TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
January, 1940
m INSURANCE m MINES, MacKEIGAN & HILKER PERSHING SQUARE BUILDING L or Angeles, California 448 South Hill St. Phone VA. 7102
the Lord knows just where they are and who is disobeying Him in not using them. m . T h e D ecision of t h e L ord (19-27) First, he dealt fairly with the ser vants (vs. 19-23). His reckoning was according to their own .reports. We should note that His reply is the same to those with five as to those with two talents. These two servants were equally diligent and equally rewarded. This fact is encouraging to those who possess but few talents. It is not the amount but the faithfulness of the serv ice that counts with our Lord. The plea that one does not have many or great gifts is therefore no excuse for unfaith fulness. Second, the Lord disclosed unfaithful ness (vs. 24-27). The excuse of the un faithful servant was his condemnation. "To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin” (Jas. 4:17) It is not true that in giving back the unused talent, the servant was re turning all the Lord owned. The talent, plus interest, was the Lord’s. We have no right to withhold from Him that which is His own. Points and Problems 1. "Into a far country . . . After a long time” (Matt. 25:14, 19). In .these two expressions we have undoubtedly an intimatiort of the length of the interval between the two advents of our Lord. It is to be noticed, however, that even so the period is left purposely vague. Certainly these expressions could not have been used, at any time to prove that Christ would not return in that particular generation. For, “long” as the time was, it all took place within the lifetime and service of the “ser vants” of the lord. The Apostle Paul was not wrong, as the critics assert, when he looked for the Lord to return in his day. Paul had a right to expect Him, just as we today have a right to expect Him. Those who are wrong are the people who say, “My lord delayeth his coming” (Matt. 24:48). The event is always imminent. 2. "Talents” (v. 15). In the applica tion of the parable, it is not correct to refer these to the talents or capabilities of the Lord’s people. Thus we are often told that God will hold us responsible for using the ability He has given to each of us, which of course is true. But this is not the point in the parable, for we are told there that the “talents” were given to every man “according to ■his several ability" (v. 15). Therefore, the talents could hardly be the “ability." The talents probably should be regarded as opportunities and responsibility. Men will not be rewarded for the measure of “ability” they happen to possess, but for the use they make Of divinely given opportunities. And it is/ a striking fea ture of the parable that in rewarding the servants the Lord apparently ren
ders the same reward to the two-talent man as to the five-talent man. We can not be wrong, therefore, in assuming that if the one-talent man had been faithful within the measure of his abil ity and opportunity, he would have re ceived the same reward. 3.. “Thou knowest that I reap where I sowed not” (v. 26). This verse would have been more intelligible to the ordi nary reader if a question mark had been placed at its close. The meaning is: “ If you knew that I am that kind of man, then you should have put my money in the bank. And the fact that you put it in the ground, where it was neither safe nor profitable, proves that you did not believe what you say about m&” This man was not afraid of his lord, but only presumed on his graciousness. The small scullery maid at my board ing house was scouring pots with a vim arid vigor which were bound to bring results, and all the while her face was as shining as her finished work. “Do you like them, Alice ?” I asked. “No, I hate them,” she replied em phatically. “What makes you smile so over them, then?” I asked, curiously. “Because they’re ‘character pots,’ ” the child replied at once. “You see, I used to only half clean them. I often cried over them, but Miss Mary told me as how, if I made them real shiny, they’d help to build my character. And ever since then I’ve tried hard; and oh, it’s been so much easier since I’ve known they were ‘character pots’ !” Everyday life is brimful of disagree able duties. Why not turn them every one into “character pots” ? ^—Christian Endeavor World. Making Good Use of God’s Gifts M a t t h e w 24 a n d 25 MEMORY VERSE: “As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise” (Lk. 6:31). APPROACH: The Lord Jesus knew that soon He should be leaving this earth, and he beg? to prepare His followers for this. They were to have things ready for Him when He should Golden Text Illustration M a t t h e w 25:21
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