King's Business - 1940-01


TH E K I N O ’ S B U S I N E S S

January, 1940

in the midst of the e a r t h and gave them charge over every living thing that moved on the earth* T h e m a n and w o m a n were different from other created things, such as the animals, be­ cause G o d s a i d , Himself, that they

He went in and claimed the boat in the window. The man replied that it was now in his possession, and that if the boy wanted the boat, he would have to pay one dollar and twenty-five cents to redeem it. So the boy worked hard for several days, gnd at last had the money to buy it back. He went to the pawn­ broker and gave him the money, and this time Came away with the beloved boat ,again in his possession. As he car­ ried it away with him, he held it close to him, and Said, “Little boat, you are twice mine. In the first place I made you, and in the second place, I redeemed you.”—Sunday School Times. The Body God Gave Me G enesis 1:27-31; 1 C orinthians 6:19, 20 MEMORY VERSE: “Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves” (Psa. 100:3). APPROACH: Long, long years ago, when God was creating this earth, he created man and woman and set them

That is, man knows that he ought to do right, even when he chooses to do wrong. There is nothing like this in the animal world. Even in man as a sinner, these three distinguishing characteris­ tics are still present. Sin has indeed lost for man his original holiness; it has blunted the edge of his original intelli­ gence; it has robbed his personality of its original fullness; but man is still a person, still has a measure of intelli­ gence, and still has a sense of right and wrong. That is the reason James sternly denounces the cursing of men; they “are- made after the similitude of God” (3:9). The perfect Greek tense suggests a past act with present results. Sadly defaced though it is, man still bears the image of God by creation. The law of capital punishment is based squarely on man’s likeness to God: “Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man” (Gen. 9:6). 2. “ In the image of God created he him: male and female created he them” (v. 27). Here we find an absolute equal­ ity between man and 'woman so far as the divine image is concerned. They are both made in the image of God. That is the reason that, wherever the Bible is taught and accepted, it destroys the no­ tion that woman is an inferior being in her essential nature, as held by certain non-Christian religions and philosophies. 3. “Multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it” (v. 28). The original man was given two responsibilities: first, he was to fill the earth with his progeny; and second, he was to subdue the earth. In the latter command we have the divine Magna Charta of all science, for it is the task of science to subdue for man’s use the elements of his physical environment. In the orig­ inal plan of God, for every increase in the population of the earth, there Would have been a corresponding advance in acquiring a mastery over the physical resources placed by God on earth for man’s exploitation. Thus, had it not been for sin, the human race would have had enough for its needs; no mouth would ever have gone hungry, and the dread of economic insecurity would , never have cursed the spirits of men. In God’s original plan, man did not exist for the sake of material things, but these things existed for man. There is a story of a small boy who spent many hours making a toy boat. One day as he played with it, the boat got away from him and was carried down the river and far out of his sight. He grieved much over the loss of his precious boat. One day, however, in the window of a pawn shop in a big city, he saw tiie boat he had made long before. Golden Text Illustration 1 C orinthians 6:20

5 *D i v i s i o n

were created in His own image. LESSON STORY: Now that first msr< and first woman were different from the people of today, for sin has entered the world. You know the story of how Adam and Eve disobeyed God and were driven from the beautiful gar­ den where they lived. And because of their sin, death came into the world, and all o f the people who followed Adam and Eve were bom with sin in their hearts and must die because of it. B u t,, although God had to punish Adam and Eve, He made them a prom-, ise. He promised to send them a Sav-

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