King's Business - 1940-01


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

January, 1940

Many people are like this tin when they are asked to give of their posses­ sions, whether it be of time, talents, or money. They make a big fuss. They say they need their money for themselves, or they haven’t the time to waste on others, or they want to use their talents for their own good and gain. How -.sad they will be when they stand before Christ and give a re ’toning! • There is real joy ahead for those Christians who have giving hearts, like this rubber one, for they will stand in the presence of Christ and will hear Him say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”

The story was this: A man who was going traveling called his servants to him. To one he gave five talents of money, to a second, two, and to a third, one. Then he left them and journeyed away. The fir§t servant took his five talents of money and earned five others to go with them. The second took his two talents ^nd earned two more. The third took his, and instead of working hard to earn some more for his master, he saved the one as it was by hiding it in the ground. When the master returned, the first servant gave him the ten talents of money which he now had, the second servant gave the four, and the third had nothing but the one to give. Do you sup­ pose that the master was pleased with the third servant? No, the servant had wasted his time and had done nothing. What are we doing while Jesus is gone? Are we making good use of our time ? Do you know the work that the Lord Jesus has given us to do? The last thing that Jesus told His followers to do was this: “Go . . . into all the world, and preach the gospel.” d o « - vxS'to. OBJECTS: A tin heart and a rubber heart. (The rubber heart can be cut from the inner tube of an automobile tire.) LESSON: These two hearts are like two kinds of Christian givers. They are the same in size and shape, but they are very different. This tin heart looks the brightest, but it is far from being the best, so far as giving is concerned. In thinking of giving, it is well for us to remember that we are only stewards of God’s gifts. In this world, a good steward is very careful to handle the money or goods intrusted to him as the owner desires. We forget that there are many things which God has intrusted to us, besides money. We have health, clear minds, time, and talents. We need to ask ourselves the question, “Are we using these gifts for God and for others, or for ourselves?” This rubber heart gives immediately without a sound. No matter from which direction it is approached, it always gives, cheerfully and silently. Notice how differently the tin heart acts when asked to give. It will not stretch the least little bit. It is not silent about it either, but makes a good deal of noise. (Rattle the tin so it can be heard.) Object Lesson C heerful or T earful

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