King's Business - 1955-04

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A monthly column of names in the news In Los Angeles recently roving spir­ itual ambassadors Louis H. Evans (for the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.) and Louis T. Talbot (for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles) exchanged words of greeting. Evans, who is no stranger to the school, recalls the day when his father, William Evans, was associ­ ate dean. At week’s end Talbot was off again for a speaking tour of the northwest after leaving behind his personal check for $5,000 to help build Biola’s new 21/£-million-dollar campus in near-by La Mirada. In Southern California to escape the cold Michigan winter old-time song writer George Bennard (Old Rug­ ged Cross ) joshed about his age a fortnight ago. Said he: '“ A man on an elevator recently spotted me and said, ‘say, I know you. You’re the man that wrote Rock of Ages.’ I told him the writer of Rock of Ages was Toplady and the date was 200 years ago.” Then Bennard added, “ I won’t be 200 until my next birthday.” Bennard’s appreciative audience was a group of highschool-age boys de­ tained behind barbed wire barricades for various crimes. In response to his invitation over 50% of the boys signed cards for spiritual counselling. In Pasadena another song writer (and noted pianist) was celebrating his 75th birthday last month. Robert Harkness was born in Australia of Scotch Methodist parents. He entered the field of musical evangelism when he began his association with the late Dr. R. A. Torrey and Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman, with whom he made three round-the-world tours. Billy Graham's all-Scotland evange­ listic crusade was looking bigger every day. Said Graham: “ This is by far the greatest crusade we have ever undertaken. It far surpasses any of the plans we had last year in Lon­ don [item: for the London meetings some 2,600 counselors signed up to help; for the Glasgow meetings near­ ly 5,000 signed]. Most of the news­ papers are giving all-out support. In­ sofar as I know, every single church in Scotland is cooperating. The Mod­ erator of the Church of Scotland wrote in a Glasgow newspaper re­ cently that all of Scotland is aflame with expectancy.” As interest in the campaign mounted Graham appealed for believers the world over to pray daily that God would send a genu­ ine spiritual awakening.

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j Rkhard DeHaan

Dr. M. R.


Associate Teacher

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Subject for April:

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APRIL, 1955


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