King's Business - 1940-01


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

January, 1940

within the heart and there produce His own love for all mankind. Thus for man’s obedience to the first and second commandments, which include all others, the gospel is required to be accepted and applied. Points and Problems 1. “They sent out unto him their dis­ ciples with the Herodiane” (Matt. 22: 16). These Herodians were more of a Jewish political party than a religious sect, it is true, but in the Jewish nation it was impossible to separate religion and politics. The Herodians were sup­ porters of Herod, and therefore must have advocated submission to the Ro-

gospel which tells of forgiveness for sinners, of the power of the blood of Christ, and of new birth into the family of God through simple faith in Jesus Christ. And along with che first command­ ment, which refers to God, is the sec­ ond which refers to man. “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” (Lev. 19: 18), with thé same intensity wherewith self is respected. The “neighbor,” we know from what our Lord taught, is every other human being upon earth. Here again the law condemns; no one fulfills this demand. And here again is the need for the gospel, the good news that tells how Christ may dwell

These so-called leaders thought the question they uttered would confuse the Lord Jesus (v. 17). If He said "Yes,” the Pharisees would turn the people •against Him; if He said “No,” the Hero- dians would turn the g o v e r n m e n t against Him. But when the trap was sprung, they themselves were caught instead of their intended victim (vss 18-22). Christ perceived their wicked­ ness and named them hypocrites, mere actors or pretenders. The coin bore the image of Caesar and was demanded for payment of taxes. Caesar was an alien ruler, and the current coin proclaimed their subjection to a foreign power. The very fact that they were required to give tribute to Caesar revealed them to be in bondage to a foreign power, and in that bondage because they had turned their backs upon their own rightful King. Many go to the Bible, as these questioners went to Jesus, not to find the truth they know is there, but to entangle its statements. Humiliation to themselves is always the result. Jesus told them to “ render unto Cae­ sar” what belonged to him, and “unto God” what belonged to God. Jesus was teaching submission to the office, not to to the man who happened to occupy the office. We should remember that a Nero was on the throne when Romans 13 was written, and subjection to those in authority was enjoined upon believ­ ers. The “ penny” bore the image of Caesar and was to be rendered unto Caesar; but they bore the image of God and therefore should yield their lives unto God. This they were refusing to do. No man is a truly “good” citizen until he recognizes God’s ownership and yields himself to that ownership. Denial of the obligation to human government is an evil thing, but denial of God’s ownership is a far more serious wrong. n . G ood N eighbors (34-40) The Pharisees came to Jesus again with another question, tempting Him and still hoping to catch Him in His speech. What they asked is the primary question for every man, “Which is the great commandment in the law ?” (vs. 34-36). This question does not refer to the first commandment in the deca­ logue, but concerns which commandment is of first importance or spiritual im­ port. In other words, what does God require? What is man’s first duty to­ ward God ? What is my duty and rela­ tion to God? Our Lord’s answer is the ultimate an­ swer to every man (vs. 37-40). The very first duty of man is to love God, with love that controls and governs the whole being. Who among men can truthfully say, “I do love God in such a -manner and to such an extent as tnat” ? The commandment condemns each man and shows him guilty before God. Hence there is the need for the

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