King's Business - 1940-01

10 _ “Peculiar” does not mean odd, queer, strange or eccentric. It does not mean that you have to dress peculiarly, live peculiarly, talk peculiarly, nor have any connection with any subnormal social or mental life. “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” The margin says “a purchased people,” and it literally means, “a people belonging specially to God.” . Because we are these four things, we are such for a purpose, and the purpose is, “ Ye are . . . that ye should show

January, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” The divine interpretation is that we who “are” such a generation, such a priesthood, such a nation, and such a people, should reproduce the attractive­ ness and benefactions of the Lord Jesus Christ in our daily lives. Here is ilife’s new commission. It is the commission of representation—“that ye should show forth the praises [mar­ gin, ‘virtues’1 of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

What nappens when a child with a God-given love for souls is- Understood A Reminiscence by EVELYN McFARLANE McCLUSKY* Richmond, California

I WAS relaxing today and reading your magazine from cover to cover as usual and saw the notice that you wish something about Dr. Torrey . , . and so, here goes a little unre- touched flash. All the churches in our town had de­ cided to erect a tabernacle with a saw­ dust trail and a huge choir space. Dr. Torrey had sent on his “Personal Work­ er Chief,” and the week before the meetings were to begin, this large man was to meet all those who would be Willing to act as “personal workers" during the meetings. My father had made the announcement in our church, and my heart was called. Little did I realize that a child of eight was not desired in this work; so without saying a word to my parents, I arrived at the appointed section of this new building and sat with the two dozen or so adults. There stood that rotund gentleman who was the forerunner of Dr. Torrey. I remember how he an­ nounced, “This m e e t i n g today is for those who will be trained this week to deal with the penitent.” That phrase stuck with me . . . “Deal with the peni­ tent.” As I meditated about that phrase which has remained in - my memory to this day, I observed that the large man glared at me questioningly, and then he said directly, “Little girl, I think you’d better run home.” “But I want to be a personal worker and invite others to the meetings and to accept the Lord Jesus.” “You’re too young, child.”

“Let her stay this time,” begged one of the women. Then I heard about a man who had but one verse of Scripture to use and one part of that verse: “After this the judgment.” The fat leader of thé meet­ ing demonstrated how the person had written it on his cuff and how the cuff had been the means of the laundry man’s being brought to the Lord. I left that meeting determined to use a verse of Scripture on every one in the neighborhood. I knew a great many more than one and thought how sweet it would be to pray about each person and select a verse for every one of them as one selects Christmas presents. Then the Lord laid a certain merchant upon my heart. I began to use the verses on the neighbdrs that afternoon, not waiting for the week of meetings. Therefore, by the time Dr. Torrey arrived, I felt that we were good friends even if I had not seen him. I greeted him ac­ cordingly that first day and said, “I’ve been d o i n g a l l I c o u l d to get a good crowd for us.” He smiled a bit in­ dulgently. That alarmed me because I had been excluded all I cared to be, so I said, “I’m certainly glad YOU’VE come. I wanted to do personal work, but your Man Friday wouldn’t let me attend the meetings for training.” I can well remember the sputter of laughter that came out of the comers of his mouth and eyes as he tried to refrain from a great chuckle. I can re­ member because I felt myself fighting for my rights. “Well, he thinks I’m not old enough to gather treasures on your island! You don’t, do you? My father takes me calling with him sometimes.”

Then Dr. Torrey sat down suddenly and took me in his arms and said very earnestly and sympathetically, “Dear child, if the Lord wants you to be a soul-winner, then you do what HE wishes. Don’t be alarmed by anything any man says.” So a couple of nights later when the certain merchant went down the aisle, I felt that some of my prayers were an­ swered. When he came back down the aisle afterwards and patted my head as he passed, and said, “You may go home now, dear; I’m saved,” I seemed to float on air. Dr. Torrey came to me then and took me in his arms again. We said nothing for a long minute. Then he said something about, “A little child shall lead them . . . and when she carries the Sword of the Spirit . . . every fetter is broken. Praise' His Name.” My hair caught on his vest button, but he seemed not to, know or to assist me. This is the reason I looked up into his eyes. They were very misty.. . . blue-grey and full of thankfulness. I felt that we understood each other. Obtaining the Answer By C hristina J. B raskamp A member of Biola’s World-Wide Prayer Circle, living in Denmark, has sent a striking story of deliverance from a burden of bondage, in answer to prayer, and has added: “While I know that the Lord is aware of each flutter­ ing sigh, it is my experience that, to get what we want, we must get In touch with God. . . . Every single time I have reached the place where I have been ‘In touch with God,' I say it rever­ ently, I have had my answer.”

*International Director, M i r a c l e Book Club.

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