King's Business - 1955-04


ed ited b y Lucy It. Iledm ond

tion of four members of the society’s staff who have been elected to full secretary­ ship. The first mentioned is Eugene A. Nida, Ph.D. Quote: “ Heading up the translation work of the Bible Society since 1943, is Eugene Nida, one of the foremost linguists in the United States, specializing in the study of the languages and dialects of primitive peoples, for whom no part of the printed Bible has yet appeared. During the past few years Dr. Nida’s work has taken him to more than 50 countries in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa where he has worked with translators on linguistic problems of more than 120 different languages. Dr. Nida is the author of a number of books on lin­ guistics and translation.” The Morrison, Illinois, Chamber of Commerce rewarded the evangelistic en­ thusiasm of the Bible Baptist Church and its pastor, Arthur Houk ’52, with a cash award for their float which was entered in the annual Christmas parade. Sympathies to Esther Gustafson ’48, Box 572, Rt. 6, Austin, Tex., in the death of her father, Ernest Gustafson. Esther has been a missionary in the Kentucky Mountains for the past four years, but had taken leave of absence because of illness in the home. H er closing para­ graph was: “ M y thoughts are in Ken­ tucky for the need is great there, but the Lord had a purpose in changing m y plans to His, which are better.” Ralph 1. Poulson ’54, was ordained to the ministry in the First Baptist Church at Ferndale, Wash. Mrs. Poulson was the former Marjorie Monroe ’52, ’54, of Fern- dale. They plan to go to Indonesia as missionaries as soon as the door is opened. A goodly company gathered at the church to participate as workers and watchers of the. ordination of this young couple as they dedicated their lives to the service of the Lord. Paula Wiebe ’36, director of CEF for Uruguay and Paraguay, Casilla 221, M on­ tevideo, Uruguay, has a heartening story to tell of her evangelistic trip being blessed by the Lord spiritually, materially and financially. M any new contacts were made, new classes opened with many of the children making professions of faith in Christ. Plans are in the making for a big campaign with a gospel team from the LAM of Costa Rica directing. Says Paula; “ The arena seats about 4,000 peo­ ple, and we expect to have it filled.” Minda S. Graff ’36, A IM missionary in Kijabe, but with a furlough spent large­ ly with fam ily and friends in Berkeley, Calif., w ill soon be returning to her field. She relates a story of the death at the hands of the Mau Mau of a man em­ ployed b y the school principal. This is the first attack on mission property, but many souls are in danger— physical dan­ ger and spiritual danger for they are outside of Christ. Pray for Minda as she returns that the Lord shall protect her and also shall give her much fruit.

Fred Whale in Jos, Nigeria, and Grace and Marjorie Linda at 670 W . Lexing­ ton, Glendale 4, Calif., send a strong ap­ peal for prayer for their work in Africa. The Boys’ Brigade was founded 71 years ago in Scotland. Fred’s task is to organize and direct this work with headquarters in Jos. Jos has banks, stores, printing press, garages, hospitals, government of­ fices, schools, etc. The Brigade functions on 70 mission stations the radius of which is roughly estimated at 800 miles. Be­ sides this there are scores of BB com ­ panies at outstations. T ruly a great work has been, and is being, accomplished through this movement. Fred is surely worthy of definite prayer for strength to carry on. Pray that his fam ily w ill soon be able to return to the field. Floyd ’21, and Mrs. Pierson, Rethy, Congo Beige, stress the need of constant prayer-help as the difficulties on their field increase and the laborers are few. “ W e are at it from 4:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., daily with chapel services, schools, medi­ cal ministry to our lepers, building pro­ gram, out-school visitation, native confer­ ences, village meetings— program mechan­ ics of living which consumes time in any land, especially here where the near­ est store is 200 miles away. Pray with us for a real revival— when souls w ill be convicted of sin and seek a Saviour. Our visiting mission doctor was here last week and performed more than 35 opera­ tions in three days.. A ll have recovered.” God be praised for our faithful missionar­ ies burning their lives out in the field of service. W ill we, who have it so easy, fail to pray for them? Flash: News has come that Floyd re­ cently shot four elephants in two months, one of which weighed about four tons. The liver weighed 138 lbs., the heart 48 lbs., and the first joint of one front foot tipped the scale at 75 lbs. The meat fed many of the schoolchildren, workmen, lepers and neighbors within a radius of 10 miles. A Portland paper announces that Her­ bert Tyler, a former student at B iola , who also attended the Western Baptist Theological Seminary, has taken the pas­ torate of the Lincoln Street Baptist Church. Tyler has preached in 47 states, Canada, Alaska and Mexico. He is asso­ ciate editor of Living Faith magazine. R. Celestia Churchill ’ 17, founder of the M ary Martha Home for Girls at 632 Brittania St., Los Angeles, has for 34 years depended upon the Lord from day to day to meet their many needs for guidance, protection and provision! He has never failed yet, and although the Lord has kept the finances balanced each month, sometimes with but a few cents on hand, she has found when special needs arise He knows, He loves, He cares and still provides. Pray for the special need of helpers for the many responsibil­ ities of caring for the M ary Martha fam ­ ily-


,J CIRCLE “Ah Lord God! Behold thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee” (Jer. 32:17). Ruth Charlton-Uhlinger ’42, returning from a tour of the Congo says, . . have met Bible school graduates who have been faithfully carrying on through the years as pastors of churches, evangelists, station and bush schoolteachers. Yes, they’ve sto­ ries of sickness and loss, but always with triumph. The holiday season w ill witness the graduation of 53 persons. Pray that God w ill call a new class to enter Bible school.” Ruth enumerates a number of requests for prayer for specific needs. Lillian C. Curtis, ’ 19, P.G. ’26, origin­ ally destined for the foreign field but de­ tained in Brooklyn as office secretary to the A IM for four years . . . has now at­ tained her heart’s desire, and is minister­ ing as a teacher-missionary to the Negroes of the Deep South. Arthur and Mary Louise Bakker ’40, report a big year for ’54, the work grow ­ ing so rapidly they are unable to keep up with the needs of the evangelistic work and the demands of the Bible In­ stitute students. This is really furlough­ time, but they believe the work of the Lord requires haste now, especially, and so they gladly sacrifice their pleasure for His service. W onderful things have been wrought in answer to prayer, but the needs are still many. Keep on praying and upholding them ; in this way you share in the reaping. Alma Kludt ’46, Morsi, Amravati Dist., M .P., India sends an SOS call for praise that prayer has been answered for the return of Alice and Pat Major and fam ­ ily, for the provision of living quarters for some workers, and for the salvation of two Gondi men. Prayer is asked for the many and varied needs of the work and workers that they may go forward in the strength of the Lord. Dr. Ford L. and Carol Canfield T8 who have been for several years past en­ gaged in making a survey of the work of the China Inland Mission Overseas M is­ sionary Fellowship, with present head­ quarters in Singapore, announce the work there is . in a healthy condition with 67 new workers joining their forces in 1954! Ford has had many opportunities to speak evenings after the work of the day at the office is laid aside. They are scheduled to sail in A pril for the homeland when they w ill again be at home at 237 West School Lane, Philadelphia 44, Pa. The American Bible Society in their latest news release announces the promo­

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