Be a Better Leader
How Habit Tracking and Daily Resolutions Could Transform Your Life
For leaders at all levels in all types of business, 2020 was a tough year. Those businesses that managed to not only survive but also thrive all have one big factor in common: good leadership. If you want to be a better leader for your team in 2021, here are the latest leadership books you should add to your reading list. ‘FRIDAY FORWARD: INSPIRATION AND MOTIVATION TO END YOUR WEEK STRONGER THAN IT STARTED’ BY ROBERT GLAZER Glazer is an entrepreneur and bestselling author who has taken 52 of the most impactful stories from his inspirational newsletter that goes out to more than 100,000 readers and put them in one convenient book. These stories of struggling entrepreneurs who turned things around can give you the push you need to make an impact in your own circles and end your work weeks stronger than they started. ‘UNLEASHED: THE UNAPOLOGETIC LEADER'S GUIDE TO EMPOWERING EVERYONE AROUND YOU’ BY FRANCES FREI AND ANNE MORRISS Frei is one of the world’s foremost authorities on leadership. In her new book, she’s teamed up with Anne Morriss, a leader in the genomics industry. The book teaches leaders how to empower others. Great leadership takes grit, thick skin, and compassion, and “Unleashed” offers advice from top-performing organizations on how to best achieve all three. ‘PERSONALITY ISN’T PERMANENT: BREAK FREE FROM SELF-LIMITING BELIEFS AND REWRITE YOUR STORY’ BY BENJAMIN HARDY Organizational psychologist Benjamin Hardy makes a fascinating argument for why your current personality isn’t the one that’s most important. His new book pushes readers to consider who they want their future self to be, and his ideas aren’t theoretical — they’re full of proven ways to change your priorities, break habits, and use your environment to make you a better version of yourself. ‘HONEST TO GREATNESS: HOW TODAY'S GREATEST LEADERS USE BRUTAL HONESTY TO ACHIEVE MASSIVE SUCCESS’ BY PETER KOZODOY The turmoil of 2020 has pushed brands to reconsider how they appeal to their customers. Many are walking away from deceitful promises and aiming for radical honesty and authenticity, instead. In his new book, Kozodoy examines how this revolution came to be and why it’s working. His guide teaches leaders how they can embrace these qualities to make their businesses better.
Yearly resolutions are so last year … if they’re your only resolutions, that is.
Having long-term goals isn’t a bad thing, but do you have a daily plan to reach them? The huge boost of motivation in January isn’t always enough to sustain you all year long. That’s why there are major benefits to starting new healthy habits, whether you increase your weekly exercise time, eat healthier foods, or work on getting better or more sleep.
Luckily, sticking with these habits might be as easy as making daily resolutions to complement your yearly goals.
B.J. Fogg, a Stanford University professor and author of “Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything,” notes that tiny habits can make a new habit easy to implement into your daily ritual. For example, taking a short daily walk could lead to an exercise habit, or keeping an apple in your bag every day could encourage healthier snacking. It’s important that you stick with it because habits take a long time to create. One study published by the European Journal of Social Psychology asked people about a simple habit they wanted to form, like drinking water at lunch or taking a walk before dinner. They found that the average amount of time it took before the action became automatic was 66 days! Don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss a day, but know that sticking to a new habit is serious work, so starting small might help you out. Another important aspect of forming new daily habits is rewarding yourself. Bad habits, like smoking, have an inherent reward. However, healthy habits can have rewards, too! Try consuming a bit of dark chocolate after a workout or treating yourself to a fresh beverage or relaxing to a podcast after tackling an important task. Find ways to reward yourself, and you’ll be more likely to stick to your new habit. Certain daily resolutions don’t have to be related to exercise or diet to greatly improve your life. For example, having a gratitude journal might boost your long-term happiness by 10% and improve your blood pressure. Don’t hesitate to improve your quality of life! Just start small, and you’ll be amazed by how far you’ll go.
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