King's Business - 1940-01


January, 1940

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Taught in the WORD

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THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. SECOND SEMESTER OPENS January 29, 1940 Registration Days—-January 24 , 25 , 26 LIFE INVESTMENT . . . the possible you . . . God . . . you and life. “What shall I do with my life?“ is a question involving grave responsibility in the light of time and eternity. Shall I live for self or for God? Is Christ my Lord as well as my Saviour? Am I seeking HIS plan for my life? Hundreds have found the path at Biola on which divine light “ shineth more and more unto the perfect day.“ BIOLA DAY SCHOOL COURSES Three-Year Courses Four-Year Courses General Bible Collegiate (Degree) Christian Education Christian Education (Degree) Music Music Collegiate (Degree) Missionary BIOLA EVENING SCHOOL Attend one, two, or three evenings: Monday, Tuesday, Thurs­ day. Here training is given those who find Biola Day School attendance impossible. Subjects taught: BIOLA SUMMER BIBLE SCHOOL T his course covers six w eeks o f intensive study during the vaca­ tion season. It provides credits on all diploma and degree courses. Plan to attend. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Office of the Registrar: I am interested in the follow in g courses. Please send items checked: ( ) D ay School P ictorial Catalogue ( ) Folder, “W hat Biola Means to Me” ( ) E vening School Prospectus < ) Correspondence School P rospectus • B iblical Introduction • Christian P sych ology • Bible and Sicience • Synthesis III • E nglish I R egistration Fees $2.00 and $5.00 • O rganization and Adm inis­ tration o f Sunday School and D aily V acation B ible School (A ids also those interested in Child E vangelism )

The folder pictured above, " What Biola Means to M e ," will be sent to you upon request.

TO STUDENTS To young men and women desiring to prepare for leadership in any department of Christian service at home or on the mission field, Biola offers adequate courses of study, together with a comprehensive knowledge of the Word of God, with the ability to use it. BIOLA CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL— Start Any Time Nineteen Courses Available in • Fundamental Doctrine • Biblical Geography

• New Testament History • Old Testament History • Bible Chapter Study • Studies in the Gospels • Studies in Acts • Studies in the Epistles • Teacher Training • Personal Christian Work • Prophetic Study • Child Evangelism • Bible Doctrine for Beginners :< ENROLLMENT FEES $1.00 to $5.00

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