King's Business - 1940-01


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

January, 1940


Richard W. Hightower, ’39, and Helen L. Brundage, ’39, Nov. 26, 1939, Los Angeles, Calif. Don Hillis, !32, and Doris Schluntz, Nov. 28, 1939, Bangalore, Mysore, India. John Dee Shipman and Myrtle I. Mill- drum, Nov. 18, 1939, San Luis Obispo, Calif. Born To Albert Ian and Mrs. Bagley (Thelma Frith, ’29), a son, Albert Ian, Jr., Oct. 11, 1939, Porto Alegre, Brazil, South America. To Henry E. (’32) and Mrs. Hedrick, a daughter, Sharon Lee, June'29, 1939, Los Angeles, Calif. To Oran and Mrs. ^Smith, a son, James William Qlarkson, Sept. 28, 1939, Tacoma, Wash. With the Lord Mary Hastings, who attended Biola in 1920 and 1921, went to be with Christ on November 1, 1939. Her home was at 85 S. Allen Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Clara Wiebe, ’21, of Aberdeen, Idaho, went into the presence of her Saviour on October 9, 1939, after a long illness. Prayers of the Biola family will be valued greatly by the members of the families of these former students.

Bible Institute Ministering the Word ■ RAISING God for His dealing with unbelievers and with Chris­ tians, C. M. and Mrs. Hamre (■Esther M. Lofthus,' ’28), who were married July 2, 1938, are serving at Spooner, Minn., where Mr. Harare is pastor of a Mission Covenant Church. The Lord has led in the forming of a group of young people called “Gospel Lights,’’ an organization enabling the members to become more effective as soul-yrinners. Mrs. Hamre’s sister, Mar­ guerite Lofthus, '28, has been serving in the summer and fall periods in needy fields of Minnesota and North Dakota and in the winter in Fargo, N. Dak., where she and her fellow worker have rejoiced in a rich harvest of souls. Fred and Mrs. Walter (Lyda M. Car­ ter, ’25) wrote in November of their plans to leave Krypton, Ky., for Harrah, Wash., where Mr. Walter had been called to serve as pastor of the Breth­ ren Church. Warren Hall, ’33, and Clarence Har­ per, ’38, were ordained to the gospel ministry at the South Los Angeles Com­ munity Church, Los Angeles, Calif., on October 23, 1939. Charles and Mrs. Thorman (Martha Hadley, ’29) have been serving in the Baptist Church of Clovis, Calif. Mr. Thorman is Moderator of the San Joaquin Valley Baptist Association. Annabel L. Crumly, ’38, is clerk-treas­ urer of the Association. She is also church secretary of the Memorial Bap­ tist Church of Fresno, Calif. Eric (’25) and Mrs. Horn (Syvilla E. Ferron ’25) have had to make difficult adjustments because of the outbreak of war in Europe. Mr. Horn, who was British Secretary of the Sudan Interior Mission, is engaged in military duty, and the little six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Horn has been evacuated to the country, where he is in the care of a Christian family. Mrs. Horn and mem­ bers of the Mission staff are continuing the work of the London headquarters. To avoid the problem of daily travel, the essential office equipment has been moved to Mrs. Horn’s private address, 10, Highfield Hill, Upper Norwood, Lon­ don, S. E. 19, in order that all business may be conducted there. Many other members of the Biola family in various parts of the world are subject to call for war service, and they and their fam­ ilies will need prayer urgently in the coming months. Ransom D. (’35) and Mrs. Marvin (Erma G. Reber, ’37) are living at 2006 E. 87th St., Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Marvin recently was called to be pastor of the Graham Park Baptist Church of Los Angeles. Mr. Marvin serves also as staff artist for THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS.

Alumni Homecoming Friday, January 19

ALUMNI AND FORMER STUDENTS’ BANQUET 6 :30 P. M. ' January 21 to 28 TORREY MEMORIAL BIBLE CONFERENCE J. C. (’24) and Mrs. Kobes, Toadlena, N. Mex., have been serving as mission­ aries to the Navajo Indians. They work under the Christian Reformed Board of Missions. They are responsible for the religious instruction of about three hun­ dred Indian children enrolled in the United States Indian Schools, and for field work with adults and camp In­ dians as opportunity permits. Mr. and Mrs. Kobes have sbf children. Mrs. Bertha E. Kirk, ’22, Hollywood, N. Mex., has been serving in her pres­ ent location for seven years and has been privileged to establish a church called “The Church of the Open Bible.” There had never been any organized church in this community before. Sun­ day-school and regular church service are held, and two missionaries h a v e been trained and sent out from the group. Elizabeth L i ma , ’37, Apartado 63, Merida, Edo.'Merida, Venezuela, S. A., is serving under the Mission Covenant Church board. She has been engaged in tract distribution and selling of New Testaments and Bibles in nearby towns. Miss Lima adds, “Our Friday afternoon children’s Bible class is encouraging. These little ones from five to ten years of age are most anxious to hear the Bible stories, learn their memory verses, and sing their choruses. Their faces just shine with joy as they sing of the Saviour’s love." Lewis G. and Mrs. Randal (Dorothy M. Dailey, ’26). 4210 Midvale, Seattle, Wash., have been serving in the Central Presbyterian Church of which Mr. Ran­ dal is pastor. They have three children, two girls and a baby boy. Evelyn Pyeritz, ’22, Ganado, Ariz., has been serving among the Navajo In­ dians, under the Presbyterian Board of National Missions. She writes of the slowness of the work in this field and requests prayer. Married James Forrester and Melba I. Walsh, ’36, Nov. 10, 1939, Vancouver, B. C., Canada.

Dr. Rodney O. Lilyquist DENTIST

Suite 806 Story Bide* 610 South Broadway

Los Angeles TU cker 4323

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