King's Business - 1955-04

Poems For Easter

m w Just what Vve always w an ted . .. \ f i n a n c i a l s e c u r i t y , p l u s a n \ a c t i v e p a r t i n t h e / L o r d ’s w o r k . ” / / )

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“I hey planted a cross on a lonely ZJ hiU And on it they nailed my Lord— For the multiplied sins of a guilty world The gift of His blood was poured. I have been to the cross, and oh, what a change, What a wonderful change for me— Instead of the grave a glimpse of His face Through all of eternity. The way to the cross is a rugged way, It leads up a mountain height— Oh surely they stumble and fall, who dare To journey by faith, not sight? But no! where the pathway is rough and steep The print of His feet I see— My Saviour has traveled this way before And that is enough for me. The way from the cross, what a way it is, All lit with the light divine, It leads through the garden where Jesus woke And gave me His life for mine. I linger long on the way from the cross, In the pasture of God’s good Word; For more than all else to my soul, I count A sight of my risen Lord. I have been to the cross where my Saviour died, And all of my life is made new— In the person of Him I am crucified. I have been to the cross. Have you? aiter by F lorence N ye W b itw e ll Why are there lilies at Easter? Are they the flowers of God? Growing like hope from disaster— Pure, from the dark brown sod! Under their earthly cov’ring, Seeds were their little shrouds! Love and the sunshine hov’ring— Rain from the snowy clouds — 1 Are angels for lilies, from heaven, Rolling the stones away, Out from the earth they are risen, Saying, “H e lives alway!” Used by permission of the Rodeheaver, Hall-Mack Co.

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APRIL/ 1955


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