T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
January, 1940
song in their own hearts. The following letter was written by a child to one of the workers: “I would be glad to see you again. I will quick write you a little letter. How I think of you all day. I am glad you taught us so much about the Lord Jesus. I wish you would come for two or three weeks again. My heart is wide open that Jesus can come in. I won’t forget that I am Jesus’ little lamb. I am happy all day.” Over two hundred workers each sum mer are on the field, and in addition to doing the work already mentioned, these "heralds of the King” hold evangelistic meetings, visit in homes, and distribute gospel literature, and they carry on this ministry in rural districts beyond the reach of any other evangelical organi zation. The Canadian funday School Mission has a unique opportunity, and unique methods, of giving the gospel to the otherwise unreached, especially the children who are “wax to receive and granite to retain” religious impres sions. For nearly thirteen years the Canadian .Sunday School Mission has been ful filling; this injunction in connection With the otherwise unreached in West ern Canada, with the following: results! • The Word has heen memorized by 84,726 children • The Word has been preached in 16,498 meetings • The Word has been ministered In 58,178 homes • • The Word has been taught in 1,098 summer Bible schools • The Word has been studied by 3,696 in the Bible Correspondence course, and by 3,088 In camps (Statistics for the past year not Included in above) Will you help ns maintain this min istry by your prayers and your gdftsf CANADIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL MISSION, INC. Room 8, 103 Furby Street, Winnipeg, Canada Fundamental • Undenominational Evangelistic Riley-Moore Engraving Co. Cuts for All Purposes • Half Tones • Line Etchings • Electrotypes '• Designs Mail Inquiries Solicited 337 So. Los Angeles St. VAndike 8937 Los Angeles, Calif. C H R I S T I A N Man or woman wanted in territories still open to introduce the outstandingly successful and widely approved program of Bible study. Attracts and interests young and old. Guaranteed income to full time representatives Write briefly stating education, experience, church and age. JOHN RUDIN & COMPANY, INC. Dept. KB, 1018 So. Wabash Aye., Chicago, 111. "He that hath my Word, let him speak my Word faithfully,”—Jer, 23:2Si
A Valentine of Value The letter, on a piece of paper tom from a school exercise book, was crudely written, but how the teacher’s heart re joiced as she read the note that had been passed to her at the Summer Bible School! It read as follows: “I am not a Christian yet, but I guess I will be some day. Thanks for the Bible School lessons. That will help me a lot. I will thank you forever if I will be a Christian.—Sara'.” Some weeks later this teacher re ceived a second letter, this time through the mail: “I want to say that I am a Christian, and I' love the Bible School. I have got a Gospel of John, and I will come to camp next summer If I learn the Bible verses.—Sara.” In the time between the two letters, through the faithful teacher’s words, this little girl had become the child of Eternal Love. And the little lover sought opportuni ties to tell her happy secret. As Febru ary 14 drew near, all her schoolmates could talk of was “valentines . . . val entines.” Sara thought of a way to use the occasion for the Lord. Her val entines should bear His message. She fashioned them from rough card board, drawing a heart that opened like a door, and across the door she wrote these words: “Open these doors and look In.” To follow this invitation was to be confronted with a cardboard wall pasted inside containing this message: “May God bless you if you open your heart for Him to come in.” There was a value in Sara’s valen tine not contained in any others of the many given out in school that day, for it was characterized not by sentimen tality but by salvation. The Summer Bible School which led Sara into a knowledge of God’s love gift was one of over two hundred such schools held by the Canadian Sunday School Mission (103 Furby St., Winni peg, Man., Canada). The empty rural schoolhouse and the school-less child are brought together during the vacation months in two weeks of Biblical instruc tion. If the schoolhouse is not available, a home, a granary, or even a back yard may be utilized. It has been the privilege of the Cana dian, Sunday School Mission fo- over twelve years to bring to the otherwise unreached children of Western Canada the Living Water through the medium of the Bible' Memory Contest, camps, Summer Bible Schools, Sunday-schools and a Bible correspondence course. Through these activities some children have seen God's Book for the first time; others have learned that “Jesus” is not an oath but the name of the Saviour; boys and girls (approximately eight thousand a year) have memorized Bible verses; and numbers and num bers have the music of redemption’s
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