T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
January, 1940
right attitude toward individuals and groups from among the “chosen- peo ple,” the Jewish race, with whom Goo has made irrevocable covenants; for in his acceptance of God’s view of good for Israel, the Gentile believer will himself be blessed (cf. Gen. 27:29; Num. 24:9). The Christian is responsible to take the gospel in obedience to the Great Com mission: “ Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mk. 16:15). For only by the acceptance of the Christ whom that gospel pro claims can true liberty and justice be known.
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Questions lor Discussion 1. Have human strivings apart from Christ’s power any value in God’s sight ? (Isa. 64:6; Rom. 3:10-12, 23). 2. What are the requisites for' serving in the power of the Holy Spirit instead of in “the energy of the flesh” ? (John 15:4, 5; Gal. 5:16, 25). FEBRUARY 11, 1939 “LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL” (Race Relations Sunday) Upon first thought, one might say that obedience to the Golden Rule (Matt. 7:12), If it were exercised in our day, would automatically insure “Liberty and Justice for Ail.” In the discussion of this question, two facts must be kept in mind. First, the Golden Rule has a primary application to the literal kingdom, which will be established when Christ, the King, re turns to rule. The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5 to 7) sets forth the prin ciples that will govern that kingdom These precepts, in the fullness of their application, cannot possibly be prac ticed apart from the personal and uni versal rule of Christ, the righteous King. In that day, there will be uncontested “Liberty and Justice for All.” The second fact to be remembered is that, in addition to the literal applica tion, the passage has a practical and personal meaning for present-lay re lievers. Because the Lord Jesus Christ has done so much for us, and because His love is for “the world” (John 3:16), we Christians are to subordinate our own interests to the glory of God and the good of other individuals. This attitude, while it requires denial of self, a prac tice that is often painful, is possible for the Christian because of the power that Christ imparts. “The love of Christ con- straineth us” (2 Cor. 5:14). See also Romans 9:2, 3; 12:3, 9, 10, and Hebrews 13:1. The second Scripture chosen for our lesson is from Matthew 25, where the Lord’s judgment upon Gentile nations is prophesied. C. I. Scofield points out that “the test in this judgment is the treatment accorded by the nations to those whom Jihrist here calls ‘my breth ren.’ These ‘brethren’ are the Jewish Remnant who will have preached the gospel of the kingdom to all nations during the tribulation.” It is important that Christians today shall have the M a t t h e w 7:12; 25:34-36 Meditation on the Lesson
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