King's Business - 1940-01

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T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


January, 1940

NOTES on Christian Endeavor By MARY G. GOODNER

FEBRUARY 4, 1940 W H AT IT MEANS TO “ ENDEAVOR” M a t t h e w 5:14-16 H e b r ew s 6:11, 12 Meditation ¿n the Lesson

ance. But when the sun is away (re­ placed on the diagram by a full moon) the reflected light, comparable to the Christian’s light that is derived solely from Christ, is able to light the world’s darkness. An additional helpful analogy may be drawn from the fact that an eclipse of the moon’s light occurs when the world comes between the sun and the moon which is the light reflector. Similarly, an eclipse of the Christian’s light-reflecting power occurs when the things of this world are allowed to come between him and Jesus the Light of the world.* The moon has no light in itself; It .must merely be In right relation to the sun to reflect light. Thus the Christian’s “endeavoring” is solely a matter of his relation to Christ ’ the Light of the world, for the Christian has absolutely no illuminating power in himself. The Duke of Wellington, after one of the great victories, was approached by the conquered officers who came to de­ liver their swords to him. One of them began to say how proud they were to be able to surrender them to so noble a general as the Duke of Wellington. But the conqueror at once stopped him with the words, Gentlemen, I do not want your flattery; I want your swords!” So Christ spoke to the rich young man who addressed Him as “Good Master” (Mk. 10:17). —H. Pickering. H T r u l y S p i r i t u a l E n d e a v o r Donald Ross, the sturdy Scots evan­ gelist, replied to a friend who was wearied with the sameness of some con­ ference meetings he had attended: “You ask a question, Why is there so little fresh at these conferences? I answer: 1. Lack of consecutive study of the Word of God by the preachers. 2. Lack of god­ liness among them. If they were going on with God, they would be discovering new things every day. 3. Laziness, for we read, ‘The hand of the diligent maketh rich’ ” (Prov. 10:4). —1000 Acts and Facts, by Pickering. Helps for the Leader I T h e F i r s t R e q u i s i t e

It was the plan of the Topics Com­ mittee to devote five meetings (January 7 to February 4) to a study of the Christian Endeavor pledge. Following this plan, young people would diseuss “What It Means to Trust in Christ for Strength,” “What It Means to Strive to Do His Will,” “What It Means to Pray and Read the Bible,” and “What It Means to Sup p o r t My Church.” Today, the final meeting in this series calls for a definition of the important word “Endeavor.” The passage in Matthew begins with the words, “Ye are the light of the world” (Matt. 5:14), spoken to follow­ ers of the Lord Jesus Christ. There may be confusion in the minds of some if it is recalled that a similar statement was made by the Lord Himself, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). “I am the light of the world” ; “ye are the light of the world”—how can these two declarations be reconciled ? A simple blackboard outline may be used effectively to illustrate this para­ dox. A large sphere labeled "The World” is drawn in the lower left-hand comer and in the upper right portion is the sun with its rays, representing the Lord Jesus Christ, the Light of the world, able to give light, heat, life, and guid­

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*Illustration taken from a blackboard lesson given by Dawson Trotman, Nav­ igators' Club.

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