. Nothing could discourage them. Then, the resurrection set their feet to flying. It gave them courage to go everywhere with the Gospel. What were raging lions in arenas, raging storms on the seas or raging politicians in cities to men who pos­ sessed faith that their Lord was living? The worst that men could do to them would only bring them into the presence of Him whom they adored. Nothing could deter them. Finally, the resurrection set their lips to preaching. The Word spoken in the power of the Holy Spirit was irresistible. The king trembled on his throne and the peasant fell upon his knees, alike crying: “What must I do to be saved?” Conviction of sin and genuine conversion followed and the church grew by hundreds and thousands “ in spite of dungeon, fire and sword.” Nothing could defeat them. Well, here we are, nearly 2,000 years later along the stream of time since the resurrection. We too know, by “many infallible proofs” and because He lives in our hearts, that He is alive. Why should we not claim the same joy, the same courage, the same power? We may also have Easter every day until Christ comes again. ★ coming : our most important issue For more than a year now your editors have been making plans to produce one issue o f K ing ’ s B usiness that will be com­ pletely different in content. Lord willing, this special issue will be this coming August. We’re telling you.about it now in order that you may join us in prayer to the end that this venture will be mightily used by God. In the past we’ve put out special issues on conferences, edu­ cation, businessmen and Christian films. These all filled a purpose and we plan to continue such special issues from time to time. But what we are now working on for next August is entirely different from any previous issue. In fact as far as we know no Christian publication has ever attempted to do what we’re planning for August K ing ’ s B usiness . We’ll be bringing you more details in the next few issues. In the meantime won’t you earnestly, definitely pray that our Saviour will richly bless this special August issue to His glory? Thank you. — L. H. j APRIL, 1955 ★ ★

Brilliant Color Screen­ play - - A story of Love and a d v e n t u r e , of b l ood sh ed and Re ­ demption. Produced by



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Singspiration’s Sixth Printing Inspiring rKxnns The Combination hymnal that is lifting the hearts of thousands across the continent 527 Favorite Hymns and Gospel Songs in this Singspiration which is not just another hymnbook careful compilation and meticulous selection of the best gospel songs and hymns of all ages. Just the kind of songs your church likes to sing—from the kind of hymnbook Bible-believing churches have long been looking for. Over 10 years of extensive research by Al Smith and staff has produced this new high in editorial excellence and quality production. Only the most loved hymns—still sung today —have been included to emphasize great gospel truths. Beautifully bound in durable red morocco cloth and gold stamped finish, it contains 512 pages and is 6 x 8 V 2 x 1-5/16 inches.

Spectator Christians W ow, what a pass! He’s a neat player.” “Yea, but look at that Navy guy. Yippee, he made that touch­ down. Oh brother, what a game.” “ Yep, wouldn’t miss it for any­ thing.” Mother’s three oldest children were glued to chairs as they watched the Army-Navy football heroes race up and down the field. Two boys from the church watched with them, adding to the fellowship— and din. A sudden, loud bang on the door with a confusion of voices announced the entrance of three more teen-age boys. “ C’mon, fe llow s , let’s play some basketball down at Jeffer­ son gym. We can stand some practice.” Soon our boys had left to play ball. Daddy looked at Mother with a smile. “ A little unexpected peace, uh? “ Isn’t it interesting how read­ ily they agreed to leave off watching this game which they could hardly wait to see, when they had opportunity to partici­ pate in a game personally?” “ Being a spectator of sports is no fun for them.” “Has it ever occurred to you that the church is full of ‘spec­ tator’ Christians? They like the thrill of the ‘game’s’ accomplish­ ments; they even ‘dress’ in proper spectator fashions by giving a little time or money, or taking an occasional minor office to soothe their somewhat disturbed consciences. But when it comes to hard work, self-discipline and honest-to-goodness sacrifice, most professing Christians are specta­ tors. How God’s work on earth needs men who will get in the ‘game’ and win the lost for Christ.” “ Spectator Christians will get only the spectator’s reward, Dear. Let’s pray that the boys will al­ ways be glad to get in and dig for the testimony of Christ.”

production but a

WHAT THEY ARE SAYING "Best h ym n b o o k tod a y — an epochal volume.” "I do not see how the work could be surpassed. The Moody and Sankey book with all its richness has been brought up to date for this generation.” D r . W illiam C ulbertson President Moody Bible Inst. "I have longed for someone to produce a hymnal that would be characterized by its singability. At last it has been done.” D r . R obert K etcham Natl. Representative GARB "I have now seen a new hymn- book which I believe is one of the best issued in the English-speak­ ing world since the days of San­ key . . . the best book in its field by far and by very far.” D r . D onald G. B arnhouse Radio Bible teacher pastor, Tenth Presbyterian Church, Phil. "This is to my mind certainly one of the finest hymnbooks I have ever seen.” J ack W yrtzen Director, Word of Life "Inspiring Hymns meets the need of every department of the church.” R ev . W endell P. L oveless well-known radio preacher "W e are very much pleased — at Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee — with the hymnal 'In­ spiring Hymns’ . . . At the time we purchased this book, we scanned many hymnals and believe that we have secured the best one for our purpose.” D r . R obert G. L ee , Pastor D r . W ilbur M. S m ith well-known Bible teacher

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Poems For Easter

m w Just what Vve always w an ted . .. \ f i n a n c i a l s e c u r i t y , p l u s a n \ a c t i v e p a r t i n t h e / L o r d ’s w o r k . ” / / )

^ JJ^au e ß t D, M C, ecu roââ bv llelon F razee-Ilow er

/ ( \

“I hey planted a cross on a lonely ZJ hiU And on it they nailed my Lord— For the multiplied sins of a guilty world The gift of His blood was poured. I have been to the cross, and oh, what a change, What a wonderful change for me— Instead of the grave a glimpse of His face Through all of eternity. The way to the cross is a rugged way, It leads up a mountain height— Oh surely they stumble and fall, who dare To journey by faith, not sight? But no! where the pathway is rough and steep The print of His feet I see— My Saviour has traveled this way before And that is enough for me. The way from the cross, what a way it is, All lit with the light divine, It leads through the garden where Jesus woke And gave me His life for mine. I linger long on the way from the cross, In the pasture of God’s good Word; For more than all else to my soul, I count A sight of my risen Lord. I have been to the cross where my Saviour died, And all of my life is made new— In the person of Him I am crucified. I have been to the cross. Have you? aiter by F lorence N ye W b itw e ll Why are there lilies at Easter? Are they the flowers of God? Growing like hope from disaster— Pure, from the dark brown sod! Under their earthly cov’ring, Seeds were their little shrouds! Love and the sunshine hov’ring— Rain from the snowy clouds — 1 Are angels for lilies, from heaven, Rolling the stones away, Out from the earth they are risen, Saying, “H e lives alway!” Used by permission of the Rodeheaver, Hall-Mack Co.

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APRIL/ 1955


Daily Vacation Bible School W orkshop* The week after Easter Highlights:

d e a d e r f ë e a c t i on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Sirs: Am sorry to see you writing against Christian Science even though we may disagree with it. Because men put different interpretations on the Bible we have many denominations which we as real Christians should respect. There must be other inter­ esting subjects on which to write. Let’s be tolerant. Los Angeles, Calif. E. Paul MAZE OF DOCTRINES Sirs: I’d like to get all the issues con­ taining articles of religious cults. I was led through this maze of meta­ physical doctrine and I thank God I was rescued. Now knowing more of what it is, I can certainly be bet­ ter able to help defeat it. Sacramento, Calif. Mrs. Pearl Hdff Sirs: Some 20 years ago I subscribed to King’s Business. Have not seen a copy since leaving my home church. Do you now have sample copies avail­ able? So. Glastonbury, Conn. Mrs. B. G. Anderson W e are happy to send a sample copy to Mrs. Anderson and to other interested persons. — ED. Sirs: We have heard the song “This Ole House” several times out here in the country on our radio and were im­ pressed by it. We thought it was a Negro spiritual. Delano, Calif. Mrs. Charles La Dow AFTER 20 YEARS: A MEETING THIS OLE HOUSE

GOSPEL LIGHT PRESS Monday and Tuesday, April 11, 12 Theme: "Sailing with Christ" and

SCRIPTURE PRESS Thursday and Friday, Theme: "Marching On"

April 14, 15

Selected Faculty:

Gospel Light and Scripture Press Representatives Biola Faculty Members Successful D .V.B.S. Department Leaders 10:00 to 12:30 a.m. 2 :0 0 to 4 :3 0 p.m. 7 :0 0 to 9 :3 0 p.m. Morning and Evening Sessions Feature: Demonstration of Literature How to Win a Child to Christ (panel) Songs for the Whole School Closing Night Program Afternoon Sessions Include: Departmental Workshops Sessions:


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For further information, write to: Box 604 BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, Calif. *Approved by Greater Los Angeles Sunday School Association

Stuart Hamblen & friend

Sirs: What does Stuart Hamblen look like in his western get-up? Memphis, Tenn. Floyd Rogers



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A monthly column of names in the news In Los Angeles recently roving spir­ itual ambassadors Louis H. Evans (for the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.) and Louis T. Talbot (for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles) exchanged words of greeting. Evans, who is no stranger to the school, recalls the day when his father, William Evans, was associ­ ate dean. At week’s end Talbot was off again for a speaking tour of the northwest after leaving behind his personal check for $5,000 to help build Biola’s new 21/£-million-dollar campus in near-by La Mirada. In Southern California to escape the cold Michigan winter old-time song writer George Bennard (Old Rug­ ged Cross ) joshed about his age a fortnight ago. Said he: '“ A man on an elevator recently spotted me and said, ‘say, I know you. You’re the man that wrote Rock of Ages.’ I told him the writer of Rock of Ages was Toplady and the date was 200 years ago.” Then Bennard added, “ I won’t be 200 until my next birthday.” Bennard’s appreciative audience was a group of highschool-age boys de­ tained behind barbed wire barricades for various crimes. In response to his invitation over 50% of the boys signed cards for spiritual counselling. In Pasadena another song writer (and noted pianist) was celebrating his 75th birthday last month. Robert Harkness was born in Australia of Scotch Methodist parents. He entered the field of musical evangelism when he began his association with the late Dr. R. A. Torrey and Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman, with whom he made three round-the-world tours. Billy Graham's all-Scotland evange­ listic crusade was looking bigger every day. Said Graham: “ This is by far the greatest crusade we have ever undertaken. It far surpasses any of the plans we had last year in Lon­ don [item: for the London meetings some 2,600 counselors signed up to help; for the Glasgow meetings near­ ly 5,000 signed]. Most of the news­ papers are giving all-out support. In­ sofar as I know, every single church in Scotland is cooperating. The Mod­ erator of the Church of Scotland wrote in a Glasgow newspaper re­ cently that all of Scotland is aflame with expectancy.” As interest in the campaign mounted Graham appealed for believers the world over to pray daily that God would send a genu­ ine spiritual awakening.

UeHaan p p g g p Q u i

j Rkhard DeHaan

Dr. M. R.


Associate Teacher

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Subject for April:

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APRIL, 1955


the T I R I T and .he

For our daily walk with its cares and problems God has given us two great powers from heaven

by Andrew Murray

T he Holy Spirit ever leads us to the cross. It was so with Christ. The Spirit taught Him and en­ abled Him to offer Himself without spot to God. It was so with the disciples. The Spirit, with whom they were filled, led them to preach Christ as the cru­ cified One. Later on He led them to glory in the fellowship of the cross when they were deemed worthy to suffer for Christ’s sake. And the cross directed them again to the Spirit. When Christ had borne the cross, He received the Spirit from the Father, that He might be poured out. When the 3,000 bowed before the crucified One, they received the promise of the Holy Spirit. When the disciples rejoiced in their experience of the fellowship of the cross, they received the Holy Spirit afresh. The union between the Spirit and the cross is indissoluble; they belong in­ separably to one another. We see this especially in the epistles of Paul. “ Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you . . . Re­ ceived ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?” (Gal. 3:1,2.) “ Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law . . . that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith” (Gal. 3:13,14). “ God sent . . . his Son . . . to redeem them that were under the law . . . and . . . hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts” (Gal. 4:4-6). “ And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh . . . If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit” (Gal. 5:24,25). “Ye also are become dead

to the law by the body of Christ . . . that we should serve in newness of spirit” (Rom. 7:4-6). “ For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For . . . God . . . con­ demned sin in the flesh, that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit” (Rom. 8:2-4). In everything and always the Spir­ it and the cross are inseparable. Yes, even in heaven. The Lamb, as it had been slain, standing in the midst of the throne had “ seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth” (Rev. 5:6). Again: “He shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal [Is this other than the Holy Spirit?] proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb” (Rev. 22:1). When Moses smote the rock, the water streamed out and Israel drank. When the Rock Christ was actually smit­ ten and He had taken His place as the slain Lamb on the throne of God, there flowed out from under the throne the fullness of the Holy Spirit. How foolish it is to pray for the fullness of the Spirit if we have not first placed ourselves under the full power of the cross! Just think of the 120 disciples. The crucifixion of Christ had touched, broken and taken possession of their entire hearts. They could speak or think of nothing else, and when the crucified One had shown them His hands and His feet, He said unto them: “ Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” And so also, with their hearts full of the crucified Christ,

now received up into heaven, they were prepared to be filled with the Spirit. They dared to proclaim to the people: “ Repent and believe in the crucified One” ; and they also re­ ceived the Holy Spirit. Christ gave Himself up entirely to the cross. The disciples also did the same. The cross demands this also from us; it would have our entire life. To comply with this demand re­ quires nothing less than a powerful act of the will, for which we are un­ fit, and a powerful act of God of which he may be assured who casts himself, in helplessness, but unre­ servedly on God. The Spirit and the Cross Why are there not more men and women who can witness, in the joy of their hearts, that the Spirit of God has taken possession of them and given them new power to witness for Him? Yet more urgently arises the heart-searching question to which an answer must be given: “What is it that hinders? The Father in heaven is more willing than an earthly fath­ er to give bread to his child, and yet the cry arises: “ Is the Spirit straitened? Is this His work?” Many will acknowledge that the hindrance undoubtedly lies in the fact that the Church is too much un­ der the sway of the flesh and the world. They understand too little of the heart-piercing power of the cross of Christ. So it comes to pass that the Spirit has not the vessels into which He can pour His fullness. Many complain the subject is too high or too deep for them. This is a proof of how little we have appro-



priated and brought into practice the teaching of Paul and Christ about the cross. I bring you a message of joy. The Spirit who is in you, in how­ ever limited a measure, is prepared to take you under His teaching, to lead you to the cross, and by His heavenly instruction to make you know something of what the crucified Christ wills to do for you and in you. But then He wants you to take time, so that He may reveal the heavenly mysteries to you. He wants to make you see how the neglect of the inner chamber has hindered fel­ lowship with Christ, the knowledge of the cross, and the powerful oper­ ations of the Spirit. He will teach you what is meant by the denial of self, the taking up of your cross, the losing of your life and following Him. In spite of all that you have felt of your ignorance, and lack of spir­ itual insight and fellowship with the cross, He is able and willing to take you under His teaching and to make known to you the secret of the spir­ itual life above all your expectations. The Part of Prayer Begin at the beginning. Be faithful in the inner chamber. Thank Him that you can reckon on Him to meet you there. Although everything ap­ pears cold, and dark, and strained, bow in silence before the loving Lord Jesus, who so longs after you. Thank the Father that He has given you the Spirit. And be assured that all you do not yet know, and still must know—about “the flesh,” and “ the world,” and the cross—the Spirit of Christ, who is in you, will surely make known to you. 0 , soul, only be­ lieve that this blessing is for you! Christ belongs entirely to you. He longs to obtain full possession of you. He can and will possess you through the Holy Spirit. But for this, time is necessary. Oh, give Him time in the inner chamber every day. You can rest assured that He will fulfill His promise in you. “ He that loveth me keepeth my commandments, and my Father will love him, and I will man­ ifest myself to him.” Persevere, in addition to all that you ask for yourself, in prayer for your congregation, your church, your ministers; for all believers; for the whole Church of God, that God may strengthen them with power through His Spirit, so that Christ may dwell in their hearts by faith. Blessed time

when the answer comes. Continue in prayer. The Spirit will reveal and glorify Christ and His love, Christ and His cross “ as the Lamb slain standing in the midst of the throne.” The Cross and the Flesh These two are deadly enemies. The cross desires to condemn and put to death “ the flesh.” “ The flesh” desires to cast aside and conquer the cross. Many, as they hear of the cross as the indispensable preparation for the fullness of the Holy Spirit, will find out what there is in them which must yet be crucified. We must understand that our entire nature is sentenced to death and becomes dead by the cross, so that new life in Christ may come to rule in us. We must obtain such insight into the fallen condition of our nature and its enmity against God that we become willing, nay de­ sirous, to be wholly freed from it. We must learn to say with Paul: “ In me, that is in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing.” “ The mind of the flesh is enmity against God: it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” It is its very essence to hate God and His holy law. This is the wonder of redemption, that Christ has borne on the cross the judgment and curse of God on “ the flesh,” and has forever nailed it to the cursed tree. If a man only be­ lieves God’s Word about this “ cursed mind of the flesh,” and then longs to be delivered from it, he learns to love the cross as his deliverer from the power of the enemy. “ Our old man is crucified” with Christ, and our one hope is to receive this by faith and to hold it fast. “They that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh.” They have willingly de­ clared that they will daily regard “ the flesh” which is in them as the Your Prayer Requests Each morning at eight the editor­ ial staff of King's Business magazine gathers for prayer. Over the years God has answered the heartcry of thousands. Should you have a re­ quest we would count it a privilege to take it to the throne of grace. Your request will be held in the strictest confidence. Address: The Editors, King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

enemy of God, the enemy of Christ, the enemy of their soul’s salvation, and will treat it as having received its deserved reward in being nailed to the cross. This is one part of the eternal re­ demption which Christ has brought to us. It is not something which we can grasp with our understanding or accomplish with our strength. It is something which the Lord Jesus Him­ self will give us if we are willing to abide in His fellowship day by day, and to receive everything from Him. It is not something which we can grasp with our understanding or ac­ complish with our strength. It is something which the Lord Jesus Him­ self will give us if we are willing to abide in His fellowship day by day, and to receive everything from Him. It is something which the Holy Spir­ it will teach us, and He will impart it to us as an experience, and will show how He can give victory in the power of the cross over all that is of the flesh. The Cross and the World What the flesh is in the smallest circle of my own person, that the world is in the larger circle of man­ kind. “The flesh” and “ the world” are two manifestations of the same “ god of this world” who is served by both. When the cross deals with “ the flesh” as accursed, we at once dis­ cover what the nature and power of the world are. “ They hated both me and my Father.” The proof of this was that they crucified Christ. But Christ obtained the victory on the cross and freed us from the power of “ the world.” And now we can say: “ God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” The cross was to Paul every day a holy reality, both in what he had to suffer from the world and in the vic­ tory which the cross constantly gave. John also writes: “ the whole world lieth in wickedness” (1 John 5:19). “Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ . . . And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth” (1 John 5 :5,6). Against the two great powers of the god of this world, God has given us two great powers from heaven, namely, the cross and the Spirit. END.

APRIL, 1955





b ob Boardman, rugged ex-marine, sud­ denly halted his jeep on southern Oki­ nawa’s rocky terrain. He surveyed the spot where eight years before a sniper’s bullet had lodged in his throat. Just before World War II ended he became one of the 49,000 American casualties on Okinawa, Rock of Blood. He vividly remembered hitting the beach with the first marine division. Fanatic Kamikaze suicide pilots sank 36 of the 1,300 naval vessels engaged in the invasion. Mortar shells and bombs leveled Naha the capital until just one building remained standing. Events of the eight months that followed paraded through his mind. He pictured two marines holding hands while going out to the hospital ship on stretchers. Endless days of fight­ ing. Rescue by two buddies who braved enemy fire to get him on a tank and back to safety Evacuation to the States. Months in hospitals. Breathing through a tube in his throat. Learning he would never speak again above a whisper. Today he says the sacrifice was not in vain. By God’s grace he again is invading Okinawa. This time it is for the Lord Jesus Christ. After several years of training with the Navigators, Boardman (see headline photo) joined the Orient Crusades invasion to help capture this island for Christ. Six hundred thousand people in the Ryukyu chain present one of the most fertile missionary fields in the Orient. These people who know little about idolatry live in a spiritual vacuum. Two years ago Ellsworth Culver made a sur­ vey trip to Okinawa for Orient Crusades. Dick Hillis, Crusades director, followed to work among American servicemen. He held an 8-day Bible conference in cooperation with Chaplain Crouch, who Boardman says “ is doing a solid work among his own men and is also active in the native work.” Bob Shelton arrived in June, 1952 to head up evangelism permanently. He had won his gos­ pel spurs when Hillis sent him to the Pescadores Islands off the coast of Formosa. He traveled in a Chinese junk and ate poor food to reach all 20 islands, eight of which had never heard the

gospel. Later, he learned that 40 out of 115 families on one island publicly burned theii idols and turned to Christ. Through this the Lord prepared him for Oki­ nawa, one of 58 islands in the Ryukyu chain. Because Japanese is the language of Okinawa, George Bostrom of Japan Navigators headquar­ ters joined Shelton to assist in the follow-up program. Boardman was asked to pray about going to Okinawa to replace Bostrom as follow-up direc­ tor. Boardman, who was in Japan at the time, snapped up the opportunity. He had long had a hankering to return to Okinawa on a spiritual mission. For two months Boardman worked with Wright Norton and Lloyd Killgore in concen­ trated evangelistic efforts, while Shelton was in the States. They held 115 meetings and reached about 10,000 with the gospel. Over 3,000 made decisions and many requested to begin Bible study lessons. Approximately 300 have finished the first set and have gone on to other studies. Boardman and fellow workers spend Monday through Friday in evangelism and follow-up among the Okinawans. On week ends they reach many of the 40,000 American soldiers, sailors and marines stationed on this so-called Island of Sin. Working with chaplains they conduct services in chapels and aboard ships. (Readers concerned about a serviceman on Okinawa may write Orient Crusades, P.O. Box 45, Los Angeles 53, Calif. They will attempt to get in touch with such men.) Hillis and Orient Crusades men feel that they are conserving the fruits of evangelism through the follow-up work. Even as Paul the apostle did, they are returning to every place where they preached the gospel to “ see how they do” (Acts 15:36). Boardman now averages between 40 and 50 classes a month. Three Okinawan girls devote full time to send­ ing out study materials to the converts. Recent reports show 2,115 completed lesson one on sal­ vation. Over 1,300 finished the next lesson and advanced into other studies. Some have enrolled in the Scripture memory course to become better equipped to win their friends to Christ.

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by Phyllis Hapke

APRIL, 1955


C U L T S S Part 7

Seventh-day Adventism

Here graphically illustrated with exact quotations from published material is

what Seventh-day Adventists believe about Jesus Christ, Salvation, Atonement

B y Louis T . Talbot

H aving first applied the test of what they do with the Word o f God to Adventism, we will now make the second test: How do they deal with the Lord Jesus Christ? We have seen from their slavery to the writings of Mrs. White that they dishonor the Word o f God. So they failed the first test, and it is not surprising that they fail in this one as well. What does Adventism do with our Lord Jesus Christ in His deity and His sinless humanity ? In 1916 the Pacific Press Association of Mountain View, Calif., published a book of 794 pages entitled, Bible Read­ ings for the Home Circle, evidently a favorite book of mem­ bers o f the Adventist church. On page 173 of this book appears this question: "How fully did Christ share our common humanity?” And here is the answer: "Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.” Then there is this further note: "In His humanity Christ partook of our sinful, fallen nature. If not, then, He was not made 'like unto His brethren’, was not 'in all points tempted like as we are’, did not overcome as we have to overcome, and is not, therefore, the complete and perfect Saviour man needs and must have to be saved. The idea that Christ was born of an immaculate or sinless mother [Protestants do not claim this for the virgin Mary], inher­ ited no tendencies to sin, and for this reason did not sin, removes Him from the realm of a fallen world, and from the very place where help is needed. On His human side, Christ inherited just what every child of Adam inherits — a sinful, fallen nature. On the divine side, from His very conception He was begotten and born of the Spirit. And this was done to place mankind on vantage-ground, and to demonstrate that in the same way every one who is 'born of the Spirit’ may gain like victories over sin in his own sin­ ful flesh. Thus each one is to overcome as Christ overcame (Rev. 3:21). Without this birth there can be no victory

over temptation, and no salvation from sin (John 3 :3 -7 )” (ital. are mine). A nalyze this terrible statement for a moment. If Christ did not have a sinful nature, then He was not a complete and perfect Saviour. On the human side, He had a sinful nature, exactly like ours, and had the same battle with the flesh that we do. This puts Him on a par with us, and takes away His deity. It is almost unbelievable that a sect that talks so much about the Lord would deal so unjustly with Him. Not one word of this statement is backed up by Scrip­ ture. We read in Hebrews 7:26,27: "For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens; Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacri­ fice, first for his own sins, and then for the people’s: for this he did once, when he offered up himself.” And here are other verses from the Word of God that show the awfulness of the lie that Adventism is here per­ petrating : "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness o f God in him” (2 Cor. 5 :21). ". R the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me” (John 14:30). "And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin” (1 John 3 :5 ). "Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree” (1 Pet. 2 :24 ). This verse indicates clearly that while Christ bore our sins in His body, He did not bear them in His nature. Further, when the angel announced the coming of the Messiah to Mary, note the language as so carefully recorded by Luke, the physician: "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee; therefore also that holy thing which shall be born o f thee shall be called the Son of God” (Luke 1:35). O f course, "that holy thing” referred to His sinless humanity, His holy human nature. We are not born with sinless natures. But He was God. "Let no man say when he is tempted, I



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